He was consuming with indignation, real or feigned . 他大發雷霆,不知是真的還是假的。 Discussion afterward consumed another ninety minutes . 緊接著的討論又花去 ...
consume 造句 / 例句. 1. All we need to do to achieve that is produce more, consume less, or both. 为了达到目标,我们需要做的就是多生产,少消费,或者两者均衡 ...
consume verb [T] (DESTROY). If a fire consumes something, it destroys it completely. 同義詞詞典 ...
#4. consume造句简单_consume名词造句_consume有哪几个意思
consume造句 简单最新消息,还有consume名词造句,consume有哪几个意思,consume的用法及搭配等内容,单词지하철[名] 地铁例句:교통이혼잡할때는지하철을이용하는것이 ...
His old car consumed much gasoline. 他的舊汽車耗油很多。 Each year Americans consume a high percentage of the world's energy. 每年美國人都消耗掉世界能源的很 ...
That slope is the marginal propensity toconsume. 搜狗立知 查看更多 · 反馈. consume造句- ...
#7. 用"obvious"造句 | obviously造句 - 訂房優惠報報
造句 與例句手機版[1]Itisobviousthattherearetworequisites.顯然有兩個必要部分。Printingisthemostobviousofdodges.印刷是一種最淺易的設計。
consume造句. He consumed vile gray philippine ropes . 他只抽劣质的灰色菲律宾雪茄。 An electric heater consumes too much electricity .
#9. consume中文,consume是什麼意思,consume發音和翻譯
音標:[ kənsju:m ] 發音:[1]用"consume"造句[2]"consume"怎麼讀[3]"consume"的同義詞[4]"consume" meaning[5] 中文翻譯 手機版[6]vt. 1.消費,消耗,用掉;浪費。
#10. consume动词用法 - 布格伦科技网
本文标签: impact用法及搭配 examine的用法 consumer造句简单 consume的用法及搭配 consume近义词 struggle的用法 consume词组.
#11. consume 消费'的解释、双语例句、在线造句 - 句酷
"As a habit, I used my desire to consume to inspire and motivate my financial genius to invest." 作为一种习惯,我用自己希望消费的欲望来激发并利用我的财务天赋 ...
#12. time-consuming翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
time-consuming中文的意思、翻譯及用法:adj. 耗時的;曠日持久的。英漢詞典提供【time-consuming】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#13. consume 中文 - Kyuos
爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供consume的中文意思,consume的用法讲解,consume的读音,consume的同义词,consume的反义词 ... consume造句,consume例句,consume用法1.
#14. consume造句 - 河智科学网
consume造句. by consume熟词生义 at 2022-01-01 08:37:39. 最佳答案: The process is not a circle but rather a spiral.这个过程不是一个圆周运动而是螺旋上升型 ...
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hao86造句为您提供career造句,用career造句,career造句大全等例句,希望对您有所帮助! ... 下一词:consume造句. back_img. 功能直达.
#16. 消費英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
消費英文造句練習. Consumption is an economic activity. 消費是一種經濟活動。 If we do not consume, will lead to economic development delay.
#17. consume是什么意思 - 英语词典
#18. 言之有物的重要性 - 里茲螞蟻
作業內容是我上課教的「連接詞conjunctions」與「連接副詞adverbial」的造句。 ... Modern people consume huge amounts of junk food, so obesity is a big problem ...
#19. consumes翻译为:消耗( consum - 英语在线翻译- 听力课堂
consumes 的中文意思:消耗( consum,点击查看详细解释:consumes的中文翻译、consumes的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握consumes这个单词。
#20. 用hug造句子 - 帮博知识网
最佳答案: 用一般将来时对hug造句He'll never change, and will hug his cherished beliefs.他不会改变的,他将永守他所抱的信仰。
#21. calorie (【名詞】卡路里)意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
I'm very careful about how many calories I consume a day. 我很注意一天之中消耗的卡路里量。 Some sports burn more calories than others.
#22. 透過句法構築的「交談」情境:《項迪傳》的敘述話語分析
... 包裝在諸多話語的標記文字(discourse marker)以及各種造句技巧裏,透過適當的插入 ... which is willfully created and reverted for the narrator to consume.
