Hair Coloir Chalk or colour rub "masters pastel"
*noted* you may also use any Soft chalk pastels too
Hi, this is my first hair tutorial- it is all about non-permanent hair colour + wave curl. I hope you enjoy this!
If you are looking for an easy non-permanent way to dye the ends of your hair, hair chalking might just be the thing for you. People have been chalking their hair for a very long time so don't worry about it killing your hair because it won't. This is very fun if you want to try something new out but don't want to go permanent.
Product list
Curling Tong "LE'SASHA"- Spiral
Hair Coloir Chalk or colour rub "masters pastel"
*noted* you may also use any Soft chalk pastels too
Hair Styling "Liese" Super Hard Hair Spray
1. if you have blonde hair,do not wet before chalking, as this will stain the hair.
Brunettes need the water, as this releases more pigment in the chalk and allows it to show on dark hair
2.You do not need to use HAIR chalk ,inexpensive ones can be found at craft stores
3.the color will rub off on your clothes over the course of the day, so wear a color similar to your chosen pastels.
4.Before showering, brush your hair. This will get rid of most of the chalk.
5.Conditioning treatment is a MUST after you wash out your chalk.