Its incredible and surprising when you meet rafting in Nepal, as your initial plan is to do trekking only. Just 3hours drive from Kathmandu, NRP3200 (RM131 or USD31), I got to experience rugged mountain scenery while doing 2-3hours whitewater rafting. And the price including a lunch, snack, dinner, breakfast and accommodation (bed equipped tent beside the riverbank!!!) I can't really express how grateful I am with this worthwhile package. Yup, I got this at SUKUTE BEACH (Goo it and call up). I got local charge even I'm a foreigner. It's a super thrilled experience! I became a TEAM with all my Nepali friends... BOTHE KOSHI means river flows from Tibet mountain, I'll be back for rafting again, why not in monsoon season?! Ahhhh!!!