未來隨著疫苗研發有成,將有助於消費者與企業恢復正常的經濟活動,國際貿易也可望回到正常成長的軌道。全球經濟復甦已指日可待。然而考慮諸多不確定因素,如新冠疫情的緩解速度,美中兩大國之間多方位的對立態勢與其他地緣政治風險等,都將持續影響全球經濟復甦的速度。再加上兩岸緊張關係的僵局,更將牽動我國貿易、投資與金融市場的發展。綜上,考量不確定因素與預測誤差下,預測臺灣2021年全年實質GDP成長率的50%信賴區間為 (3.16%, 5.42%)。
因為國際商務與旅遊受疫情重創,國外消費幾乎完全歸零; 國內消費則隨國內疫情趨緩,加上各項振興方案效果逐漸發揮成效,促進民眾消費、國內旅遊,帶動內需服務業營收微幅止跌。
明年疫情可望較為緩和,全球經濟持續復甦,國際商品市場需求回升,預期2021年CPI與WPI成長率分別為1.33%與 -0.41%。
#以上皆為專業經濟學分析結果 #籤詩如有雷同真的不是巧合
#中央研究院 #2021經濟預測
In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused almost all countries in the world to lockdown or control movement across borders. Consequently the world economy is experiencing a historical deep recession. Taiwan’s economy, however, has been growing remarkably, thanks to the united efforts and actions of the government and the people to fight and control the pandemic. Indeed, the Taiwan experience in fighting the Covid-19 and maintaining a robust economic growth has become a center of worldwide focus. The real GDP growth rate in the third quarter reached 3.92% and growth in the year 2020 is expected to be 2.71%.
taiwan gdp growth 2021 在 Think tank raises Taiwan 2021 GDP growth forecast to 5.84 ... 的相關結果
Taipei, Oct. 20 (CNA) The Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER) has raised its forecast for Taiwan's economic growth for 2021 ... ... <看更多>
taiwan gdp growth 2021 在 Taiwan's economic growth for 2021 hits 6% | Taiwan News 的相關結果
Taiwan's economy could grow by 6.01% in 2021, the government now predicts. Taiwan's ... ... <看更多>
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Growth forecasts were revised, with GDP now seen advancing 6.09% in 2021, faster than a prior estimate of 5.88%, and 4.15% in 2022 growth, compared to an ... ... <看更多>