首先講講 #腸道菌跟睡眠的關係,在2019年有一篇研究,發現 #腸道菌相的多樣性(total microbiome diversity)跟睡眠的效率(efficiency)和總睡眠的時間的呈正相關,與入睡後的中斷呈負相關。
意即, #腸道菌多樣性越豐富的人,有更長的睡眠時間,也較不會淺眠易醒。
看腸道菌組成可以發現,通常在擬桿菌門(Bacteriodetes phyla,就是王醫師書裡面寫到瘦子比較多的菌門)中的豐富性跟多樣性增加的人,有更好的睡眠效率、更少的睡眠中斷,而且放線菌門(Actinobacteria phylum,就是雙歧桿菌所屬的門)越豐富的人,驚醒頻率越少。
在王醫師的研究中,經歷R1-2飲食兩個月的人,幾乎都可看到 #多樣性顯著意義的上升,在原本差的人身上更明顯(所以推斷有大幅度的睡眠改善的人,也可能一開始的多樣性比較差,進步空間大)
而針對 #巨量營養素跟睡眠的關係,2016 年發表在《美國臨床營養期刊》發現 #熱量限制高蛋白低碳低脂飲食,不只是減重效果顯著,也改善了過重及肥胖者的睡眠。
研究人員讓44名過重或肥胖的受試者先經過維持體重的飲食三週後,將他們隨機分配到兩組不同的減肥餐,「正常蛋白質組」(0.8克/kg/天)或「高蛋白質組」(1.5克/kg/天),一共持續16週,並在每個月進行一次睡眠質量調查,用國際睡眠評分(GSS)評估受試者的睡眠情況,若GSS >5au代表睡眠品質不好,GSS ≤5 au表示睡眠品質良好(也就是分數越低越好)。
結果發現經過3-4個月後,攝入「高蛋白質組」的受試者除了減輕體重,他們的全球睡眠評分GSS相較於正常蛋白質組更低(3.9±0.5-4.0 ± 0.6 vs 5.9±0.5Au -6.0±0.5Au),表示減重飲食中拉高蛋白質比例有助減肥以及改善睡眠。
2020年的隨機分配「熱量限制高蛋白質飲食」的研究,找了69個睡眠品質差(GSS>5au)的過重或肥胖者,分別介入12週熱量減少780卡的減肥餐,一組是「正常蛋白質」(蛋白質:脂肪:碳水=20:29:55),另一組是「高蛋白質」(蛋白質:脂肪:碳水=33:25:44),過了12週後,兩組的體重下降沒有顯著差異,但是GSS跟白天嗜睡指標都有明顯改善,GSS的指數下降讓很多參與者從「睡眠品質差」這個區間轉變為「睡眠品質好」(good sleep),GSS從基一開始的7.6 ± 0.4 au,到第 12 週變成4.8 ± 0.4 au。
其他關於營養跟睡眠的研究,也有發現 #高脂肪比低脂肪不利睡眠,碳水跟睡眠的關係高低其次,哪一種碳水形式比較重要, #高纖維有助睡眠,精緻碳水不利睡眠。
另外跟睡眠深度有關的 #褪黑激素,是跟白天是否有足夠的血清素有關,血清素原料不足,褪黑激素的量少,就不容易入睡或是造成無法熟睡等睡眠障礙。而想要足夠的血清素實在不用狂吃香蕉或高碳食物,關於攝取哪種蛋白質有益於血清素的製造在之前粉專也有分享過[刺激血清素必須低蛋白質?]
1. Gut microbiome diversity is associated with sleep physiology in humans. PLoS One. 2019 Oct 7;14(10):e0222394.
2. Higher-protein diets improve indexes of sleep in energy-restricted overweightand obese adults: results from 2 randomized controlled trials. Am J Clinical Nutrition, 103 (3): 766-774, published March 2016
3. Adults Who Are Overweight or Obese and Consuming an Energy-Restricted Healthy US-Style Eating Pattern at Either the Recommended or a Higher Protein Quantity Perceive a Shift from "Poor" to "Good" Sleep: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Nutr. 2020 Dec 10;150(12):3216-3223.
同時也有13部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,第一個單字是 clear face mask、c-l-e-a-r 空格 f-a-c-e 空格 m-a-s-k 透明口罩,例句是: Only one company in the US is approved to make clear face masks for clinical use. 歐美...
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Advanced breast cancer used to be considered a death sentence, but now there is hope for these patients! Join us this Sunday (25th July) at 3.30PM where we will be speaking with Dr Kiley Loh (Consultant Medical & Breast Oncologist, Penang Adventist Hospital), Dr Jennifer Leong (Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Sunway Medical Centre) as well as an advanced breast cancer patient about Hope for Advanced Breast Cancer Patients and surviving the disease. Let's give hope to advanced breast cancer patients, and help them survive it. Do share this with someone you know who can benefit from this knowledge. C u then!
