lead up to''造句 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

造句 與例句 手機版 · Four fine stone steps lead up to the front door . · His negligence led up to his dismissal . · Several things led up to my getting to know ted ...
#2. LEAD UP TO STH在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
lead up to sth的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. If a period of time or series of events leads up to an event or activity, it happens until that…
#3. lead up to - 詞典釋義與在線翻譯 - 海词词典
例句 · Mass unemployment may lead to social upheaval. · A series of provocations led up to the border war. · Your job is to pilot the ship into the harbor.
#4. lead up to (【片語動詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"lead up to" 相關課程教材. This may lead to overeating. 這可能會導致暴飲暴食。 瀏覽教材. And that overuse can lead to strain and injury. 進而導致肌肉拉傷。
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超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#6. lead up to是什么意思,lead up to怎么读 - 英语翻译在线翻译
lead up to 的中文意思:作为…的准备,导致;,点击查看详细解释:lead up to的中文翻译、lead up to的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握lead up to这个 ...
使用Reverso Context: in the lead-up to the elections,在英语-中文情境中翻译"lead up to"
#8. lead up to - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
(向上)一路通到;作為...的準備(或先導). Dr.eye 譯典通片語. lead up to. ph. ph. ph. 牛津中文字典. lead up to. ph. 導致,轉彎抹角地講到. PyDict.
#9. 'lead up to' 的简体中文Translation | 柯林斯英语- 汉语词典
Since you came in you've been leading up to this question. 自你进来后,一直在渐渐引向这个问题。 (Zì nǐ jìnlái hòu, yīzhí zài jiànjiàn yǐnxiàng zhège wèntí.).
沪江词库精选lead up to是什么意思、英语单词推荐、lead up to的用法、lead up to的中文翻译及用法、翻译lead up to是什么意思.
#11. ""lead up to""是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)的問題| HiNative
"lead up to"的意思. ... Examples: The chapters leading up to the last few were the most suspenseful. This all led up to Brianna being ...
#12. lead up to sth 中文意思是什麼 - Dict.site 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
lead up to sth 中文意思是什麼 · lead : n 1 鉛,鉛製品。 · up : adv (superl uppermost )1 向[在]上,向[在]上面;向[在]被認為處于上方的地方或方面〈如河流的源頭,..
#13. lead up to是什么意思? lead up to翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
lead up to 的解释是:一路通过, 作为的准备… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:lead up to的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#14. lead up to 和lead to - 搜狗搜索 - Sogou
lead up to sth:to be an introduction to or the cause of sth.是…的先导;是导致…的原因lead up to:还有为某事做准备的意思lead to好坏中性均可用有什么引起的.
#15. led 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典
led 造句 / 例句. 1. He led them in launching a patriotic movement. 他领导他们开展了一场爱国运动。 《21世纪大英汉词典》. 2. He disaffil-iated himself from the ...
#16. 一次搞懂"end up"!-戒掉爛英文|商周
像end up, justify, access, available, practice, work on, turn out這樣的詞彙。今天來談一談end up的用法。 End原來是結束的意思。例如:The meeting ...
#17. led to造句_用- 查查在線詞典 - 健康急診室
用led to造句和"led to"的例句: 1. The attempt leads to an infinite regress .這種作法會導致無窮倒退。 2. The wording is likely to lead to ...
#18. Lead sb/sth into sth,lead up to sth.啥意思?请在每个意思后举 ...
Lead sb/sth into sth,lead up to sth.啥意思?请在每个意思后举一个例句~貌似后者有作为.的准备的意思,能举个例子吗? 广州靓仔007 1年前 已收到1个回答 举报.
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邊吃樂事大波浪搭配造句紓壓背包,真的超紓壓! ... 商品售出不退噢,請三思,意者詳情還可以聊聊#樂事大波浪#最潮生日禮物#送禮#最有梗購買樂事大波浪造句紓壓背包(LED)
#20. 360问答,总有你的答案用lead …to …造句
“lead to”怎样造句? 1、A poor diet will ultimately lead to illness.糟糕的饮食终将导致疾病。2、Insults can lead to the incitement of violence.
#21. 表達「造成、導致」的英文句型- 廖柏森:英語與翻譯教學
Arnaudet和Barrett (1990:101) 曾舉例句如下,可與上節「肇因、因為」所舉的例句做對照:. Changes in water levels will cause/result in/be the reason ...
#22. 擺脫讓全場尷尬的四句中式英文 - Curious - 英語島
E.g. What does this word mean in English? 想請別人再解釋一遍他的意思:. What do you mean? 本文收錄於英語島English Island 2014年12月號
#23. 短語分享:「lead the way」除了「帶路」還有什麼意思?
His ex-wife led him a merry dance. She was in a big debt and then took away all their savings to pay off the debt. 他前妻給他帶來了很大麻煩,她 ...
#24. 英文lead to用法(Usage of lead to in English) - 輕鬆學英語 ...
lead to的意思為「導致...」,用法與result in相同,可以相互代換 句型:原因(名詞)+lead to +結果(名詞) Recession leads to decline of oil prices.
