
equality theories 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

#2. Theories of Equality: A Critical Analysis - JSTOR
We can divide egalitarian theories into two types: formal and substantive. Formal equality states a formula or policy but includes no specific content.
#3. Theories of Equality and Non-Discrimination | Equal Rights Trust
The Equal Rights Trust five-year strategy in which we espouse our vision for an equal world and how we will work towards this in the years 2018-2022.
#4. Contemporary Theories of Equality: A Critical Review
The main candidates for equalization were material resources, welfare, and opportunities. The first wave of egalitarian thought had liberal ...
#5. Bentham's Theory of Equality - SAGE Journals
Strictly speaking Bentham has two different theories of equality. In one pleasure and pain are taken as the ultimate units of moral life, and the principle ...
#6. Equality Theory: Equality Is Not Always Just | Emory Lawyer
Understanding human vulnerability suggests that equality, as it tends to be used to measure the treatment of individuals or groups, is a limiting aspiration ...
#7. Equality of Opportunity: Theory and Evidence
Building on earlier work by political philosophers, economists have recently sought to define a concept of equity that accommodates the fairness of reward to ...
#8. Equality in Theory and Practice | SpringerLink
This book is an account of the concept of equality from the perspective of both theory and practice, and presents methods of quantifying values.
#9. Equality of opportunity: theory, measurement and policy ...
However, in shifting the assessment of "equality" from the space of final achievements to the space of opportunities, the contemporary theories of justice ...
#10. Theories of Equality | MCS Philosophy Society
On Friday, February 24th, Jenny Huang (BA Indiana, MPhil Oxon) spoke with the Philosophy Society about philosophical theories of equality.
#11. Are the theories of equality of opportunity put forward by ...
Fleurbaey's theory of equal opportunity is compatible with the Chicago school of economics, and it is hardly coincidental that James Heckman ...
#12. Theory of Equality Before the Law | The Economic Journal
由 D Acemoglu 著作 · 2021 · 被引用 24 次 — The notion of equality before the law maintains that laws should apply equally to all citizens: simply put, no one is above the law. This idea— ...
#13. Louis P. Pojman, Equality: A Plethora of Theories - PhilPapers
The dominant contemporary political theory is egalitarianism, yet egalitarians seldom give a clear justification of their position.
#14. (PDF) Research and Theory on Equality and Education
PDF | On Jan 1, 2006, Kathleen Lynch published Research and Theory on Equality and Education | Find, read and cite all the research you need ...
#15. Theories of Gender Equality: Lessons from the Israeli Kibbutz
Kibbutz experience refutes theories that blame the inferior social status of women on material inequality, on private ownership of the means of production, or.
#16. A Feminist Looks at Ronald Dworkin's Theory of Equality
In his third essay on equality(70) Dworkin considers the relationship between equality and liberty.(71) Many liberal political theories consider that liberty ...
#17. Four Theories Tested on Four Different Aspects of Gender ...
Instead, we investigate those societal and political factors that develop this sequence of empowerment, viewing gender equality as a multi-staged process and ...
#18. Justice and Egalitarianism: Formal and Substantive Equality in ...
Amazon.com: Justice and Egalitarianism: Formal and Substantive Equality in Some Recent Theories of Justice (Routledge Library Editions: Political Thought ...
#19. Course - Theories of gender, equality and diversity - KULT3305
Course - Theories of gender, equality and diversity - KULT3305 ... Students will read original texts of established and contemporary theory, ...
#20. Positive Theory and Voice and Equality
Positive Theory and Voice and Equality. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 August 2014. John H. Aldrich. Show author details ...
#21. With Category Theory, Mathematics Escapes From Equality
Two monumental works have led many mathematicians to avoid the equal sign. The process has not always gone smoothly.
#22. Disability Equality: In Theory and Practice | Social Inclusion
Disability Equality: In Theory and Practice | Thematic Issue, Vol 6, No 1 (2018) | Social Inclusion.
#23. Theory of pure equality - Wikipedia
In mathematical logic the theory of pure equality is a first-order theory. It has a signature consisting of only the equality relation symbol, and includes ...
#24. Equality and Inequality: Theory and Practice - 博客來
書名:Equality and Inequality: Theory and Practice,語言:英文,ISBN:0195616618,作者:Beteille, Andre,出版日期:1985/02/01,類別:人文社科.
#25. About Models for Intuitionistic Type Theories and the Notion of ...
The chapter analyzes the notion of definitional equality and its formal counterpart, convertibility, and advocates a change in the current definition of ...