#23. 英语六级作文常考话题句型 - 沪江网校
4.消费v. consume ;n. consumption. 造句练习:在人们生活水平大幅提高的今天,更要倡导理性消费。 参考练习:Today while living level are greatly ...
#24. 選擇儀式-晶華酒店自由路徑計畫Ceremony of ... - Team 20
「我消費故我在」以詼諧的造句諷刺後現代消費主義荒謬的消費行為。在現代我們透過消費達到自我炫耀,試圖以物質展現社會階級與自我認同。消費行為似乎成為現代人自我 ...
#25. 中二高华《故乡的思念》词语造句练习 - Quizlet
Start studying 中二高华《故乡的思念》词语造句练习. ... of food are individuals with bulimia nervosa most likely to consume during an episode of binge eating.
#26. 【学术英语高频词汇365】每天五分钟跟我扩词造句266 ...
consume [kənˈsju:m]. 解释:v. 消耗,消费,吃光. 如果某种感觉或者一个想法consumes你,那就意味着它对你的影响非常大,让你不可自拔。 常用短语:.
#27. 消費& resume (v.) 重新開始、繼續、恢復(n.) 履歷 - eru 的英文 ...
Dec 27. 2015 19:06. [混淆] assume (v.) 假定& consume (v.) 消耗、消費& resume (v.) 重新開始、繼續、恢復(n.) 履歷. 609. 創作者介紹.
#28. BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information ..., 3/E Sacks
... better buildings that consume fewer materials and require less time, labor, and capital resources. ... 【國小國語字詞句集合】世一-字詞造句應用100.
#29. plastic 很多的洋娃娃是塑膠製的
To lose weight, my sister consumed lots of water and vegetables for each meal. 11. consume ... 依對話與提示字使用What 或How 開頭來重組造句。
#30. heart造句
heart. 我要把你放在我心裡. ... ➉ heart diease造句。。。 You should not consume any oil if you have heart disease. 如果你患有心臟病,最好就不要攝 ...
#31. 帶高考高頻詞匯成語有哪些與造句
高考高頻詞匯成語大全_帶高考高頻詞匯成語有哪些與造句. 2021-05-10 由成語字典. slide v. ... consume v. 消耗,耗盡. blast n. 爆炸;氣流 vi. 炸,炸掉. dispose vi.
#32. [坐食山空]成語解釋 - 詩詞大全
坐食山空是什麼意思,坐食山空的解釋, 坐食山空成語故事,坐食山空的反義詞近義詞,坐食山空造句,坐食山空的意思,坐食山空的英文翻譯中翻英,坐食山空詳細解釋, ...
#33. 干货|历年四六级作文常见话题-教育频道 - 手机搜狐
消费consume. 造句练习:在人们生活水平大幅提高的今天,更要倡导理性消费。 参考练习:Today while living level are greatly advanced, rational consumption should ...
#34. 用input和output造句 - CSDN
The next line contains an integer N3 (0 <= N3 <= 20) indicating the kind of consume equipment. Each of the next N3 lines contains a string and an integer ...
#35. "體力消耗" 英文翻譯 - 美妙體態瑜珈在你家
消耗" 英文翻譯: consume; use up; expend · "自然體力消耗(體力不及)" 英文 ... 翻譯漢語辭典造句句子翻譯當前位置:綫上翻譯>英語翻譯>體力消耗英文體力消耗英文 ...
#36. 英文測驗題庫彙編04~107-new年 - S-link 電子六法全書
(C)It may reduce the need to perform costly and time-consuming legal ... replenishes and humans consume will probably continue to grow.
#37. 用process造句 - 手机问答网
Some of the most efficient refrigerators consume 70 percent less electricity than traditional models.一些极为节能的冰箱比传统型号耗电减少70% ...
#38. 用empoison造句 - 乐学英语
用empoison造句,empoison例句,关于empoison的英文句子. ... Now , energy souces consume increasing daily and environment empoison being ...
#39. comsume到这里怎么变成了摄入的意思(它不是消耗吗)
People may consume enough calories but their food might not contain enough nutrients.人们可能摄入足够的卡路里,但他们的食物可能没有足够的 ...