#25. lead the way翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
英漢例句. i think the united states can and should lead the way in finding new energy solutions, and i'm optimistic about our ability to innovate our way to ...
#26. Lead To的意思 - 希平方
Some stations, like Union Square and Times Square, have an entrance that leads to all lines... 有些站,像是聯合廣場和時代廣場,有能通到各個 ...
#27. take the lead造句 - 河智科学网
最佳答案: 用take the .lead 造句:Our school soccer team has taken the lead by scoring a goal in the very first minute of the match.
#28. 用lead造句,lead例句 - 乐学英语
Paganini had led a wild life as a youth . 帕格尼尼青年时代生活放蕩。 We will lead with the dock strike . 我们把码头工人罢工当作头条新闻。
#29. 冷泉加熱變溫泉? 網照樣造句:加Led燈變光泉、加味精變味全
高雄市觀光局長潘恆旭7日時稱,柴山龍巖冽泉「加熱以後就變溫泉了」,事後再舉高雄月世界田寮花季冷泉、宜蘭蘇澳的瓏山林冷熱泉飯店當案例, ...
#30. it is up to - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"it is up to" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... It is up to the Egyptian people to determine who will lead their country.
#31. Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫| in response to 例句
I hurried in response to my friend's summons for help. 我應召急忙前去幫助我的朋友。 He always takes the lead in response to the government's call.
#32. BBC UK China - 潮流英語- In the air 飄在空中
There was a feeling in the air the athlete would win gold. 請注意. A breath of fresh air 意思是一陣清風,給人煥然一新的感覺。 Anna has lots of ...
#33. 歐化中文- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
西化中文又稱歐化中文、西式中文(Westernized Chinese),泛指中文的文法、文筆、風格、用詞受 ... 名詞作句子主語,例如謂“The decline in his income has led to a change in ...
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Facebook ;...溫馨活動 ~再報佳音 世運主場館高達29公尺的LED ; 聖誕主燈就是你嶄新人生的(光明)燈! 並為你點亮到元宵燈會( ...
#35. lead的用法和短語例句- 英語學習方法
5. The Turkish situation makes the lead in tomorrow's Guardian. 土耳其局勢將成爲明天《衛報》的頭條。 6. That was enough to give Mansell an ...
#36. 用lead-in造句大全_快好知
lead -in造句. 1. He told an amusing story as a lead-in to his speech. 2. He told an amusing story as a lead-in to the serious part of his speech. 3.
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盘搜网关于lead to造句资源列表,leadto造句,leadupto造句,lead翻译,leadto用法,leadtodoing,leadtodo,leadtosth,leadcompensation,lead铅读音,leadupto2002 ...
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書名:新課標同義近義反義詞組詞造句詞典,語言:簡體中文,ISBN:9787538353594,頁數:702,出版社:吉林 ... 【WIDE VIEW】戶外急難求生繩防災LED手環2入(LED201).
#39. At the end 和in the end 意思一樣嗎? | 與BBC一起學英語
看視頻,通過聽例句學習「at the end」 和「in the end」 各自的用法。 ... in the end is about the time leading up to the final moments.
#40. 學英文/東奧17天賽事capped 意思不是瓶蓋! - English OK
“There's no better way to conclude my career as an Olympic athlete than to lead the U.S. team into the Closing Ceremony,” Winger said in a ...
#41. 用lead to造句- 巴吉网
Politicians say it could lead to a dissolution of parliament. 政客们说这可能会导致议会解散。 2.The group proceeded with a march they knew ...
#42. give prizes for造句 - 帮博知识网
教学题目Unit 5 Theme Park Warming Up 教材名称: 新课标高中英语必修4 Unit 5 ... 教学过程Step 1 Warming-up and lead-in (5 mins) (1)导入教师提问 ...
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然後好像”someone's been stabbed in the back 有人被從背後捅了一刀“? 到底在說什麼呀? 明明單字就聽得懂,但到底是甚麼意思呀?怎麼好像摸不著頭緒?
#45. lead up toの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書
1000万語収録!Weblio辞書 - lead up to とは【意味】次第に…に至る,徐々に…に話を向ける... 【例文】The book chronicles events leading up to the war.
#46. Deckhand antonym
Deck Hand and Boater are mostly used as synonyms in topics related to: pilot, ... The bosun often led shore parties to restock supplies or find material for ...
#47. 新概念三Lesson 24 A skeleton in the cupboard (2) - 新闻红
课文讲解:1. a skeleton in the cupboard 不可外扬的家丑英式英语中壁橱 ... 造句:我们常常在报纸上会读到一个表面上很体面的名人(personality) 是 ...
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Vultures engage in a high risk, high reward type of investment. ... word vulture used in a sentence and examples? vulture造句, vulture造句, 用vulture造句, ...
#50. Nagging antonym - Suarapemuda
How many syllables in nagging? 6 5 7 9 3 1 2 4 8 syllables. com, the world's leading online dictionary. Trending Searches new-year music Synonyms for ...
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造句 :中华人民共和国的成立标志着新民主主义革命(the new-democratic revolution) 的结束和社会主义 ... She was in the lead from start to finish.