#26. equality theory - 平等理論、均等理論 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
平等理論、均等理論. equality theory. 以equality theory 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 心理學名詞, equality theory, 平等 ...
#27. Equality Enrichments for Order-Sorted Maude Theories
An equality enrichment for an equational theory is a transformation that extends the input theory with equationally-defined equality and inequality ...
#28. Achieving Transformative Results for Gender Equality and ...
Theories of Change for UN Women's Thematic Priorities: ... Impact: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, including women's full enjoyment ...
#29. Equality of Opportunity: Theory and Evidence - EconPapers
By Francisco Ferreira and Vito Peragine; Abstract: Building on earlier work by political philosophers, economists have recently sought to define a concept ...
#30. A Critical Analysis of Theories of Gender Equality in Sport and ...
Inequality, power relations, capital and gender structures are some of the ... important theories of gender equality on sports and the challenges ahead.
#31. feminist theories of (in)equality - HeinOnline
FEMINIST THEORIES OF (IN)EQUALITY. Kathleen A. Lahey*. Introduction. This article attempts to forge a feminist theory of inequality from.
#32. Justice and Egalitarianism: Formal and ... - Routledge
First published in 1991. This study is a critical survey of substantive egalitarian theories of justice, that is to say, various theories containing ...
#33. Animals and Ethics | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Moral equality theories extend equal consideration and moral status to animals by refuting the supposed moral relevance of the aforementioned special properties ...
#34. Equality of Opportunity: Theory and Measurement
Equality of Opportunity: Theory and Measurement by John E. Roemer and Alain Trannoy. Published in volume 54, issue 4, pages 1288-1332 of Journal of Economic ...
#35. Equality: Meaning, Aspects and Theories
3. In the analysis of equality we very often refer to egalitarianism, and in political theory both equality and egalitarianism are profusely used.
#36. Applying relevant ethical theories to equality.
Applying relevant ethical theories to equality ... free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities.
#37. A Theory of Equality Before the Law | NBER
Factors that make the emergence of equality before the law more likely include limits on the extent of coercion, greater marginal returns to ...
#38. Equality: From Theory to Action - John Baker, K. Lynch, Sara ...
How can egalitarian ideals be put into action? This ground-breaking book sets out a new interdisciplinary model for equality studies.
#39. Regarding Equality: Rethinking Contemporary Theories of ...
From these liberal, democratic, and conservative approaches to equality and pluralism, Freeberg builds a theory of responsive regard: reciprocal civility ...
#40. Theories of gender equality: Lessons from the Israeli kibbutz.
Argues that the Israeli kibbutz cannot serve as a test case for theories that blame gender inequality on the family as such, on the exclusivity of infant ...
#41. Social Economy, Gender Equality at Work and the 2030 Agenda
Social Economy, Gender Equality at Work and the 2030 Agenda: Theory and Evidence from Spain ... Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Sustainability ...
#42. Gender Equality. Theory and Practice in Comparative ... - OSCE
Gender Equality. Theory and Practice in Comparative Constitutional Law. Publisher. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ...
#43. Sovereign virtue : the theory and practice of equality / Ronald ...
Sovereign virtue : the theory and practice of equality / Ronald Dworkin.-book.
#44. Equality of Opportunity: Theory and Evidence | IZA
A simple 'canonical model' of equal opportunity is proposed, and used to explore the two fundamental concepts in this (relatively) new theory of social justice: ...
#45. Just Give Me My Equality - Boston Review
Long an important figure in feminist theory and political philosophy, Phillips made her name in the 1990s with The Politics of Presence (1995), ...
#46. Jarzynski Equality for Driven Quantum Field Theories - arXiv
... Jarzynski equality together with the Two-Time Measurement Formalism to their ultimate range of validity -- to quantum field theories.
#47. Gender Equality from Theory to Practice - GWP
Gender Equality from Theory to Practice. Experts and practitioners gathered in Stockholm, Sweden, on 19 June to discuss the results of ...
#48. Equality, pluralism, universality: current concerns in normative ...
tative democracy, equality versus difference—called into question, this ... political theorists to describe what they do as normative theory. The.
#49. Relational equality and the debate ... - Macquarie University
Internalist theories of relational autonomy specify conditions for autonomy that are wholly internal to agents' psychologies. Externalist theories claim ...
#50. A Hegelian Perspective Announcing Amartya Sen
Relying on G.W.F. Hegel's social theory and the post-Hegelian discussion of ... 11As a general norm for social justice theories, formal equality operates as ...
