#1. grandiose delusion - 誇大妄想 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
以grandiose delusion 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 心理學名詞 ... 學術名詞 心理學名詞, 誇大妄想, delusion of grandeur ...
#2. 【精神科護理學】
中文. 1 schizophrenia. [͵skɪzәˋfrinɪә]. 精神分裂症. 2. Schizoaffective Disorder. [skɪzәˋfɛktɪvˋdɪsɔrdɚ]. 分裂型情感疾病. 3. Delusional Disorder. [dɪˋluʒәnә!
自大妄想(grandiose). 患者可能會認為自己是有名的,萬能的,富裕的,或者十分強大的。例如他們或會認為自己是上帝的使者等重要的人物。
#4. grandiose delusions 中文 - 查查在線詞典
grandiose delusions中文 :《英漢醫學詞典》grandiose delusions …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋grandiose delusions的中文翻譯,grandiose delusions的發音,音標, ...
#5. grandiose delusion 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
grandiose : adj. 1. 雄偉的,宏大的,壯觀的。2. 鋪張的,誇大的,浮夸的,自以為是的,沾沾自喜的。adv. delusion: n. 1. 欺騙,迷惑。2. 幻想;【心理學】妄想。3.
#6. 夸大妄想_百度百科
多见于躁狂症、精神分裂症和脑器质性精神障碍。(胡泽卿). 中文名: 夸大妄想; 外文名: delusion of grandeur. 病态信念: 坚信自己是最了不起的; 特 征: 带有夸大色彩 ...
#7. 妄想病(Delusional Disorder) - 小小整理網站Smallcollation
v)自大妄想症(grandiose type)─ 妄想自己具有至高無上的價值、勢力、知識、身份,或者有通靈的能力,又或是與某位大人物有非一般關係。在這種念頭的驅使下,病人會 ...
「他是中文大學的醫科生,會在旁邊觀察學習,你介意的話我可以請他離去。 ... 然而,醫生說他有自大型妄想(Grandiose delusions),我便不是完全認同 ...
#9. 誇大妄想英文- 心理學名詞- 雙語詞彙 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 誇大妄想 delusion of grandeur 【心理學名詞】 誇大妄想 grandiose delusion 【心理學名詞】 誇大妄想性譫妄 macroptic delirium 【醫學名詞】
#10. grandiose delusion的意思- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
grandiose delusion中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:夸大妄想。英漢詞典提供【grandiose delusion】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#11. 簡介:妄想症
妄想症(Delusional disorder) 患者,對某些特定事情,會深信自己的非奇異的、但 ... 自大型(Grandiose type):妄想自己具有至高無上的才能、洞察力、 ...
#12. 10. Psychiatry 精神病學
Delusion. 妄想. Delusion of being controlled. 被控妄想. Delusion of grandeur / grandiose delusion. 誇大妄想 ... Delusion of nihilism / Nihilistic delusion.
#13. 二口論妄想之路學定義與人文關懷
重要臨床症狀,除了是精神分裂症(Schizophrenic Disorder 與妄想症(Delusional ... (Delusion ofbeing controlled)、誇大妄想(Grandiose delusion)、身體妄想(Somatic ...
#14. 翻译'grandiose delusions' – 字典中文-英文
检查“ grandiose delusions”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中grandiose delusions的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#15. 【科和隨筆】《幻愛》大熱後的迷思甚麼是精神分裂及思覺失調 ...
Schizophrenia,或許有人將之稱為「精神分裂症」,但現時醫學上的中文翻譯已正 ... 的巨大威力,例如覺得自己可以召喚外星人(grandiose delusion)。
#16. 常見診斷及縮寫A B
中文. 英文縮寫. 英文全文. 思覺失調症 schizophrenia. 雙極性情感障礙 ... 情感障礙 affective disturbance. 自閉 autistic. 矛盾情感 ambivalence. 妄想 delusion ...
#17. delusion of grandeur,grandiose delusion中文翻译 - 我比你强 ...
delusion of grandeur,grandiose delusion中文意思是夸大妄想.
