張媽媽【芒果班戟】 夏季特別多水果很開心! 暑假最好在家裏自己做啲嚟俾小朋友吃或者招呼朋友! 簡單易做,希望你們做些同屋企人分享下喎。記得多啲 LIKE,多啲SUBSCRIBE,多謝大家支持!如喜歡的話,請按SHARE給朋友家人。謝謝。貼堂 hash tag mamacheungcooks 上Facebook 同Instagram啦!
Mama Cheung’s Mango Pancake is perfect for the summer months to make at home as a tasty treat for your family and friends! Hope you will give this a try and share this delicious dessert with your foodie friends! Share your photos and comments to hash tag mamacheungcoooks on Facebook and Instagram! Click SHARE this recipe to your family and friends! SUBSCRIBE & LIKE = support! Thank you!
#張媽媽 #芒果班戟 #mangopancake
4人份量 4 person servings
食材份量 Ingredients
皮嘅材料: Pancake ingredients:
低筋麵粉35克 35g Soft/Plain flour
粟粉10克 10g Corn flour
糖粉20克 20g Icing sugar / fine caster sugar
兩隻大雞蛋(108g) 2 Large eggs (approx 108g)
無鹽牛油5克 5g Unsalted butter
鮮奶120毫升 120ml Whole milk
餡嘅材料: Filling ingredients:
淡奶油250毫升(可以打發) 250ml Whipping cream
糖霜20克 20g Icing sugar
2隻芒果 2 Mangoes
更多推介食譜 Recommended recipes:
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芒果糯米飯 自家製做法 | Mango Sticky Ricehttps://youtu.be/hFq3zlfWNmo
芒果糯米滋 簡單做法 | MUST TRY Mango Mochihttps://youtu.be/XUyVWSgjous
電鍋蛋糕 Rice Cooker Cake https://youtu.be/cNBB6-D3b4g
桂花糕 Osmanthus Jelly https://youtu.be/Z6CSlTfkxmU
椰子雞湯 如何開椰子 Coconut Chicken Soup https://youtu.be/Yiwu7h82GGA
咕嚕肉 Sweet and Sour Pork Recipe https://youtu.be/XH_oYIw-s6k
番茄炒蛋 Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes https://youtu.be/V02eXgzy-fY
椒絲腐乳炒通菜 Stir Fry Water Spinach https://youtu.be/Ut47QODS2bw
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酸菜煮魚 Fish with Pickled Vegetable Hotpot https://youtu.be/RlSDI0ayDhA
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