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mclaren 540 c 在 Mclaren 540C - Mobile01 的推薦與評價
... 預期會很多人討論沒想到網路上似乎都沒人注意這台看了半年8891也沒半台二手540C流出想請教大家對這台的看法??還是說台灣不流行mclaren有點懷疑台(McLaren 第1頁) ... <看更多>
... 預期會很多人討論沒想到網路上似乎都沒人注意這台看了半年8891也沒半台二手540C流出想請教大家對這台的看法??還是說台灣不流行mclaren有點懷疑台(McLaren 第1頁) ... <看更多>
#1. 2020 McLaren 540 C V8 | 車款介紹- Yahoo奇摩汽車機車
McLaren 540 C 也屬於Sports Series,但它為最入門的設定,本車外觀揉合古典美學與現代科技。源自哥德式建築飛拱式的C柱,不僅體現車身結構造型的根本變化,更創造出 ...
#2. 988萬起540C接單、McLaren 570S原型車破級距抵臺 - U-CAR ...
McLaren Sports Series 車系今日正式在臺對國內媒體曝光,除展出一輛原廠準量產570S 原型車外,總代理也開出570S:1168 萬元起、540C:988 萬元起的接 ...
性能表現 · 引擎形式:3.8升V8雙渦輪增壓全新Evolution專屬設計 · 排氣量:3,799cc · 最大馬力:540 PS @7500 rpm · 最大扭力:540 NM @3500-6500 rpm · 0-100KM/hr:3.5秒 ...
#4. 600 萬McLaren 入門超跑540C 全球訂單破千張 - 汽車頻道
緊接著便是540C,採用重新調校過的懸吊系統、外觀造型、及引擎表現,可輸出540 匹的最大馬力、55 公斤米的峰值扭力,除了馬力變小之外,其餘地方無可挑剔 ...
#5. McLaren 麥拉倫540C – May 的極速入門- 私家珍藏
McLaren 麥拉倫540C – May 的極速入門 ... 話說,永三車業的銷售顧問從ASTON MARTIN 一路相陪到McLaren,大致推敲猜測出May 的喜好與要求,於是大膽的用手機 ...
#6. McLaren 540 C 2017款,最新車款資料 - 8891新車
8891汽車McLaren 540 C 綜述,提供在售McLaren 540 C 圖片、價格、完整規配、最新資訊、專業車評,並提供一鍵詢價功能,最精彩的汽車內容盡在8891 ...
#7. McLaren 麥拉倫540 C 的價格-FindCar 找車網
有5 台McLaren 麥拉倫,540 C,新車,中古車的車輛、平均車價:新車916.8萬,2020 McLaren 540 C V8 McLaren 麥拉倫540 C 超級跑車2020 2門2人座雙離合器7速自手排二輪驅動 ...
#8. 風雨欲來的威脅近距離品味親民超跑《McLaren 570S / 540C》
的確,在還沒近距離接觸到《McLaren 570S / 540C》以前,坦白說高價、硬派、不實用等對超跑的成見早就在腦海根深蒂固,完全是抱著「欣賞」的心態前去 ...
#9. McLaren 540C - Performance Sports Car with Smart Storage
Discover McLaren 540C - a sportscar for everyday convenience with smart storage areas and a generous luggage capacity. Register interest.
#10. Mclaren 540C vs. Porsche 911 Carrera 4S(992世代)心得
Porsche 911 4S的馬力與性能無庸置疑,但談到911是否為超跑總是引來一番爭辯。Mclaren 540C是麥拉倫產品線內最初階的款式,當你有九百初頭萬的預算,該選哪台呢?
#11. 如何靠樣分辨<br/>McLaren各個車型? - FEATURES
Sport Series的型號分別有540C,570S,570S Spider,570GT和track focus版的600LT。540C除了在動力輸出於570S有所不同以外,在外貌上真的是很難找到 ...
#12. McLaren 540C 2015-2019 review - Autocar
Technically, the 540C is McLaren's entry-level model, except for one important consideration. When a car maker's prices start north of £120,000, ...
#13. 挖保McLaren 麥拉倫540c 570s gt4 尾翼Race Car 阿布達比 ...