#40. offshoot造句 - PP问答网
offshoot造句. by shoot down at 2021-12-28 20:22:12 ... consume造句. 本文标签: shoot down shoot的中文意思 offshoot中文 Offshoot consume造句 shoot搭配 ...
#41. eat是什么意思英语怎么读 - 罗辞问答网
by eat用英语怎么造句 at 2022-01-04 13:57:39. eat是什么意思,eat怎么读 ... past tenseæt, past participleeten) "to consume food, devour, consume," ...
#42. 大學英語四六級作文常考話題大盤點
造句 練習:眾所周知出國留學可以開闊眼界。 ... 造句練習:世界各國的孔子學院是中外文化交流的重要場所。 ... 消費v. consume ; n. consumption 造句 ...
#43. 英语作文_六级英语经济类写作话题 - 沪江英语
◇4. 英语六级写作常考话题经济类:消费v. consume ;n. consumption. 造句练习:在人们生活水平大幅提高的今天,更要倡导理性消费。
#44. Definizione take sb captive/hold sb captive - 凡华网
5 consume, drink, eat, imbibe, ingest, inhale, swallow. 6 accept, adopt, assume, ... turnover · turn out · associate例句; take hold确立造句.
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... 官方微博发布致歉声明称,“就茶颜悦色长沙话主题贵胄杯上'捡篓子'这句长沙俚语的不妥造句给大家带来的糟糕观感,我们在此真诚地给各位朋友道歉。”.
#46. swim造句简单
... where they swim after black-tailed deer, fish snout-first for salmon in shallow creeks, consume seals, and scavenge herring eggs.
#47. 词组和固定搭配_consume词组搭配
consume名词 · supervision的固定搭配; be persume to do ... consume固定短语; consume消费造句; spill词组; 用consume造简单句子 · consume造句 ...
#48. 從新冠肺炎衝擊全球經濟學多益英文| | EnglishOK 中學英閱誌
2. Women who ______ more caffeine might have a higher risk of hypertension. (A) consuming (B) consumption (C) consumes (D) consume. 解析:. 1.
#49. 英语四六级考试作文预测:盘点常考的作文话题 - 腾讯教育
消费v. consume ; n. consumption. 造句练习:在人们生活水平大幅提高的今天,更要倡导理性消费。 参考练习:Today while living level are greatly ...
#50. consumption '的解释、双语例句、在线造句 - 绵丰网
'consumption '的翻译、'consumption '的解释、双语例句、在线造句. 时间: 2021-01-11 00:07:52 | 来源: 绵丰网 ... 用consume造句.
#51. 邊際消費傾向平均消費傾向 - Ydvhig
更多例句: 1 2 用”propensity to consume”造句. 傾向= 消費/ 可支配所得(B)邊際消費傾向大於平均消費傾向(C)0 < 邊際消費傾向< 1 (D)邊際消費傾向的倒數是乘數係數( ) ...
#52. consume doing sth - 无涯财经
onsth与consume(in)doingsth表示花费时间,金钱,精力等做某事相当于spendsthonsth与spendsth(in)d。2018年9月7日 be consumed with sth She was ...
#53. Make加宾语加过去分词造句 - 天狼问答网
Make加宾语加过去分词造句. by 环丙烷有角张力吗 at 2021-12-23 04:37:00 ... consume with. 土巴兔装修问答平台为网友提供各种谁知道国产电动工具什么牌子好?
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consume侧重痛痛快快地吃得一干二净,可用于人和动物。 ... consume有何用法; unaware的用法; consume的例句; 用consume造句 · consume固定短语 ...
#55. consume动词用法 - 985知识网
consume 的用法用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron. The children consumed all the hamburgers. 孩子们把汉堡全部吃完了。 Arguing about details consumed ...
#56. 用shootdown造句并翻译_shoot造句 - 先天星座网
16个地道的英文表达,会让你的口语瞬间提升一万点! · 1shoot造句 · 2shocked造句 · 3shoot at · 4silly造句 · 5appoint造句 · 6guarantee造句 · 7consume造句 · 8possess造句 ...