#51. The Coloniality of Queer Theory-Transnational Taiwan's Path ...
... on American scholars' denigration of Taiwanese marriage equality campaigns. I argue that the glocalization of homonormativity theory has ...
#52. Equality checking for dependent type theories - TYPES 2021
Equality checking for dependent type theories. Tanjona. 8 June 2021. Download. Download 66; File Size 280.50 KB; File Count 1; Create Date 8 June 2021 ...
#53. Equality : from theory to action / John Baker ... [et al.]
Dimensions of equality : a framework for theory and action; 3. The centrality of equality : equality and other values; 4. Contexts of egalitarian change ...
#54. Political Theory: Justice and Equality - Group 1
Political Theory: Justice and Equality - Group 1 ... First, we will discuss different theories of political obligation, i.e. theories about the moral basis ...
#55. Better Together: A Model for Women and LGBTQ Equality in ...
Queer Theory and Politics. The origins of the queer movement can be traced to the late eighties, when lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and the ...
#56. Equality as a central concept of nursing ethics - PubMed
Findings: Equality has been studied as a concept and in relation to ethical theories. In nursing ethics, research on equality on theoretical and functional ...
#57. Theories of Equality: A Critical Analysis - ProQuest
Theories of Equality: A Critical Analysis ... Pojman, Louis. Behavior and Philosophy; Cambridge, Mass. Vol. 23, Iss. 2, (Summer 1995): 1. ... You might have access ...
#58. The façade of equality in liberal democratic theory
A crucial device for carrying out this task is the elaboration of a theory of political equality which maintains the economic foundation of ...
#59. "Equality Theory, Marital Rape, and the Promise of the ...
Indeed, a more obvious denial of equal protection is difficult to imagine: the marital rape exemption denies married women protection against violent crime ...
#60. Annex B. Example of a theory of change - OECD iLibrary
Note: The Irish Embassy in Ethiopia uses this equality theory of change framework to work towards transformative change for gender equality.
#61. Definition and Theory of Equality - BrainKart
Equality means, that whatever conditions are guaranteed to us, in the form of rights, shall also in the same measure be guaranteed to others, ...
#62. A Lesson on Critical Race Theory - American Bar Association
Where critical race theorists departed from CLS was in the recognition of how race and racial inequality were reproduced through the law.
#63. How Cities Erode Gender Inequality | Harvard Kennedy School
It centres on Cambodia, where the growth of rural garment factories enables us to test theories that female employment fosters support for gender equality: ...
#64. Equity theory and fair inequality: A neuroeconomic study - PNAS
Important normative theories have argued that income inequalities are inherently unfair (1), whereas other theories, in particular libertarianism and liberal ...
#65. Chapter 9. Rawl's Theory: Justice as Fairness
The main moral motivation for the Difference Principle is similar to that for strict equality: equal respect for persons. Indeed the Difference Principle ...
#66. Equality and Feminist Theories - UK Essays
This discussion will consider two key areas of feminist theory which are; equality of rights and the equality in the law.
#67. equality in nLab
Contents. 1. Idea; 2. Different kinds of equality; 3. In type theory. Definitional equality; Computational equality; Propositional ...
#68. Automatic Theorem Proving with Built-in Theories Including ...
3 CHANG, C.L. Renamable paramodulation for automatic theorem proving with equality. Artif. Intel. 1 (1970), 247-256.Google Scholar Google Scholar ...
#69. Equality: The Recent History of an Idea - UCL Discovery
Pre-Nozickian Theories of Equality. Without doubt John Rawls' A Theory of Justice,2 is the most important work of political philosophy for many decades, ...
#70. Focused on the North Star: Our Investment Theory of Change
What is the north star for the Investment program at the Equality Fund? See our investment theory of change to find out!
#71. 1 Equality: Putting the Theory into Action John Baker ...
Equality : Putting the Theory into Action. John Baker, Kathleen Lynch, Sara Cantillon and Judy Walsh. UCD Equality Studies Centre, UCD School of Social ...
#72. The bent of human resource theory on gender equality
bent of human resource theory on gender equality: examining work conditions for female leaders in U.S. collegiate athletic organizations.
#73. Testing Equality of Opportunity and Mobility Theories
Testing Equality of Opportunity and Mobility. Theories: Foundations, Measurements, Policies. A thesis submitted to the University of Manchester for the ...
#74. Equality beyond Liberal Egalitarianism: Walzer's Contribution ...