#AdvancedBreastCancerAwareness #HopeForPatients #FBLiveShow
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#英文新聞 #meetglobal
Dr. Sonny Hsiao and Dr. Patrick Yang co-founded Acepodia, providing cancer treatment solutions that are more powerful, affordable and safe. Subsequent to receiving USD 47 million this March in Series B venture funding, the Acepodia team is pushing for success. With clinical trials coming up in the US and Taiwan, Acepodia is the light at the end of the cancer tunnel.
is clinical us 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的精選貼文
第一個單字是 clear face mask、c-l-e-a-r 空格 f-a-c-e 空格 m-a-s-k 透明口罩,例句是:
Only one company in the US is approved to make clear face masks for clinical use.
歐美開始呼籲,要製作「透明口罩」。透明口罩是在口罩中間那一塊,改用透明塑膠片,好讓別人看得到自己的嘴巴。為什麼要透明呢?因為聽障人士需要靠讀唇語,才能與一般人溝通。大家都戴口罩的話,怎麼讀唇語啊。目前,美國只有一家公司,可以製造醫療用的透明口罩。這個透明口罩,就是 clear face mask。
第二個單字是 Suriname、S-u-r-i-n-a-m-e、Suriname 蘇利南,例句是:Suriname's President, a convicted murderer, seeks another term.
殺人犯選總統?!拜託不要。南美洲的東北岸,有個小小的國家,叫做蘇利南,蘇利南的現任總統,曾經謀殺 15 位敵對的政治人物,去年被判謀殺罪,這樣的人,又要尋求連任。這個兇殘的強人總統,已經掌握蘇利南 40 幾年的時間,這次選舉,不知道能不能變天。蘇利南這個國家,就是 Suriname。
第三個單字是 clinical trial、c-l-i-n-i-c-a-l 空格 t-r-i-a-l 臨床試驗,例句是:
WHO stops clinical trials for the malaria drug.
抗瘧疾的藥,到底能不能拿來治療武漢肺炎呢?世界衛生組織說,這個藥太危險,所有臨床試驗,全部喊卡!這個「臨床試驗」就是 Clinical trial。
第四個單字是 motorist、m-o-t-o-r-i-s-t、motorist 駕駛人,例句是:Volkswagen must pay compensation to motorists who bought minivan fitted with emissions-cheating software.
美國跟德國法院都判決,福斯汽車賠錢!賠給誰,賠給買福斯汽車的人。好,到底是發生什麼事呢?福斯有一款車,排放的廢氣太多、超標,廢氣排放檢驗是不會過關的,那福斯發現這個問題之後,怎麼處理?竟然是作弊!福斯在車上安裝一個「作弊軟體」,在檢驗中,車子的廢氣會減少,但那只是假象,係假欸。這些獲得賠償的駕駛人,就是 motorist。
最後一個單字是 portable air cleaner、p-o-r-t-a-b-l-e 空格 a-i-r 空格 c-l-e-a-n-e-r 可攜式空氣清淨機,例句是:By itself, a portable air cleaner is not enough to protect people from COVID-19.
脖子上掛個空氣清淨機,到處趴趴造,到底可不可以預防武漢肺炎?答案是,不太可能~美國環境保護局說,隨身攜帶的空氣清淨機,無法防疫,請乖乖戴口罩、勤洗手喔!這個可攜式空氣清淨機,就是 portable air cleaner。
恭喜你!今天學了 5 個新單字,還聽了 5 則國際大事!如果喜歡我們的 podcast,希望你可以訂閱,然後為我們留 5 顆星的評價。如果有什麼意見,歡迎留言,也可以到 IG 搜尋賓狗單字,私訊我聊聊喔~謝謝收聽,下次通勤見 ❤️

is clinical us 在 SARAH & JASON Youtube 的精選貼文
Finally had time to do a video postpartum care vlog, from skin to hair to diet and keeping fit.
All aspects are just as important.
Really blessed to be able to collaborate with a few really awesome products after giving birth to Damon.
Everything is simple to use and doesn’t take a lot of effort, such as the Clinique Fresh Pressed Vitamin C + A Booster- 7 day home treatment, also Nestle Mom Dietary Supplements, one capsule a day and your nutritional needs covered.
Most importantly I think spending extra time on ourselves each as busy mums keeps us confident and smiling.