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The church was built in 1885. 這教堂是在1885年建造的. We were all woken up by a loud explosion during the night. 晚上的時候,我們全部都被很大的爆炸聲吵醒了 ...
#54. Synonyms of denigrate
Information and translations of denigrate in the most comprehensive ... is the word denigrate used in a sentence and examples? denigrate造句, denigrate造句, ...
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LED di chén 释义 1.天色阴暗、云层厚而低。2 .指声音低而沉重或情绪低落等。造句 1.已是深秋季节,寒风瑟瑟,天色昏暗沉。2 .她眼中噙着泪花,声音低频地说着这几天, ...
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Hsiung 中文四 LCWM Ch5 中医和针灸 词汇练习 词汇 英文 造句 针灸 Acupuncture Zhen Robinhood Is losing thousands of traders to a China-owned rival - Even in a ...
#57. Mass execution meaning - virginiedesmoulins
He and Costas had silently kitted up in the ancient chamber a few minutes before, ... (this was the image that led to the protest in the Sculpture Garden).
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B[解析]三个词用造句法:举办展览是为了铭记历史。 ... D项:白炽灯、节能灯、LED灯都是用于照明的灯具,三者属于并列关系,且先有白炽灯,再有节能灯,后有LED灯, ...
#59. Define oblivious
From North America's leading language experts, Merriam-Webster ... In this section, we prove that no oblivious routing algorithm can ...
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ed iskenderian death Jamie Juliano in Michigan We found 2 records for Jamie ... 内有更多更详细关于eelco的造句 - Victor Lavalles Destroyer 1 From ...
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... 下帮助他人指出存在的问题,如遣词造句的正确性、连词使用的规范性、逻辑结构的合理性等。 ... 【教学步骤】 Step 1:Warm up and lead in Activity 1:Brainstorm.
#62. Absconding synonyms
The Maha Vikas Aghadi Government led by Uddhav Thackeray has become a synonym ... used in a sentence and examples? abscond造句, abscond造句, 用abscond造句, ...
#63. Lead up to in a sentence
38 sentence examples: 1. Alan Tomlinson has reconstructed the events that led up to the deaths. 2. He started telling me about a wonderful ...
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follow up是對事情採取後續行動、跟進的意思,是你的職責不是老闆的,想要裁決或指示,應該說:Please let me know your decision/suggestion.
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In Pečenice Kislim Krompirjem Zeljem Z Umetnica. Vida , 2022/01/12 04:44. Pred kratkim je namreč obiskala sodelavce posnela prve izdal novo zgoščenko, ...
#67. Use “lead up to” in a sentence - TranslateEN.com
lead up to. 1. Alan Tomlinson has reconstructed the events that led up to the deaths. 2. He started telling me about a wonderful new restaurant he'd been to ...
#68. C周刊(2013年11月) - Google 圖書結果
其中,印度英语的口音、语调、遣词造句和中国人学的英语差别较大,但口音有规律可循, ... 宁波某贸易公司,主营LED灯,主要出口巴西,其负责人方小姐告诉C周刊,自己也曾遇到 ...
#69. mark giangreco brother
Currently, he is working at WLS-TV in Chicago, Illinois as a lead sports ... that foursome came into place, it was magical. mark giangreco的造句和例句: 1.
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SWAN スワン電器LEDタスクライト(ブルーライトカット機能搭載) AS-751WH ... シューズ,サンダル,ストラップ纵横驰骋的意思,纵横驰骋造句 措施词义,措施组词,措施造句 ...
#71. 大学英语教师隐性课程及其对教学行为和决策的影响研究
在访谈中,赵老师说自己的教学流程一般“就是lead-in,然后就是段落分析、结构分析,最后就是稍微 ... 即使偶尔让学生用短语造句和回答问题,教师实际上也并没有让学生回答, ...
#72. 「COVID-19 不會消失了」是什麼意思?看看科學家怎麼說
沒有新冠肺炎疫情的區域會一直有潛在的疫情爆發風險,但只要大多數民眾接種疫苗,疫情很快就能受控制。英國牛津大學(University of Oxford)流行病學家 ...
#73. A Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and ...
NALANE PRO 造句 WWW 9 . to be ç fecissen ONED STIO ፃ 9 . 2 . 9 I 1 CH Eph . 2. 1. you hath he q . who were dead in sins QUIETLY . of Cabar of the Rab ...
#74. معنی کلمه lead up to به فارسی - آبی دیکشنری
1 general:: Phrase(s): lead up to something 1. Lit. to aim at or route movement to something. • A narrow path led up to the door of the cottage.
#75. Collins Cobuild 英語語法大全(全新版) - 第 215 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Wood made up 65% of the Congo's exports. ... 例如,可以說 He was the ideal person to lead the expedition (他是率領考察隊的理想人選), ... 遣詞造句:動詞的類型 215.
#76. Jaunty example
Keep reading to find famous examples of anastrophe in literature and speech. Here is a stylistic example of ... Eric was leading us through Five Skill Sets.
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