#1. 第一句話都是寫"I hope this email finds you well ... - 英語之家
A:“I hope this email finds you well.” 這句話是書信的問候語或祝福語,它的字面意思是「我希望您收到此email 時身體健康」,相當於我們常見或常用的「 ...
#2. 第一句話都是寫"I hope this email finds you well."。這句話是 ...
A:“I hope this email finds you well.” 這句話是書信的問候語或祝福語,它的字面意思是「我希望您收到此email 時身體健康」,相當於我們常見或常用的「 ...
#3. 第963期:一句外企email 中常用的话- I hope this (email) finds ...
每日一词第963期:一句外企email 中常用的话- I hope this (email) finds you well 佛老扯英文Hope this finds you well.
#4. Email 開場白的學問
1. I hope this email finds you well. ... 希望你收到電郵時一切安好。 呢句可以話係超級常見嘅問候語,意思大致上同「你好」冇分別。亦可以有希望你安好, ...
#5. 【還原基本步】商業電郵急救句!必學9句片語點出主題 - ETNet
II.商用信件問候語. ○ I hope this letter finds you well. 謹以此郵件向您致以問候。 ○ It was my pleasure to help you. 幫助你是我的榮幸。
#6. 大家來圍觀,怎麼熟練運用這幾句英語,和老外熟練對話!
I hope this email finds you well.(用於開頭。) Any response will be appreciated.(用於結尾,通常正文是找對方詢問事情。) Please feel free to ...
#7. 爲啥老外寫信的首句總是hope this letter finds you well?
「I hope this letter/email finds you well.」 這句話是老外寫信或email時的常用開篇問候語,它的字面意思是:. 我希望您收到此email時一切都好!
#8. 英文邮件里「hope this email finds you well」翻译过来 ... - 知乎
It means, "when you receive this email, I hope you are in a state of good health and things are going well for you." It doesn't mean "I hope this email ...
#9. i hope this email finds you well 意思 - TRSL
“I hope this letter/email finds you well.” 這句話是老外寫信或email時的常用開篇問候語,它的字面意思是: 我希望您收到此email時一切都好!
#10. "hope this email finds you well "是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國 ...
hope this email finds you well 的意思It can mean that they wish the email finds you at a good time or that they hope you are well (no ...
#11. Hope this email finds you well!这句话翻译成 ... - 雨露学习互助
寒暄语直白一点,希望这封信发现你还好。 就是见信安好的意思。 1年前. 1. xiaoyun12 幼苗. 共 ...
#12. Hope this email finds you well!这句话翻译成中文 - 百度知道
寒暄语直白一点,希望这封信发现你还好。 就是见信安好的意思。 已赞过 已踩过<.
#13. 7分钟拯救你尴尬到爆的英文E-mail,这才是伊妹儿的打开方式!
Hope you're well/Hope you are doing well. □ I hope this message finds you well. 美国人的开头总是hope来hope去的,除了希望还特别爱谢谢人 ...
#14. [英文] 信件還在用How are you打招呼嗎? 換個新花樣吧
早安/午安; How are you? 你好嗎? Hope this email finds you well. ... 希望你度過了一個美好的週末; I hope you're doing well. 希望你一切進行順利 ...
#15. 寫英文電子信件愛注意!會惹怒老闆的email「雷」字句有這些
希望你收到信時一切安好(Hope this email finds you well) ... 正確的用法應該是“with regard to”,“regard”後面不加s喔。
#16. “I hope this email finds you well”,这个说法正确吗?(以及 ...
在学习英文的过程中,不知大家是否有过这样的感受:英语中有一些说法比较反直觉(比如Will的美语课在前面介绍过的“all is well”)。
#17. 【辦公室英語】Email 裡可以用的打招呼用語 - 短文摘
你好嗎? Hope this email finds you well 希望這封電子郵件對您有幫助. I hope you enjoyed your weekend
#18. Ihopethisletterfindsyouwell - 布格伦科技网
I hope this letter/email finds you well.” 这句话是老外写信或email时的常用开篇问候语,它的字面意思是:我希望您收到此email时一切都好!
#19. 職場英語: 專業email信件好用句(上)|EF ENGLISH LIVE ...
I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to inform you that we have not received the merchandise we ordered on April 2nd, almost three months ago.
#20. 如何寫英文Email?一次搞懂英文信件架構、開頭、結尾!
我是英文庫的Columbus,在職場上,商用英文email 是絕對少不了的,但你是不是常常寫沒 ... I hope you're having a great day. ... I hope this email finds you well.
