A steady stream of vlogs have been going up on my channel this year, I would say, vlog production has been going great ? Letting you guys in on a slightly more personal matter in this episode, never really spoken or revealed much about my family thus far but I hope we will get to know each other better as the days on YouTube go by :) Subscribe and turn on your notifications to stay connected!
Wanna be featured in my videos? Pop me an email at: nicolechangmin@gmail.com and I would to hear how we can work together and let our creative juices flow! (for collaboration/advertising opportunities)
Stalk me at:
Website: https://www.nicolechangmin.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolechangmin
Second IG: https://www.instagram.com/nicolechangmin.raw
Snapchat: @nicolechangmin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nicolechangminofficial