#18. Self-delusion 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
...the grandiose self-delusion of the addict. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. 查看 ...
#19. 公務員事務局- 搜尋政府部門常用辭彙
英文, grandiose delusion. 中文, 浮誇妄想. 類別, 醫療衞生. 英文, Grandmaster Orchestral Music Society. 中文, 藝韻管弦樂協會 ... 中文, 花崗岩;花崗石.
#20. GRANDIOSE在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译
The content of thought may proceed to grandiose delusion formation, but this does not occur in everyone. 来自Cambridge English Corpus.
#21. 精神分裂症之症狀學:疾病分類與文化的關連性
Gustatory hallucination. Delusions. Persecutory delusion. Harmful surrounding. Being followed. Being investigated. Grandiose thinking. Being talked about.
#22. "erotomanic delusion disorder" 中文翻譯 | 健康跟著走
erotomanic delusion中文- erotomanicdelusiondisorder中文色情狂妄想障礙…, ... 自大型妄想,英語: Grandiose delusions,是妄想症的一個分類,在各類精神疾病的患者 ...
#23. 「somatic delusion中文」懶人包資訊整理 (5) | 蘋果健康咬一口
並且中文流暢,歡迎您積極參與校對與修訂,原文在en:Delusionaldisorder。 ... (Delusion of being controlled)、誇大妄想(Grandiose delusion)、身體妄想(Somatic ...
#24. 「somatic delusion中文」懶人包資訊整理 (1) | 蘋果健康咬一口
並且中文流暢,歡迎您積極參與校對與修訂,原文在en:Delusionaldisorder。 ... (Delusion of being controlled)、誇大妄想(Grandiose delusion)、身體妄想(Somatic ...
#25. grandiose delusion — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“grandiose delusion” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。 ... and grandiose delusions and a grounded theory exploration of grandiose ...
#26. 自我欺骗-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
the grandiose self-delusion of the addict. 因为他们是自我欺骗的,某些情况下,他们或许受到引领他们的人的欺骗。 For they are self-deceived, and in some cases, ...
#27. grandiose delusion - Chinese Translation - 吕氏英汉字典
grandiose delusion. "grandiose delusion" Chinese translation ("grandiose delusion" in Chinese, "grandiose delusion" 中文翻译, "grandiose delusion"发音): ...
#28. 身處真人show的錯覺——楚門綜合症 - 關鍵評論網
標籤: hkop, The Truman Show, 楚門的世界, The Truman Show Delusion, ... Delusion)和自大妄想(Grandiose delusions)的另一種呈現形式。
#29. 思覺失調症: 你應該知道的事實(第4版) | 誠品線上
產品目錄各界好評中文版推薦序前言作者序【第一章】什麼是思覺失調症? ... 有誇大妄想(grandiose delusions)的人,把自己的才能和成就誇大到不切實際甚而離譜的地步 ...
#30. definition of Grandiose delusion by The Free Dictionary
megalomania. (redirected from Grandiose delusion) Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia. Related to Grandiose delusion: delusional disorder ...
#31. Delusions | healthdirect
There are several different types of delusion: Grandiose delusions: the person believes they are very talented, rich or influential; Paranoid delusions: the ...
#32. What's the Difference Between a Delusion and a Hallucination?
Both hallucinations and delusions are characteristic symptoms of psychosis and ... A grandiose delusion is any belief relating to having special powers, ...
#33. 神經精神疾病診斷學/思維觀念障礙 - A+醫學百科
妄想(delusion):是一種患者個人所獨有、與患者自己有切身關係,且與事實不符的病理 ... (4)誇大妄想(grandiose or expansive delusion):指自我誇耀和自視過高的 ...
#34. Psychiatry Newsletter - Grand delusions— anything but grand
People with schizophrenia (SZ) also have grandiose delusions, right? Yes, but studies show us they're more common in bipolar mania.
