panache 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. panache. noun ...
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panache中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:n. (Panache)人名;(羅)帕納凱n. 羽飾;燦爛;耍派頭。英漢詞典提供【panache】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
panache 羽飾,誇示,假威風,炫耀.
使用Reverso Context: Her panache at dealing with the world's media is quite astonishing.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"panache"
羽飾;誇示;假威風. Dr.eye 譯典通. panache. IPA[pæˈnæʃ]. 美式. 英式. n. 神氣十足. 牛津中文字典. panache. 羽飾,誇示,假威風,炫耀. PyDict.
#7. panache是什么意思? panache翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
panache 的解释是:羽饰, 华丽… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:panache的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
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法语panache的中文翻译:动词变位提示:panache是panacher的变位形式专业辞典1. n.m.【建筑】穹隅的三角面;羽毛饰2.n.m,panache例句,法语词典。
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關於PANACHE (金澤/酒吧)的感想。(繁體中文)
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panache. 级别, 第11级. 音标, [ pəˈnæʃ ]. 解释, n.羽饰;假威风,炫耀. 英英释义, a stylish , original and very confident way of doing things that makes people ...
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在中文里面,我们如何解释panache这个英文词呢? panache这个英文词,中文意思如下:panache .。 Meaning of panache for the defined word.
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書名:Climbers: Pain, Panache and Polka Dots in Cycling's Greatest Arenas,語言:英文,ISBN:9781788403115,頁數:336,作者:Cossins, Peter, ...
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#24. Panache Restaurant(华丽餐厅) | Angsana
悠闲享受室内和户外用餐,品尝以创意和健康烹饪风格为灵感的亚洲和国际美食。Panache 设有开放式厨房,厨师可以根据您的特定喜好准备菜肴。餐厅全天营业,在早晨时段提供 ...
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PANACHE fashion jewelryNational Taiwan University of Arts. 台灣臺北市臺北市28 ... fashion/costume jewelry trader/importer , e-commerce
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Panache 释义: If you do something with panache , you do it in a confident ... 美式英语: panache /pəˈnæʃ/; 巴西葡萄牙语: desenvoltura; 简体中文: 神气十足 ...
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Panache !(パナシェ!)是世界首個Cosplayer偶像組合。由えなこ、五木あきら和くろねこ這三位日本人氣Coser組成。2012年10月24日簽約DefSTAR唱片公司,組合出道,2013年4 ...
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Panache 说: "当你用漂亮的内裤把基础弄好的时候, 谁知道你能取得什么成就呢" 听, ... 简体中文; 英语; 英语; 英语; 英语; 简体中文; 英语; 英语; 英语; 简体中文 ...
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HTC Panache是由HTC生产的一款手机,该款手机的屏幕分辨率为480×800像素。 中文名: HTC Panache; 型 ...
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#38. File:Fukushima- Panache-19-mars.svg - 维基百科,自由的 ...
本文件并非来自中文维基百科,而是来自维基共享资源。请参阅维基共享资源上的详细描述、讨论页、页面历史、日志。 维基共享资源是一个储存自由版权作品的项目。
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#40. Panache - Google Play 應用程式
Panache App: Se connecter, vérifier les récompenses, et plus! CAPACITÉS * Se connecter à la tablette du salon par l'App au lieu de la carte ...
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panache 从马来语到中文的翻译. ... Jawab dengan jujur, kau terlupa bawa L'air de Panache? 你居然忘記帶我的香水? 来源. 抱怨. Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018.
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panache的中文意思:n. 羽饰, 夸示, 假威风, 炫耀,点击查看详细解释:panache是什么意思,panache怎么读,panache中文意思。
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93 個讚好,6 則回應- Instagram 上的Panache Desai(@panachedesai):「 I wanted to offer meditators a curated mala to take with you wherever ...
#48. YNU students show flair, panache in photography contest
To showcase the results of China's implementation of the global Convention on Biological Diversity, Yunnan province staged a provincial ...
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Panache Pulse is the industry's first airy, enveloping spray designed especially forbeauty and personal care products.
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Panache Cafe & Creperie,皇后崖- 在地图上查看. 9.2. 惊艳了. 1份点评. 每晚均价. RMB 1,404. 查看空房. 查看全部. 班姆布拉住宿加早餐旅馆(Benambra Bed ...
