油,蒜蓉 2 tsp,紅葱 2 tbsp,蘑菇 2,蘋果 2 tbsp,菠菜 30g,鹽,胡椒粉
牛扒 200g,薯仔 100g,橄欖油 3 tbsp,鹽,胡椒粉,番茜,迷迭香,酥皮 1,芥末醬,雞蛋
1. 在鍋加入油,蒜蓉,紅葱,蘑菇,蘋果,菠菜,鹽,胡椒粉,炒勻
2. 將牛扒切薄,打鬆
3. 加入蔬菜,捲起,用繩固定,用170℃焗25分鐘
4. 將薯仔,橄欖油,鹽,胡椒粉,番茜,迷迭香拌勻,醃一會兒
5. 在酥皮上塗上芥末醬,加入牛扒,捲起
6. ?花,塗上蛋液,與薯仔一併用180℃焗20分鐘
※Ingredients :
200g beef tenderloin, 2 tsp minced garlic, 2 tbsp minced shallot, 2 button mushroom, 30g spinach, 2 tbsp minced apple, 1 pinch salt, 1 pinch pepper
100g baby potato, 3 tbsp olive oil, 1 pinch salt, 1 pinch pepper, 1 pinch parsley, 1 stem rosemary
1 puff pastry
1. Oil the pot, stir fry minced garlic, shallot, button mushroom, sliced apple, spinach, salt, and pepper.
2. Marinate baby potatoes with olive oil, salt, pepper, parsley, and rosemary in a bowl.
3. Brush off mustard on inner part of puff pastry, place cooked steak and wrap. Glaze all over with egg mixture and mark it with knife.
4. Oil the oven pan and place marinated baby potatoes and place beef wellington, and bake in 180℃ oven for 20 minutes.
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