#21. hope you are doing well 意思 - Matteffer
Admit to this, but at the same time, send a wish that you hope that they are managing the stress appropriately. I hope this email finds you well.
#22. i hope this email finds you well 意思 - Lvxmk
沒有特別的意思。) 首頁會員發現等你來答登錄加入知乎英文寫作電子郵件英語表達I hope this email finds you well是什么意思? 關注者2 被瀏覽1,比如All is
#23. I hope this letter/email finds you well是什么意思 - 聚培教育网
I hope this letter/email finds you well. 这句话是外国人寄信或email时的常见开场问侯,它的字面意思是:希望您接到此email时.
#24. How to write the best email opening lines - Studio Classroom
How to write the best email opening lines. 【好想講英文】寫mail用對句子讓人覺得更貼心. I hope this email finds you well. 這句怎麼翻譯呢? 直接跳轉看答案.
#25. I hope my email finds you well. - 英语_读音 - 海词词典
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供I hope my email finds you well.的在线翻译,I hope my email finds you well.是什么意思,I hope my email finds you well.
#26. 英文邮件写作技巧 - 豆瓣
类似的同义词,如果用的时候不确定用法是否有区别,随时查字典即可。 4/两个投诉句式 ... I hope this email finds you doing well.
#27. 英文邮件里「hope this email finds you well」翻译过来 ... - 北庭网
英文邮件里「hope this email finds you well」翻译过来确切意思是什么? ... I hope you are in a state of good health and things are going well ...
#28. 初階英文:如何用英文寫Email給朋友、同事和剛認識的人?
為了讓你的訊息清楚的表達而不冒犯任何人,你要知道如何使用英文寫email。 ... “I hope this email finds you well.” — 這句話和上一句很類似,但比較正式。
#29. i hope this email finds you well as well - QFOF
是否可以說明find 在此的用法? 12/8/2008 · Anonymous what does it mean by “Hope this email finds you well”? It is commonly used as the email opening sentence.
#30. 英文邮件里「hope this email finds you well」翻译过来确切 ...
It means, "when you receive this email, I hope you are in a state of good health and things are going well for you.".
#31. hope you 用法
“I hope this email finds you well.” We know that this phrase only differs by one word, but it somehow sounds a bit more formal than “I hope this finds you ...
#32. hope this email finds you well 意思 - DJGH
Q:一位外國朋友每次寫email 給我,第一句話都是寫“I hope this email finds you well.”。這句話是什麼意思?是否可以說明find 在此的用法? Hope this email finds you ...
#33. 商英Email好用句[一], blog, 貝塔語言出版Betamedia
商英Email好用句[一],【表達祝願】,betamedia ,專業出版多益TOEIC ... I hope you had a nice weekend. ... I hope this email finds you well.
#34. BAI YU 白玉- #商用英文email #實用技巧如何寫出架構清晰的 ...
2. ➡️ I hope this mail finds you well! 3. ➡️ Thank you so much for visiting our booth, it was such a pleasure to meet you in the event.
#35. 英文翻译中文,怎么说?-青云在线翻译网
Hope this email finds you well. 5个回答. 希望这封电子邮件发现你。 2013-05-23 12:21: ...
#36. 職場必備:快用這些神句拯救你的英文郵件吧 - 壹讀
Thank you forreaching out to us regarding … ... 因為不是很正式,Sincerely是最保守安全的用法! ... I hope thismessage finds you well.
#37. [商用英語101] 如何寫出架構清晰的英文e-mail? (附句型模板)
商用英文email #實用技巧架構清晰的英文e-mail可以減少溝通的誤解並建立好人緣… ... I hope this mail finds you well! 3. ➡️ Thank you so much ...
#38. hope this email finds you well 中文 - 可樂小說網
《hope this email finds you well 中文》作者:Explorer, Every person has a dream in her or his life. But not everyone can achieve that dream.
#39. Hope this email finds you well!这句话翻译成中文,比较贴切的 ...
这句话的最简短的中文翻译就是:见信好!(类似于文言文的“如晤、见字如面”)。 其实你稍一分析就发现这里find是“拟人”用法,把email当人来看待,类似地, ...
#40. 探索的免費文章於ZINIO
I Hope This Email Finds You Well. By Tim Herrera ... 在疫情蔓延世界的特殊時期,不想太過嚴肅,又害怕過度樂觀,要讓語調和用法自然尤其困難。
#41. Set-phrases for emails 10,Quentin寫作報,Blog - 登峰美語
In emails 'hope' can be used for opening and closing. ... I hope this email finds you well. I hope this helps. I hope this is clear.