It suggests an alternative to the egalitarian theories of John Rawls and other liberal egalitarians. The alternative presented would not give up the commitment ...
#75. Equality outcomes and mainstreaming report 2019 - gov.scot
Provides an update on progress made in promoting equality across ... Annex C: Scottish Government's Theory of Change for diversity and ...
#76. Relational Equality and the Debate Between Externalist and ...
Internalist theories of relational autonomy specify conditions for autonomy that are wholly internal to agents' psychologies.
#77. Equality of Opportunity | World Scientific Series in Economic ...
Kolm's Tax, Tax Credit, and the Flat Tax. Readership: Graduate students and researchers who are interested in social choice theory and public economics.
#78. Equality: From Theory to Action - ResearchOnline
Equality : From Theory to Action. John Baker, Kathleen Lynch, Sara Cantillon, Judy Walsh. Economics. Research output: Book/Report › Book.
#79. Validity Checking for Combinations of Theories with Equality
Validity Checking for Combinations of Theories. with Equality. Clark Barrett, David Dill, and Jeremy Levitt. Computer Systems Laboratory, Stanford ...
#80. Concepts of Inequality - the United Nations
Concerning economic inequality, much of the discussion has ... Historically, development theory was concerned with income.
#81. Toward a Theory of Equality Rights for People with Disabilities
The concept of equality (and of “substantive equality”) has a unique purchase in ... to PWD's needs and substantiate a more inclusive theory of equality rights.
#82. Study finds economic inequality promotes belief in conspiracy ...
... inequality increases susceptibility to belief in conspiracy theories. ... is a key pathway between inequality and conspiracy beliefs.
#83. Jarzynski Equality for Driven Quantum Field Theories - INSPIRE
The fluctuation theorems, and in particular, the Jarzynski equality, are the most important pillars of modern nonequilibrium statistical mechanics.
#84. Theory Combination: Beyond Equality Sharing
For SMT, an equality-sharing decision procedure for a union T of theories is integrated with a propositional satisfiability (SAT) solver, based on the DPLL/CDCL ...
#85. The Equal Society: Essays on Equality in Theory and Practice
Schipper, A. (2016). The Equal Society: Essays on Equality in Theory and Practice. Book review · Hermeneutical Injustice · Epistemic Injustice.
#86. EJ1148714 - Distributive Equality, Relational Equality ... - ERIC
Are scenarios in which disadvantaged students prefer not to attend (certain) universities a concern from the perspective of an egalitarian theory of justice ...
#87. Chapter 2: Catharine A. MacKinnon and equality theory in
Chapter 2: Catharine A. MacKinnon and equality theory ... 310 Handbook of regional growth and development theoriesexpertise, skills and ...
#88. The Business of Us All: In/equality in Theory and Practice
AMERICAN CULTURE STUDIES 4992 ... This course uses a trans-disciplinary approach to discuss in/equality and its interrelated topics of inequality, inequity and ...
#89. Lattices of Theories in Languages without Equality
Lattices of Theories in Languages without Equality. J. B. Nation ... 0; F / is isomorphic to a lattice of implicational theories in a language that may not.
#90. Equality and inequality: theory and practice
Equality and inequality: theory and practice. Personne auteur : Béteille, André. ISBN : 0-19-561436-4. Collation : 302 p., illus. Langue : Anglais.
#91. Equality in Theory: From a Heteronormative to an Inclusive ...
... psychologists to investigate romantic love in a more equal manner than ever before. To orient psychology towards less heteronormative theories of love, ...
#92. Gender equality and smoking: a theory-driven approach to ...
Gender equality and smoking: a theory-driven approach to smoking gender differences in Spain. Loading. Usama Bilal1,2,; Paula Beltrán2,3,; Esteve Fernández4 ...
#93. Deconstructing Equality-versus-Difference
Deconstructing Equality-versus-Difference: Or, the Uses of Poststructuralist Theory for. Feminism. Author(s): Joan W. Scott. Source: Feminist Studies, Vol.
#94. MAN-MKV02 Gender theories and equality policies
Gender theories and equality policies. ... Kruimelpad. Course guide Faculty of Social Sciences › MAN-MKV02 Gender theories and equality policies ...
equality theories 在 The Coloniality of Queer Theory-Transnational Taiwan's Path ... 的推薦與評價
... on American scholars' denigration of Taiwanese marriage equality campaigns. I argue that the glocalization of homonormativity theory has ... ... <看更多>