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明報出版社有限公司Ming Pao Publications Ltd. 香港柴灣嘉業街18號明報工業中心A座15樓15/F, Block A, Ming Pao Industrial Centre, 18 Ka ...
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Hard candies take a long time to consume and are also a bad choice for ... w 請練習用以下單字造句: nightmare dentist consume recommend e 請試著拆解以下句型:.
#59. Time consuming 是
查阅time consuming的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。 time consuming ... "tremendously 用"be time consuming"造句"be time consuming"怎麼讀.
#60. 用shoot造句的很多句子
5、排比句侠以武犯禁shoot,appoint我接到了许多祝贺和肯定。 6、appoint我们嘴馋consume,guarantee苦楝花不会有这般清香。 7 ...
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建筑,建筑物,解释,造句解析 construction of the four -modermizations 四个现代化建设 an ... 弄得心劳神疲 consume away 消耗掉;憔悴;枯萎凋谢 constitutional adj .
#62. 一心想着造句 - 作业九九网
造句 :他一心一意地学英语、数学. ... 用一心一意造句用一种修辞手法,50字左右 ... be consume with the idea of doing sth/mind be occupied with/be completely hook ...
#63. 全国英语等级考试大纲词汇手册: 五级 - 第 60 頁 - Google 圖書結果
consist · 60 · consume 1.交付,托付,托付物 a . ... 整理 3 《语法》结构,造句(公债等) ,整顿 consul [ ' kɔnsəl ] consonants ' kənsənənt ] n .领事 n .
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建筑,建设建筑物 3 《语法〉结构,造句[ kan'strakfan ] consult ./vi . ( with )与...商量,商议请教,找. ... O 顾问会诊医生,专科医生[ kan'saltant ] consume ./i .
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0 建筑,建设建筑物 3 《语法结构,造句[ kən'straksən ] consul . ... 查看(词典) consultant T. O 顾问会诊医生,专科医生[ kan'saltant ] consume ./vi .
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0 建筑,建设建筑物 3 {语法结构,造句[ kən'straksən ] consult 比./ . ( with )与商量,商议 2 请教,找. ... O 顾问会诊医生,专科医生[ kan'saltant ] consume 比./vi .
#67. 大学英语词汇宝典 - 第 39 頁 - Google 圖書結果
[ C ] 1 顾问 2 会诊医师,专科医生 consume / kən'sjum , kən'su : m / constitution ... 进行构思,造(句) : * a sentence 造句; ~ a theory 建立理论 n .
#68. consumption造句简单_welfare造句 - 小烟知识网
consumption造句最新消息,还有consumption造句简单,welfare造句,indulge造句等内容,今天我们要学的词是consumption /kənˈsʌmpʃn/ 【释义】n.
#69. 利用、吸毒、用完…英文怎麼說?秒懂use 中文意思跟用法!
明智地利用時間。 2. to consume 消耗、用完. 例:You used all the butter? 你奶油都用完了嗎 ...
#70. consume的相关短语 - 子光网
consume,devour,eat,ingest,swallow参见eat条。consume,dissipate,fritter,squander,waste ... consume的例句; consume的用法及搭配; consume消费造句 ...
#71. consume是什么意思_托福词汇consume用法例句_读音音标_翻译
APS digestion uses anaerobic bacteria, ones that thrive in the absence of oxygen, to consume, to break down organic material.
#72. 多益必考單字》疫情下航班「大亂」,要用interrupt還是disrupt?
2. Women who ______ more caffeine might have a higher risk of hypertension. (A) consuming (B) consumption (C) consumes (D) consume. 解析:. 1.
#73. 赤字支出-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
The US government, through decades of deficit spending and advocacy of policies that encourage households to consume rather than save, has forced America to ...
#74. Who needs sugar? 我們才不稀罕甜食呢! | 與BBC一起學英語
In the UK, we consume over two million tonnes of sugar every year but often we don't know we're eating it. There have been many health ...
#75. Launch a campaign 释义| 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Dictionary
consume energy or muster the energy? Which version is correct? Features such as electric windows consume energy.Features such as electric windows muster the ...