#42. 电子邮件Email书写_半夏微凉的博客
1.常用开头问候语Hope all is well.I hope this email finds you well.参考资源[1] TBoss英语–抖音[2] 英语邮件常用句+英语100句常用语.
#43. 美国哪些英语用法是普通中国学生最生疏的?(二) - 手机搜狐网
-I hope this email finds you well.用于开头。 -Any response will be appreciated.用于结尾,通常正文是找对方询问事情。 -Please ...
#44. I hope this email finds you well这句话可以用到高考作文里吗
I hope this letter can finds you welln这句话应该放在书信作文开头还是结尾?? 这句话应该是用来问好的,放开头,其实是个拟人的用法,大概意思是 ...
#45. 「正在找工作」不能翻成finding a new job!英文find的用法
剛辭了工作,James正在找下一個工作,他告訴朋友:"I am finding a ... 收過老外的email,對這個句子也許熟悉:"I hope this email finds you well.
#46. hope this email finds you well回覆 - 22tandm
hope this email finds you well 用法 – FBGZo. hope this emails finds you well, İngilizce – Türkçe Sözlük Çevirisini öğrenin, Ek olarak hope this emails finds ...
#47. hope this email finds you well 意思“I - Ysctow
“I hope this email finds you well”,這個說法正確嗎?( … 在學習英文的過程中,不知大家是否有過這樣的感受:英語中有一些說法比較反直覺(比如Will的美語課在前面 ...
#48. 公務實用英語(基礎篇)-公務書信《解答》 - 永無止盡的學習路
v, I hope this email finds you well. I hope this card finds ... Q, 「目的」係敘明寫信用意,如提出邀請、資訊告知、洽詢業務等,何者非正確用法?
#49. sth. finds you well | English to Chinese | Other -
English term or phrase: sth. finds you well. Context: I hope this email finds you well. 不清楚”Find" 在这里的意思是什么,有人解释为“给.
#50. 在外商公司,英文書信往來就靠這一帖- 暘氏手札
以上兩者皆非正確用法,與國外信件往來應盡量避免使用。 ... Hope this email finds you well. ... Thank you for your email about/regarding…
#51. [解答]公務實用英語(基礎篇)-公務書信 - 鹿先生的公務員終身 ...
I hope this email finds you well. ... 「目的」係敘明寫信用意,如提出邀請、資訊告知、洽詢業務等,何者非正確用法? Thank you for your ...
#52. i hope this email finds you well 意思Q:一位外國朋友每次寫
A:“I hope this email finds you well.”這句話是書信的問候語或祝福語,它的字面意思是「我希望您收到此email 時身體健康」,相當於我們常見或常用的「收信好」,「收 ...
#53. 英語對錯: 字典不教你的141個英文用法| 誠品線上
Q.49 讀電郵,見到I hope this email will find you well 這一句,find 的意思是什麼?Q.50 Upcoming、forthcoming、incoming 三字,可以通用嗎?
#54. 【問候email】Email開場白的學問|WallStre... +1 | 健康跟著走
Email... Email 開場白的學問問候型. 1. I hope this email finds you well. ... 最常見的用法是Dear 接收信人的名字,以下是一些例子:., 一、 英文Email開頭問候語.
#55. hoping用法
hope 用法6 (had hoped to do/hoped to have done): 見有關“本來英文怎樣說”的文章。 hope ... 5 Better Alternatives to “I Hope This Email Finds You Well”.
#56. 初入職場,如何用英文優雅地寫郵件?
Deliver a Clear message; Use Correct grammar, vocabulary and punctuation; Be Concise ... Hope this email finds you well. ... 關於附件attach的用法總結如下.
#57. "How do you find your job?"不是問你如何找到工作,而是...
剛辭了工作,James正在找下一個工作,他告訴朋友:"I am finding a new job.""So you found a job. ... "I hope this email finds you well.
#58. 「Well」絕不只是「好」的意思!這樣用更地道! | well開頭
"I hope this email finds you well."。 · also、too、as well 這三個「也」的用法你真的知道? · Email 開場白的學問| well開頭 · [英文] 信件還在用How are you打招呼嗎?
#59. How do you find your job?對方可不在問你「怎麼找到工作 ...
