~Chinese New Year cookies 2021新年餅乾烘培~
Almond & Cranberry Biscotti is so simple to make and they are packed with flavour.
Butter & Oil free, packed with the nutrients of almonds and cranberries , it's definitely a healthy snack to add on to your diet or even Chinese New Year!
I like it thin, crispy and crunchy!
無需牛油,含有杏仁及蔓越莓的營養,完全是個無罪惡感的健康零食!非常適合當日常甜點或是農曆新年的年餅 ?
我喜歡香脆可口的 ?
Tools 道具:
Hand Mixer 攪蛋器
Mixing Bowl 搅拌碗
Rectangular Cake Mould 長方形蛋糕模具
Parchment paper 防油紙
Silicon spatula 硅胶刮刀
Ingredients 材料:
3 egg whites , 1 egg yolk 3顆蛋白 1顆蛋黃
140g all purpose flour 140g 中筋粉
70g sugar 70g砂糖
100g roasted almonds 100g烤杏仁
60g dried cranberries 60g蔓越莓果乾
1/4tsp salt 1/4茶匙鹽巴
1/4tsp baking soda 1/4茶匙蘇打粉
1/4tsp vanilla extract 1/4茶匙香草精
Lime 酸柑
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