Here’s the list of products in the video:
Nestle Mom all in one- Pre pregnancy, pregnancy and lactation Food Supplement
Clinique Fresh Pressed Clinical Daily and Overnight Pure Vitamin A+C Booster
XOUL SPF50+ PA++++ 60 Days Sunscreen
Belly Binding Contact Please PM me on Instagram
Koconae Organic Extra Virgin Premium Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
Enjoy the video ladies!!!
Please leave comments or questions.
#SarahAndJason #LoveAndFamily
#postpartum #skincare #haircare #KeepFit #BabyDamon
#Clinique #VitaminC #VitaminA
#Nestle #NestleMom #DHA #FolicAcid #PrenatalVitamin
#KeepFit #Exercise #MentalHealth #PhysicallyFit
#HealthyEating #HealthyDiet
#CoconutOil #Xoul #BellyBinding
#產後 #護膚 #護髮 #運動
#維他命A #維他命C #孕婦維他命
#心身健康 #身心健康 #身體健康
#健康飲食 #飲食健康
#椰子油 #紮肚
#MumVlogs #MumDiary #媽媽日記 #媽媽vlog

is clinical us 在 SiennyLoves Drawing Youtube 的最佳解答
Yeah‼️???? Let’s support?#AMeaningToLife??? #AirAsiaMAKNA #AirAsia @AirAsia @makna_malaysia #AirAsiaBIG
Bravo!! #AirAsiaMAKNA raises RM300,300 for its third year commitment to fighting cancer
SiennyLovesDrawing has attended & proudly witnessed that AirAsia continues to champion cancer awareness & support underprivileged cancer fighters through its cancer campaign, #AirAsiaMAKNA
In the campaign's 3rd year, the airline raised RM300,300 for the National Cancer Council of Malaysia (MAKNA) through the sales of its limited edition pilot and cabin crew design t-shirts.
The cheque was presented by AirAsia Philippines Chairwoman and cancer fighter Marianne 'Maan' B Hontiveros, AirAsia Malaysia CEO Riad Asmat, and AirAsia X Malaysia CEO Benyamin Ismail, to MAKNA General Manager Farahida Mohd Farid at the ‘#AirAsiaMAKNA: The Big Fight Fiesta’ event held today.
AirAsia’s loyalty programme, AirAsia BIG Loyalty, also presented two million AirAsia BIG Points to MAKNA to provide cancer patients with air travel options.
AirAsia Malaysia CEO Riad Asmat said, “Cancer is a worldwide health concern affecting people of all ages, directly or indirectly. At AirAsia itself, we have many cancer survivors who never cease to inspire us with their tenacity and positivity. With our very own friends at work battling the disease, we knew that something has to be done to also help those going through the big C in the communities we serve.”
“Since 2015, our #AirAsiaMAKNA campaign has raised RM1 million of funds to assist underprivileged cancer patients in Malaysia. This humble yet important initiative would not be possible without your support. I would like to personally thank everyone who joined us in the fight against cancer,” he added.
MAKNA General Manager Farahida Mohd Farid said, “This campaign isn't about money. Initiatives like these go beyond that. Our alliance with AirAsia ultimately translates into saving lives and making a positive impact in cancer patients. Now Malaysians can not only just fly but make a social impact by touching a patient's life. It's an opportunity for everyone to help someone. AirAsia is truly a big heart organisation that has kept business and human touch in sync - that's why we work so well together. Thank you AirAsia, for making our cause your own. It is an honour serving with you."
Visitors to the cancer awareness event today were treated to an educational day filled with fun activities such as health talks, clinical examinations, cancer exhibitions, sampling and sale, special discounts for health products and many more. Popular local artists SonaOne, Alif Satar and Ismail Izzani also showed their support with live performances to delight attendees.
As a token of appreciation to the public for their support towards the campaign, AirAsia is offering a 20%* off all flights for bookings made via the AirAsia mobile app using the promotional code MAKNA20. Bookings are available from 8 July to 10 July 2018 for the travel period between 1 August to 22 November 2018. Guests can book these special promotional fares via AirAsia mobile app on iPhone or Android devices.
In August, AirAsia will continue as the official airline partner of MAKNA for the ‘Klimb Kinabalu 2018’ expedition, in which a total of 20 climbers including four Allstars from across the Group will conquer Mount Kinabalu to further raise funds and build cancer awareness.
For more information & to find out how to contribute to this meaningful cause via makna.org.my
#AirAsiaMAKNA #AirAsia #AABC #MAKNA #blog #blogging #blogger #bloggers #influencer#influencers #siennylovesdrawing #campaign #cancer #Sharing#sharingiscaring
#AABC #MAKNA #blog #blogging #blogger #bloggers #influencer #influencers #siennylovesdrawing #campaign #cancer #Sharing #sharingiscaring

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