McLaren 麥拉倫540c 570s gt4 尾翼Race Car 阿布達比540c可直上,歡迎詢問。 挖保汽車改裝零件專賣 ㊕ 全新、二手改裝零件在庫,種類眾多,想找什麼零件歡迎聊聊 ...
#14. New McLaren 540C - Harwoods Group
Designed for the everyday the McLaren 540C is a stunning Coupe model which boasts undeniable power. From 0-124mph in only 10.5 seconds this Sports Series ...
#15. 影/彈射起步真的有差?McLaren 540C單挑賓士SLR!
我們先來比較兩款車的差異性,定位於頂級超跑的Mercedes SLR McLaren大約比McLaren 540C早了10年發表。搭載能爆發出626匹最大馬力與79.54 ...
#16. mclaren 540c - 人氣推薦- 2021年11月| 露天拍賣
TWL台灣碳纖全新英國原廠Mclaren 540C 570S 570GT 570Spyder 碳纖卡夢門檻. twlnewtaipei18 ... MCLAREN 540-C 麥拿倫竹炭黑愛車美儀表板避光墊台灣製降溫(1E29-2L).
#17. File:McLaren 540C.jpeg - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
日本語: McLaren 540C. 日期, 2015年6月5日, 11:27:40. 來源, 自己的作品 ... McLaren 570S. he.wikipedia.org 的使用狀況. מקלארן 540c. it.wikipedia.org 的使用狀況.
#18. McLaren 540C European sales figures - CarSalesBase
Car sales statistics and market share for McLaren 540C and all other auto models in Europe. 1990s to 2017 by year, 2014 to 2018 by month.
#19. B&W Bowers&Wilkins McLaren 540C - 汽車音響
Perfectly Integrated. B&W為McLaren 540C獨特的座艙設計了專屬的音響系統。從中控台上的「高音單體置頂」,到嵌入車門的喇叭與重低音,精巧的設計更滿足您的駕馭樂趣 ...
#20. McLaren 540C 2020 Slip-On Line (Titanium) - 天蝎汽车排气
McLaren 540C 2020 ... An exquisite car deserves an exquisite exhaust, and the Slip-On Line (Titanium) for the McLaren is certainly that.
#21. SU83 蘇彥銘- 力寶賽車場小試McLaren 540c
#22. 亞洲限定版McLaren 540C Coupe嗆辣叫囂
不久前紐約車展McLaren剛發表屬於品牌旗下入門級距Sport Series的570S,售價約台幣670萬元,如今又於上海車展上發表全新540C Coupe,開出不到600萬元 ...
#23. McLaren 540C Coupe | HYPEBEAST
隨著上海國際汽車展的盛大開幕,英國車廠McLaren 正式亮相旗下運動系列的最新跑車 540C Coupé。這款與 570S Coupé 十分相似的跑車除了秉承McLaren.
#24. 麥拉倫540C 頂級碳纖維空力套件|Mclaren 540C Carbonfiber
McLaren 麥拉倫540C/570S/570GT. 頂級真空石墨碳纖- 空力套件. 給予你原廠沒有的頂級饗宴/ 台灣製造碳纖維. 540C後下巴. McLaren麥拉倫540C 碳纖維卡夢後下擾流板.
#25. the 'entry level' McLaren 540C Reviews 2021 | Top Gear
Is this the entry-level McLaren? It certainly is. The £126,000 McLaren 540C slots into the Sports Series range below the 570S and 570GT and ...
#26. McLaren 540C Review 2021 | What Car?
Technically, the 540C is McLaren's entry-level car, although that classification seems more than a little unfair. While it's certainly the cheapest car the ...
#27. McLaren 540C (2017) review | CAR Magazine
The 540C is McLaren's least expensive car. As such there's much that's missing. It lacks the 650S's Proactive Chassis Control, which replaces ...
#28. 600匹馬力的Toyota MR2可以戰勝540匹馬力的McLaren 540C ...
因此,它肯定擁有強大的加速性能,但是這個加速足以讓它在直線上擊敗McLaren(麥拉倫)量產產品中最便宜的540C嗎? 540C這輛英國超級跑車的動力較小,因為 ...