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简体中文及其他12 种语言 ... 在这款Panache Digital Games所制作的游戏中,你将在令人振奋的全新冒险之旅中探索环境、扩张领土并成功进化,让你的部落发展至下一代。
#53. panache 中文意思是什麼
n. 名詞 〈法語〉1. (盔等的)羽飾。 2. 〈比喻〉誇示,炫耀;擺架子,耍派頭。 panache 例句.
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Collection, Panache. Color, Firebrick. Construction, Cut Pile. Fiber, 100% Antron® Legacy nylon. Style, Non Pattern. Application, Residential. Width, 12 Ft.
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... Gaspard de l'école de la Motte Piquet à paris s'attaquent à cette expression avec panache. ... Les voisins du 12 bis », 法语-中文播客.
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Panache Haute Couture phautecouture. 1/6 Orana Avenue Seven Hills, NSW 2147- Australia,; ...
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... class Waiter :virtual public Worker { private: int panache; protected: void Data() const; void Get(); public: Waiter():Worker(),panache(0){} ...
#60. What does panache mean? -
An ornamental plume on a helmet. Etymology: From pennache, from pennaccio, from pinnaculum. panachenoun. Flamboyant, energetic style or action; dash; verve ...
#61. Shop Masland Panache Caribou 9431421 Carpet
Shop for Masland Panache Caribou 9431421 at our showroom location in Cincinnati, OH and browse a wide variety of carpeting in all different colors and ...
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Enako(えなこ) 《キラメキ未来図》 Panache 写真集. 拍攝機構: CosPlay; 發行日期: 2019-04-27; 照片數量: 66張. 出鏡模特. えなこ. 專輯標籤.
#63. Damn Strait - Line Dance (Dance & Teach in English & 中文)
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She is also a good physical match for Child, and the grace with which she carries her frame and the panache she brings to whacking ...
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Après l'avoir subtilisé pour une seconde à Nairo Quintana vendredi, Joao Almeida doit défendre son maillot de leader lors de la sixième et ...
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Master KG & Flora Ritshuri-Jesu Wa Makatsa… by : Openmic Productions · SHAYI MPEMPE_ Mavuthela x Swizz Panache… by : Muzzy D Pilot.
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... come upon other dishes doing a sort of French-onion cosplay, carrying off that holy trinity—bread, cheese, onion—with great panache.
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There is a WildFly MicroProfile Reactive Feature Pack but I didn't see any specific references to Hibernate Reactive like Panache in that ...
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Meanwhile, Gauri Khan was seen winning hearts with her panache as she was spotted wearing a multi-coloured outfit.
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Asia Pacific. Australia. English · 中国大陆. 简体中文 ... while also bringing a modern—even futuristic—panache to the laid-back colors conjuring the dog ...
#73. L'air hivernal de la ville de Fairbanks en Alaska est parmi les ...
Un panache de fumée émis dans l'air par une centrale électrique à Fairbanks, en Alaska, dont l'air hivernal est parmi les plus pollués des ...
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English, العربية, Español, 简体中文, Français, 日本, 繁體中文 ... Box resolves the murder case and the hunt for the Nazi photo album with his usual panache.
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However much he admired the panache of the Black Jackets his own sensitivity transformed a desire for empathy into an expression of sympathy .
#77. PC home 電腦家庭 12月號/2019 第287期 - 第 20 頁 - Google 圖書結果
遊戲資訊○Panache Digital Games ○ ○動作冒險○遊戲 ... 遊戲也首度與台灣企業合作,將於繁體中文版中獨家露出曜越科技、台灣大車隊、台灣角川等 ...
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... long de la marina ou posez-vous simplement sur le sable encore tiède pour contempler l'horizon plongeant avec panache dans la mer Égée.
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2DJGAME! NOVO's Archiver. 2DJGAME › 『 新作中文預覽區』 › [200529][panache]ぱられるAKIBA学園. dlyanxiaomei 發表於2020-05-01 15:25. [200529][panache] ...
#81. Best Nick G Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
The Panache is finally here! It's my flair on a new motivation. Come take a ride. Journey with us as we explore life, cigars, and relationships.
#82. Panache People 101 - The Economic Times
Panache People: Read all Information of Top Business Man, Politicians, Celebrities, Sports Players of India and world on the Economic Times.
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