#35. Delusional Disorder DSM 5 - Symptom Media
A person with referential delusions may appear very paranoid, such as if they hear people laughing, they assume people are laughing at them. grandiose ...
#36. Delusional Disorder - DynaMed
Description · delusions are typically nonbizarre and can be classified as persecutory, jealous, somatic, grandiose, erotomanic, or a mixture of these ...
#37. The Cult of We: WeWork, Adam Neumann, and the Great ...
書名:The Cult of We: WeWork, Adam Neumann, and the Great Startup Delusion,語言:英文,ISBN:9780593239759,頁數:464,出版社:Random House,作者:Eliot ...
#38. Treatments for delusional disorder | Cochrane
Delusional disorder is a mental illness in which long-standing delusions (strange beliefs) are the only or dominant symptom.
#39. delusion - 从英语翻译成中文| PONS - 词典
As delusional patients sometimes believe themselves to be an important or grandiose figure (see delusion), he was a notable object of such delusions.
#40. 被害妄想症英文 - 台灣公司行號
中文. 1 schizophrenia. [͵skɪzәˋfrinɪә]. 精神分裂症. 2 ... 分裂型情感疾病. 3. Delusional Disorder. [dɪˋluʒәnә! ˋdɪsɔrdɚ ]. 妄想症. 4 ... 被害妄想. 33 grandiose ...
#41. persecutory delusion中文 - Todding
“persecutory delusion disorder”中文翻譯迫害妄想障礙“persecutory anxiety”中文 ... 自大妄想(grandiose) 患者可能會認為自己是有名的,萬能的,富裕的,或者十分 ...
#42. 思覺失調症(schizophrenia) - Environmental Toxicology-LSD
9、自大妄想(grandiose delusions):病人毫無客觀根據的誇張或相信自己具有常人所不能(或超出現實)的能力。在躁病最常出現,精神分裂症亦可發現。 額外補充資料:身體 ...
#43. Delusions Types, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment - Medindia
These beliefs may be negative like pointing and blaming or can have a grandiose quality. Delusion of Mind Being Read. This kind of delusion is ...
#44. Understanding Delusional Disorders - Fairview
Paranoid delusions. People with this delusion believe that other people want to harm them. · Somatic delusions. These delusions affect the senses. · Grandiose ...
#45. Defensive function of persecutory delusion and discrepancy ...
Conclusion: These results suggest that persecutory delusion plays a defensive ... Grandiose delusion was found in very few participants.
#46. Gangguan Grandiose Delusion pada Penderita Skizofrenia ...
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui segala aspek gambaran penderita skizofrenia paranoid yang memiliki waham kebesaran (Grandiose Delusion), ...
#47. 宏大的妄想
宏大的妄想(GD),也称为夸大妄想或者妄想是妄想症的一种亚型,发生在患有多种精神疾病的患者中,其中包括三分之二的躁郁症躁狂症患者,一半的精神分裂症患者,妄想症 ...
#48. GRANDIOSE DELUSIONS in Spanish Translation - TR-Ex
Translations in context of "GRANDIOSE DELUSIONS" in english-spanish. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "GRANDIOSE DELUSIONS" ...
#49. Delusional Disorder - Mental Health Disorders - MSD Manuals
Behavior related to the delusion may be against the law. Grandiose: People are convinced that they have some great talent or have made some important discovery.
#50. Schizotypal personality disorder - Symptoms and causes
Those with schizophrenia generally can't be swayed away from their delusions. Despite the differences, people with schizotypal personality ...
#51. Psychotic disorder - Tiny Notes
Psychotic disorder的典型表現(1) 妄想delusion 定義:堅定不移的錯誤信念、儘管拿事實證據去 ... 自大妄想(Grandiose):覺得自己很偉大、無所不能 ...
#52. delusion - Sesli Sözlük
delusion çevirisi anlamı nedir nasıl telaffuz ediliz. ... a false idea about yourself or the situation you are in. the grandiose self-delusion of the addict ...