#29. 540C
But the McLaren Sports Series 540C offers everyday convenience in the ergonomically designed interior. Smart stowage areas offer carriage for necessary ...
#30. McLaren 540C Coupe (Ultimate Guide) - Supercars.net
The 540C Coupé is a pure McLaren, and a pure sports car, sharing its DNA with the models in the Super Series and Ultimate Series, including a light weight ...
#31. McLaren 540C and 570S 2016 review | CarsGuide
Which is why I probably shouldn't be surprised that the air-conditioning didn't work in the $325,000 McLaren 540C we tested in Australia for ...
#32. McLaren 540C car for sale in Australia - carsales.com.au
Search for new & used McLaren 540C car for sale in Australia. Read McLaren 540C car reviews and compare McLaren 540C prices and features at carsales.com.au.
#33. 540C | NOVITEC – Performance en Vogue
... NOVITEC now also offers exclusive options for the sports cars from McLaren. For starters, there is a complete product range for the 540C: An ...
#34. ESSAI McLAREN 540C - Sport-Auto.ch
McLAREN. 540C. L'essai Sport-Auto.ch du 25 octobre 2016. Rédaction : Laurent Missbauer Photographies : D.R. McLaren Automotive, Laurent Missbauer.
#35. 極速超跑系列1:64經典模型車-mclaren 540c - 生活市集
極速超跑系列1:64經典模型車-mclaren 540c. 促銷價$299 /入. tag_prefix-icon. 96折. 券後低至. $287/入. 1入大省方案. 直接購買. review-icon. 0 ( 0 ) 評價.
#36. Mclaren 540C 570S 專用N款高品質全真空碳纖維卡夢尾翼
車型:Mclaren 麥拉倫 · 適用:540C 570S 全車系 · 類型:Novitec Style · 材質:CARBON 抽真空 ...
#37. McLaren 540C Coupe 汽车规格和技术数据 - Ultimate Specs
McLaren 540C Coupe Engine Technical Data. 引擎: V 8. 引擎代码: -. 燃料: 汽油. 燃料系数: Indirect Injection. 发动机调整: 纵置发动机.
#38. 2018 McLaren 540C: Review, Trims, Specs, Price ... - CarBuzz
Although both are powered by the same 3.8-liter twin-turbo V8 paired to a seven-speed dual-clutch gearbox, the 540C offers 533 hp and 398 lb-ft of torque versus ...
#39. McLaren 540C尺碼和重量
McLaren 540C 尺碼. 540C | 2015. 540C 2015. 長度. 4530 毫米. 寬度. 2095 毫米. 高度. 1202 毫米. 軸距. 重量. 1311 公斤. 540C | 2015. 長度, 寬度, 高度, 軸距 ...
#40. In the Club: 533-Horsepower McLaren 540C Officially Unveiled
McLaren takes the wraps off its 540C "entry-level" supercar. Read more and see pictures at Car and Driver.
#41. Essai McLaren 540C : que vaut la McLaren premier prix ?
Il est des entrées de gamme chez tous les constructeurs. Même les plus prestigieux : à 164 500 € et 540 ch, la nouvelle 540C prouve au moins ...
#42. 入門不入門McLaren 540C Coupe - 車訊網
這是McLaren繼570S Coupe之後的第二款Sport Series車型,雖然名為入門車款,但是它的各方面表現依然不俗;它同樣採用3.8升V8渦輪增壓引擎作為動力來源 ...
#43. McLaren 540C 2021 - Características, precios y versiones
Es el modelo de acceso de la gama Sports Series. Se trata de una versión aún más económica y ligeramente menos potente que los McLaren 570S y 570GT. Su nombre ...
#44. McLaren 540C review – Can McLaren's cheapest car take on ...
The 540C is equipped with McLaren's 3.8-litre twin-turbo V8. It's the same engine that has, essentially, been in all modern McLarens since the ...