收過老外的email,對這個句子也許熟悉:. "I hope this email finds you well."(收信安好). 這裡的finds,和發現沒有太大關聯,而是希望對方處在安好狀態。
#60. 哪些句子拯救了你的英文郵件? - GetIt01
I hope this message finds you well. ... 這句話是很地道的用法,意思就是你想跟對方確認大家對於目前狀況的理解是基本一致的。 工作時間篇.
#61. 哪些神句拯救了你的英文郵件? - 开发者知识库
I hope this message finds you well. ... Business email 的開頭都需要一個 greeting 或是問候,最常見的用法是 Dear 接收信人的名字,以下是一些 ...
#62. hope you are well是什么意思 - 作业九九网
CIhope我希望后面用一般将来时,没有hopesbtodo的用法. ... l hope you are well,Thank you to your last letter. ... 网友问题:Hope this email finds you well!
#63. 今周刊- 正在找工作不能說find a job!
收過老外的email,對這個句子也許熟悉: "I hope this email finds you well."(收信安好). 這裡的finds,和發現沒有太大關聯,而是希望對方處在安好 ...
#64. 信件開頭問候語 - Mtlcp
問候語Business email的開頭都需要一個greeting或是問候,你可以稱呼他們的姓而非他們的名字(例如:“Dear Mrs. Price”)。 ... I hope this email finds you well.
#65. hope 意思
hope,英文單詞,主要用作名詞、動詞,作名詞時意思是“希望;希望的東西;被寄予希望的 ... 今天我們來聊一句外企email中常用的話:I hope this email finds you well.
#66. hope this email finds you well 用法初入職場,如何用英文優雅 ...
初入職場,如何用英文優雅地寫郵件? Hope you are doing well. Hope this email finds you well. Hope all is well. 回復開場白Further to our conversation earlier…
#67. i am fine with it意思 - Raincolop
「I hope you're well,」居然是假關心?致命的四大e-mail錯誤! fine中文_fine是什么意思. 英語口說》老外最常用的10句口語. Hope this email finds you well,/ Hope ...
#68. hope you are well 回覆 - Khushra
別人給我發封email:”Hope you are well” ,應該怎么回答? 外語英語2009-03-18 中原師89 發布8個回答時間投票0 kouuna 不用回答。翻譯成中文就是'祝好'的意思。
#69. finds是什么意思中文翻译怎么读 - JustNews
Hope this email finds you well. / Hope this email finds you in good health. 谨以此邮件向您致以问候。 您好,原文为英文正式邮件的套词,出处无法考证,大致意思说法 ...
#70. 一切的英文
在all和一个限定词之间可以加of,这种用法在美式英语中比在一切都會好起來的英文 ... All will turn out well in the end. ... 1、I hope this email finds you well.
#71. 给老师写英文邮件交作业| 交作業給老師英文 - 教育百科
给老师写英文邮件交作业. 主题也没有,还是只要个格式?格式如下:Dear Ms./Mr.,I hope this email finds you well. 后面写内容XXXXX Sincerely, .
#72. well below 用法 - Elodie
以下兩種是錯誤的用法: (X)Your email was well received. ... Q:一位外國朋友每次寫email 給我,第一句話都是寫“I hope this email finds you well; 英語感謝郵件 ...
#73. 发英文Email太生硬?投行Analyst给的内部用的英文神句!
用另一封邮件by my separate email. ... Hope this email finds you well. Hope all is well. 2. 回复开场白: ... 关于附件attach的用法总结如下:.
#74. 公務實用英語(基礎篇)-公務書信【解答產生器】
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. ... I hope you enjoy your vacation. ... I hope this email finds you well.
#75. 【TESOL】如何寫出一封完美的英文郵件! - 雪花新闻
Hope this email finds you well. ... 感謝別人回覆自己的郵件(也可以用thank you,)用在稍微正式的場合,比如和陌生人發郵件。
#76. 好耐無見好久不見英文怎麼說?
除了是口語外,上述例子皆可用語日常書信。如果你想跟一個遠方朋友通信,你可以用It's been a while, I hope this email finds you well來打開話匝子。
#77. 英文信開頭問候
Hi John,I hope this letter finds you well, I am writing in response to the ... email 的開頭都需要一個greeting 或是問候,最常見的用法是Dear 接收信人的名字, ...
#78. 英文email開場白 - 軟體兄弟
英文email開場白, 寫英文信、email並不難,但機械式重覆又重覆會很悶很厭,其實開頭和結尾都好重要。唔想俾人覺得你無咩誠意,要令人眼前一亮,「開個靚頭」!, ...