#53. Nigel Wright - Chief Executive Officer - Grand Delusions Media
Entrepreneur in Media and Entertainment Focus on Mastering Media and Artificial Intelligence Nigel Wright is the Co-Founder, CEO of Grandiose Delusions ...
#54. 英语-汉语delusive翻译
As delusional patients sometimes believe themselves to be an important or grandiose figure (see delusion), he was a notable object of such delusions.
#55. grandiose - 读音、用法- DictABC.COM
❷⓿❷❶ 】grandiose是什么意思、grandiose发音和在线翻译,grandiose怎么读,grandiose中文意思、读音、用法、例句、含义...
#56. [書籍分享] 思覺失調個案剖析
誇大型妄想(Grandiose delusion) 被害型妄想(Persecutory delusion) ... 每個中文的專業名詞背後均付註英文名稱,方便讀者再閱讀其他英文刊物時有所 ...
#57. 迫害妄想英文,delusion of persecution中文,心理學名詞
被害妄想英文,你想知道的解答。迫害妄想英文怎麼說,迫害妄想中文是什麼意思?...中文詞彙,英文翻譯,出處/學術領域.迫害妄想,delusiono...| 生病了怎麼辦.
#58. La psicopatologia del delirio de control segun la ... - Gale
* Persecutory delusion: intense fear and distrust of an imminent danger coming from other subjects. * Grandiose delusion: huge self-confidence and self-reliance ...
#59. 【英語世界】自命不凡源於精神病- 香港文匯報
有些時候會聽到這樣形容一個人:He has delusions of grandeur. 究竟是什麼意思?什麼是delusions of grandeur? Delusion錯覺. 先說delusion。
#60. 樹人醫護管理專科學校資訊管理科實務專題成果報告書
出現英文單字中文 ... grandiose delusion. 誇大妄想. 33. reference delusion. 關係妄想. 34. delusional of being control. 被控制妄想.
#61. MIYAZONO Kengo
On the one hand, delusional beliefs such as paranoia delusion (e.g. “My co-workers are trying to prevent me from being promoted.”) or grandiose delusion ...
#62. 探索大腦的會談地圖- 《新英格蘭醫學期刊》(The New England ...
晚期神經性梅毒的「麻痺性癡呆」(general paresis)是一額顳葉的失智症(frontotemporal dementia),有鮮明的誇大妄想(grandiose delusions,過去也有文獻用flamboyant ...
#63. What Kanye West's presidential bid tells us about living ... - ABC
Bipolar disorder involves episodes of mania, characterised by highly elated mood, energy and hyposomnia, and can be accompanied by delusions ...
#64. Delusional Disorder | 醫學快紀
妄想症妄想,但內容比較不怪異。 與精神分裂症比起來較少幻聽,情緒較穩定,發病年齡較晚remarkably systematized non-bizarre delusion 至少一個月沒有符合精神分裂症 ...
#65. What Are Delusions of Persecution? - WebMD
Delusions of persecution is a type of serious mental illness called delusional ... Another type is grandiose delusions, where you have an ...
#66. 心理學名詞(第二版) - 第 177 頁 - Google 圖書結果
英文中文 grand mean centering 總平均數置中、總平減 grand narrative 整體敘事 grandiose delusion 誇大妄想 grandmal 大發作 grandmother cell 祖母細胞 granule ...
#67. Persecutory Delusions: Examples, Causes, Diagnosis, and ...
People may have grandiose delusions. This means they believe they're invincible or have special powers or talents. In bipolar disorder, delusions of ...
#68. Prevalence and description of psychotic features in bipolar ...
More than half of patients with bipolar disorder will experience psychotic symptoms in their lifetime. Grandiose delusions are the most common type of psychotic ...
grandiose delusion中文 在 探索大腦的會談地圖- 《新英格蘭醫學期刊》(The New England ... 的推薦與評價
晚期神經性梅毒的「麻痺性癡呆」(general paresis)是一額顳葉的失智症(frontotemporal dementia),有鮮明的誇大妄想(grandiose delusions,過去也有文獻用flamboyant ... ... <看更多>