#45. McLaren 540 C 2017 - 棋勝汽車新古車專賣
(已售出)McLaren 540 C 2017 - 棋勝汽車新古車專賣. 數量. 加入購物車. 商品預購中. 一次最大商品購買數量限制為99999. 該數量不適用,請填入有效的數量。 售完.
#46. 影/600匹馬力Toyota MR2單挑McLaren 540C!
1993年式Toyota MR2搭載的3SGTE2.0升渦輪增壓4缸汽油引擎經過車主大幅升級之後,最大馬力從200匹暴增至600匹的境界。對手McLaren 540C搭載的3.8升雙渦輪增 ...
#47. New McLAREN 540C at Birmingham & Bristol - Rybrook Group
DESIGN. The McLaren 540C chassis has been honed to create unrivalled balance. The Mono Cell II, Carbon Fibre construction provides a lightweight rigid and ...
#48. 舞姿曼妙McLaren 540C全球首試 - 蘋果日報
今年4月在上海車展發表的McLaren 540C,是車廠挾豐厚賽車經驗及製造超跑先端技術,首次將產品下放至公路跑車級距的重量新星之一。540C雖屬先前已 ...
#49. 極速超跑系列1:64經典模型車-mclaren 540c - 松果購物
極速超跑系列1:64經典模型車-mclaren 540c. 促銷價$299 /入. tag_prefix-icon. 94折. 券後低至. $281/入. 1入大省方案. 直接購買. review-icon. 0 ( 0 ) 評價.
#50. Mclaren 540C 2021 Colors, Pick from 10 color options | Oto
Check out Mclaren 540C 2021 colors in Indonesia. Choose from 10 color options - Silver, Black, White, Red, Blue, Orange, Pearl White, Ice Silver, ...
#51. Mclaren 540C - Mobile01
... 預期會很多人討論沒想到網路上似乎都沒人注意這台看了半年8891也沒半台二手540C流出想請教大家對這台的看法??還是說台灣不流行mclaren有點懷疑台(McLaren 第1頁)
#52. McLaren 540C加速时间(英里/小时)
McLaren 540C 0至60 mph,0至100 kph,四分之一英里(1/4英里)和其他10次加速时间.
#53. 【車訊網】老美不愛McLaren 540C不賣美國 - Tvbs新聞
【楊智漢/報導】McLaren超跑車廠才在今年紐約車展推出570S這部第一款Sport Series車型,緊接著又在甫閉幕的上海車展帶來更入門的540C,雖然這兩部超跑 ...
#54. McLaren 540C coupe 2020 review | Carbuyer
The McLaren 540C is effectively the British manufacturer's entry-level model, slotting in beneath the 570S to become the most affordable McLaren in the ...
#55. 2018 McLaren 540C Specifications - The Car Guide
McLaren 540C. Back to search. 2018 McLaren 540C. McLaren 540C specifications. 2021, 2020, 2018, 2017 ... Torque, 398 lb·ft @ 3,500 – 6,500 rpm (540 N·m).
#56. 新科超值超跑:McLaren 540C 上海國際車展首發! - G7 車庫 ...
在發表了旗下Sport Series首部車款570S之後,McLaren緊鑼密鼓地在上海車展(Shanghai Motor Show)推出售價較具親和力的新款車型540C。
#57. Mclaren 540c tyres: find the best for your car | Pirelli
MCLAREN 540C TYRES. Discover the range of Pirelli tyres for your Mclaren 540c car. Fit on your car. Search by car brand or search by tyre size ...
#58. New & Used McLaren 540C for sale | AutoTrader.ca
2016 McLaren 540C ... A rear-wheel drive rear mid-engined Supercar coupe with 2 doors & 2 seats. With thrill of 540 HP, the twin turbocharged 3.8 Litre 32v quad- ...
#59. McLaren 540C - CarAdvice
Independent advice, reviews and comparisons for new 2021 McLaren 540C car buyers. Get the best deals for new, demo and used McLaren 540C cars from local ...
#60. McLaren 540C | Buy a Car at mobile.de
SponsoredMcLaren 540C 3.8 V8 Coupé. €137,540. 19,00% VAT. No rating. Accident-free. 12.100 km, 06/2018, 397 kW (540 Hp), Petrol, ca. 10,7 l/100km (comb.) ...