#79. 最近好嗎英文
加了一些俗语的用法;. 还有相对应的英文解释。 例如:. 我最近很好: ...25 jun. 2018 ... 你好嗎? Hope this email finds you well. 我希望你收到此信時一切都好/ .
#80. 如何禮貌回覆老外的英文郵件? - 小熊問答
如果要委婉一些(繞一下),可以寫I hope this email finds you well。 ... 萬能的用法是Sincerely和Best (很多時候Wishes會被省略),前者更為正式 ...
#81. 商務郵件開頭範文 - 三度漢語網
這種用法一般用在推薦信或與其相似的交流中,收件人是不瞭解的第三方。 ... I hope this email finds you well. 我希望這封郵件能被你看到。
#82. 搖擺語言學13 讓英文書信變得更有禮貌的5個句子! - KKBOX ...
本週英語- I hope this email finds you well. 希望您收到信的時候一切都好。 would like 想要......(禮貌用法) We would like to invite you to ...
#83. 英文邮件开头结尾怎么写? - 六西格玛品质网
以“致相关人士”开头并不常见。这种用法一般用在推荐信或与其相似的交流中,收件人是不了解的第三方。 ... I hope this email finds you well.
#84. 哪些神句拯救了你的英文邮件? | 易课
很久没联系:Hope everything is well with you./ I hope this email finds you doing well. 用于句中 请求对方做某件事: Please ...
#85. 商务邮件开头如何写? - 沪江英语
这种用法一般用在推荐信或与其相似的交流中,收件人是不了解的第三方。 ... I hope this email finds you well. 我希望这封邮件能被你看到。
#86. doing well 中文 - Teyuy
Q:一位外國朋友每次寫email 給我,第一句話都是寫“I hope this email finds you well.”。這句話是什麼意思?是否可以說明find 在此的用法? doing well by doing good ...
#87. are you well什么意思 - 搜狗搜索
材料热处理» Heat treatment of materials 你身体好吗» Are you well 谁管理你的饭馆? ... 英文邮件里「hope this email finds you well」翻译过来确切意思... - 知乎.
#88. Mail 是什麼
查阅mail的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。 ... 拒收該封Q:一位外國朋友每次寫email 給我,第一句話都是寫“I hope this email finds you well.
#89. 5个写Email最常用错语法的英文句子 - Snookay
这个错误用法很常见。「Well received」真正的意思是当你从别人那里接收到正面或好的反应。 ... 「I hope this email finds you well」.
#90. 英文信件開頭問候 - Not my First
Hi John,I hope this letter finds you well, I am writing in response to the position of Senior. 英文商用國貿信件英語信件問候開頭變化greeting how are you ...
#91. 浅谈20个特别地道的英语用法:Email礼貌用语
I hope this email finds you well. 希望在收到这封邮件的时候,你一切都好。 用于结尾:. Any response will be appreciated. 如蒙回复 ...
#92. 如何禮貌回覆老外的英文郵件? - 寶島庫
開頭可以先說某某先生,某某女士,你好(how are you or how have you ... 如果要委婉一些(繞一下),可以寫I hope this email finds you well。
#93. how are you doing dear 意思 - EDLV
how are you doing的中文翻译,how are you doing是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译how are you ... I hope this email finds you well. I hope you're having a great week.
#94. 哪些句子拯救了你的英文郵件? - 石頭閱讀
用另一封郵件by my separate email.. C. 下面是郵件中常用句型:. 1. 開場白:. Hope you are doing well. Hope this emial finds you are doing ...
#95. hope 用法動詞
動詞用法,句型如下,可以用於合作關係熟稔的書信中。 'Hope this email finds you well' meme is painfully accurate · The “Hope this email finds you well” meme ...
#96. hope you enjoy 中文 - Fkics
查阅i hope you enjoy your stay with us的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。 ... time I receive an “I hope you're doing well” or “I hope this email finds you.
#97. as you well know 中文 - Metamodern
今天我們來聊一句外企email中常用的話:I hope this email finds you well. If you wish to have ... 第二個是祝福別人,亦是最常見的用法︰ Wish you a good day!
hope this email finds you well用法 在 BAI YU 白玉- #商用英文email #實用技巧如何寫出架構清晰的 ... 的推薦與評價
2. ➡️ I hope this mail finds you well! 3. ➡️ Thank you so much for visiting our booth, it was such a pleasure to meet you in the event. ... <看更多>