Harini saya nak share ilmu yang saya dapat dari audio Ibu Rose tentang bagaimana nak didik anak supaya bertanggungjawab. Bermula dari sekecil-kecik perkara. Kalau nak anak-anak menjadi anak-anak yang bertanggung-jawab, benda simple macam ni pun kena ambil tahu dan ambil berat.
Biasa tak dengar ada ibu bapa yang salahkan sesuatu benda yang lain sebagai cara pujuk anak menangis ketika terjatuh contohnya:
⁉️❌ "Ha..lantai ni buat anak mama jatuh ye. Babab lantai. Dah dah. Mama da...
Continue ReadingToday I want to share the knowledge that I got from Rose's audio on how to educate children to be responsible. Starting from the smallest things. If you want children to be responsible children, simple things like this need to know and care.
It's normal if you don't hear that there are parents who blame something else as a way to persuade their children to cry when they fall
⁉️❌ ′′ Ha.. this floor makes mama's child fall. Floor babab. Bye. Mama already hit the floor. Poor mama's child. This floor is bad for mama's child to fall."
The long term effects are scary. When we are used to comfort our children in this way it will make our children
😱 Like to blame others for their own faults
😱 He did wrong accusing others
😱 Do wrong, don't know what to do
😱 Those who are angry can get angry again, parents
When we move mistakes to other objects like the floor, we actually teach our children
To not take responsibility that he is wrong and not careful. Oh God, when I hear the fear, waliyazubillah may we all be kept away from this way of educating.
1 ️⃣ No matter the age of the child, when they cry such pain, come to them and find out where the pain is.
2 ️⃣ Read the prayers and use the way Rasulullah teaches when a body member is sick. Put your hands on the sick side. Read bismillah 3 times then read it:
I seek refuge in Allah and His ability from the evil of what I find and beware
I seek refuge in Allah and His power from the bad things that I am feeling and what I am worried about (HR. Muslim).
Blow and rub the sick parts with prayer. Full of weight and love.
3 ️⃣ After that, talk and remind him softly so that he will be more careful next time. ′′ Be careful okay next time ′′
If it's been more than 3 years, you may ask what he learned from falling. But ask softly without making him feel uncertain guilt. Feeling guilty. If we do it until he feels guilty, no good learning happens.
4 ️⃣ Avoid saying ′′ You deserve it, mama has already said it!" ❌
Rose's mother always says, we want to educate children with noble character not only know how to treat children but need to care about small things like this.
′′ Love fell because of running just now and didn't look at the floor there was water spilled? Pain? Meh Ummi read the prayers and blow first. Next time be careful okay. It's okay, strong girl ′′
′′ So that next time it won't happen, what do you want to do? What is the love of learning from that mistake." (This additional question may ask a child who has been 5 years old. ))
🥰 The key is that the child takes responsibility for his mistakes. Because he takes responsibility, then he can change the situation.
You can do it. Xoxo
That's it,
Let's avoid accidentally teaching children to be irresponsible children.
Original link: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3271997106165173&id=100000647467613
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