#61. McLaren 540C vs 570S - what's the difference? - DriveTribe
The 540C came with 19" wheels that featured more spokes than the 570S. Apart from that, both share the same front fascia, LED lights, splitter and winged doors.
#62. MCLAREN 麥拉倫540c電瓶規格查詢
Home · Cars · MCLAREN; 540c. 麥拉倫540c電瓶安裝規格(1). 20 21. MCLAREN 540c ( 2015年~ 至今)電瓶推薦型號查詢. 2門超跑. 汽油.
#63. McLaren 540C - Specifications (2015-2021) - encyCARpedia
This McLaren Sports Series 540C was produced from 2015 to 2021. It's a rear-wheel drive rear mid-engined supercar coupé with 2 doors & 2 seats.
#64. McLaren 540C (2015) - Amalgam Collection
Like all the cars produced in the Sports Series, the 540C shares its carbon fibre construction with its Formula 1 and supercar cousins. The MonoCell II is a ...
#65. New McLaren 540C review | Auto Express
But the firm's 540C – which sits under the 570S and 570GT in the brand's Sports Series – is precisely that. At £128,550, it's the most affordable McLaren you ...
#66. Watch The McLaren 570S And 540C Whipping It In Extreme ...
McLaren has almost ready to start producing the Sports Series which includes the McLaren 540C and 570S.
#67. 2016 McLaren 540C | Top Speed
2016 McLaren 540C · Year: 2016 · Make: McLaren · Model: 540C · Engine: V8 · Transmission: 7 Speed SSG · Horsepower @ RPM: 533 @ 7500 · Torque @ RPM:.
#68. MCLAREN 540C car tyres
Replacing your MCLAREN 540C tyres with the perfect match is important when safety, fuel efficiency and longevity are top priority.
#69. McLaren 540C in Chicago, IL
McLaren Chicago is your go-to supercar resource in the Windy City; learn about the 540C here and contact us if you're interested today!
#70. The Goodwood Test: McLaren 540C
Heritage. The 540C is the “baby” McLaren, the entry-level car. It's a sign of the brand's potency that a supercar starting at a ...
#71. McLaren 540C specs, dimensions, facts & figures | Parkers
Find all the key specs about the McLaren 540C from fuel efficiency and top speed, to running costs, dimensions, data and lots more.
#72. 2016 McLaren 540C Won't Be Sold in the U.S. - MotorTrend
The 540C was meant to be an more affordable, entry-level member of the McLaren lineup. In certain markets in Asian, McLaren also sells a 625C, ...
#73. McLaren 540C Coupé - Résidences Immobilier
... the 540C, unveiled in Shanghai, completes McLaren's Sport Series, ... launched in 2015 by British constructor McLaren boasts 540 hp under the hood, ...
#74. Mclaren 540c | Webmotors
Procurando por Mclaren 540c Novos e Usados? Na Webmotors você encontra mais de 2 anúncios de carros com as melhores ofertas do mercado. Acesse Agora!
#75. 邁凱倫570S和540C有什麼區別都不清楚,還敢說你懂 - 每日頭條
#76. [討論] Mclaren 540C - 看板EuropeanCar - 批踢踢實業坊
注意540c一陣子了今年總代理還反應英鎊調降定價從988萬到899萬九百萬以下 ... 也沒半台二手540C流出想請教大家對這台的看法還是說台灣不流行mclaren?
#77. McLaren 540C chega ao Brasil com preço "competitivo" de R ...
O McLaren 540C foi desenvolvido para ser um superesportivo capaz de sobreviver no dia a dia. O chassi MonoCell II de fibra de carbono foi ...
#78. 喜歡McLaren 570S的外觀,但想要650S的動力!Novitec幫你 ...
McLaren 靠著相同一顆3.8升V8雙渦輪增壓V8引擎衍生出各款跑車打遍天下,這似乎是給了改裝廠一個很好的機會,買個入門的540C或者570S來改一改, ...
#79. McLaren 540C Price in UAE - YallaMotor.com
Known for its luxury, the McLaren 540C comes with features such as: Adaptive Headlights, Central Locking, 12V Socket - Front Only, ABS (Anti-lock Brake System), ...
#80. McLaren 540C - 香港第一車網Car1.hk
McLaren 在上海車展2015 展示了全新入門跑車540C,新車價126,000 英鎊,其定位亦低於570S。雖然是入門跑車,其空氣力學設計不遜於P1,車頭、車身多處導風管道。
#81. mclaren 540c - AutoEvolution
Complete timeline of MCLAREN 540C models and generations, with photos, specs and production years.
#82. McLaren unveils V8-powered "entry level" 540C Coupé - New ...
McLaren has continued its rapid range expansion with the unveiling of its new "entry-level" 540C Coupé at the Shanghai Auto Show.
#83. McLaren Sports Series Coupé: entusiasma come poche
La McLaren 540C Coupé è spinta da un feroce V8 biturbo e divora le curve a velocità fulminee: il divertimento è assicurato. Il volante, però, va maneggiato ...
#84. 2015 McLaren 540C 3.8 V8 (540 Hp) SSG - Auto-Data.net
McLaren 540C 3.8 V8 (540 Hp) SSG Coupe 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 | Technical Specs, Fuel consumption, Dimensions, 540 Hp, 320 km/h, 198.84 mph, ...
#85. Used McLaren 540C for sale - AutoScout24
Find new and used McLaren 540C offers on AutoScout24 - the largest pan-European online car market.
#86. Car Parts for Mclaren 540C for sale - eBay UK
Buy Car Parts for Mclaren 540C and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items.
#87. McLaren 540c Driving Experiences | DrivingExperience.com
Book a driving experience in the incredible McLaren 540c which has a max speed of 199 mph and can accelerate from 0 - 60 mph in 3.5 seconds.
#88. McLaren 540C 3.8L Twin-Turbo V8 540hp tuning - My ...
发动机管理程序也叫做ECU(发动机控制单元),能让发动机实现更加油耗。发动机软件很大程度上负责McLaren McLaren 540C 3.8L Twin-Turbo V8 540hp 540HP汽车发动机的行为和 ...
#89. McLaren prices 540C from $196500 in Canada - Driving.ca
Starting at $196,500, the McLaren 540C is powered by a twin-turbocharged 3.8-litre V8 engine. Rated at 533 horsepower, the only transmission ...
#90. The McLaren 540C is a supercar for the average Joe
The McLaren 540C is the latest offering from the English supercar specialists at McLaren Automotive. It's "affordable." It's "entry-level.".
#91. McLaren 540C for sale - Huge selection - - Luxuryandexpensive
Big range of McLaren 540C on Luxuryandexpensive. - Biggest platform for luxury cars worldwide -
#92. New 2021/2022 Mclaren 540C Prices & Reviews in Australia
Imagine knowing what other Australians actually paid for their brand new Mclaren 540C? Simply choose one of the models below and we'll show you prices from ...
#93. McLaren 540 C Rental France, Monaco & Europe
Thanks to its V8 bi-turbo engine, it delivers exceptional performances which can only really be compared to the Porsche 911 turbo. The McLaren 540C is not only ...
#94. 2015上海車展】McLAREN 540C Coupe - 汽車線上
McLaren 在上海車展中發表了家族「跑車系列」的第二款車型540C Coupe,外型設計與570S幾乎雷同,不過先不談性能如何,這款車最吸引人的賣點, ...
#95. $165k McLaren 540C Won't Be Sold In U.S. Due To Apparent ...
McLaren's 540C unveiled at the 2015 Shanghai Auto Show a month ago won't be coming to the U.S., the British performance marque has confirmed ...
#96. McLaren 540C - McLaren São Paulo
É a melhor experiência em carros esportivos. Completamente orientado para o piloto e para o desempenho. Conheça o McLaren 540C na McLaren São Paulo.
#97. McLAREN 540C - EBC Brakes Discs, Pads and Shoes
Automotive: McLAREN 540C. Please select an engine type and year for your McLAREN 540C, there may be several vehicle types with years that cover your vehicle ...
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