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強度比較適合中階 / 進階者,你會需要一條翹臀圈 以及 啞鈴 (兩支/一支都可以)
Hello everyone, welcome to my yt channel
Today I'm showing you guys a 40 min banded DB booty workout, including warm-ups and stretching. This set is designed for intermediate/ advanced lifters.
You will need a resistance band and dumbbell. (2 or 1 dumbbell is either fine)
If you want to build a strong booty at home. Let's train with May!
There are 4 sections. each sections do for 2 rounds.
啞鈴阻力深蹲 Dumbbell banded squat
前後腳單腳硬舉(右)B-stance single deadlift (right)
前後腳單腳硬舉(左)B-stance single deadlift (left)
坐姿開腿Seated abduction
前傾坐姿開腿Lean forward seated abduction
分腿蹲(右) Lunge (right)
後跨步蹲(右)Reverse lunge (right)
分腿蹲(左)Lunge (left)
後跨步蹲(左)reverse lunge (left)
啞鈴硬舉深蹲變化型DB deadlift into squat
窄站啞鈴深蹲停頓 Narrow stance squat pulses
啞鈴螃蟹走 Db crab walk
啞鈴深蹲停留 Banded squat hold
髖主導硬舉Banded hip dominant Deadlift
阻力恰恰(右)Banded cha cha (right)
阻力恰恰(左)Banded cha cha (left)
負重阻力臀橋 Weighted banded Glute bridge
負重阻力臀橋停留 Banded Glute bridge hold abduction
阻力單腳硬舉 (右)Banded Single leg thrust
阻力單腳硬舉 (左)Banded Single leg thrust
驢子踢腿 (右)Donkey kick (right)
小狗抬腳(右)Fire hydrant (right)
驢子踢腿 (左)Donkey kick (left)
小狗抬腳(左)Fire hydrant (left)
May Fit instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/may8572fit/
品牌Line官方帳號專屬ID: @mayufit ▶ https://lin.ee/tiQ1zgb
更多May Fit居家徒手/啞鈴訓練 ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLol39BuP8rM-6l2PNZqXFETC6oCkjnXoi
健身初學女孩必看!人氣觀念影片▶ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLol39BuP8rM_llhEej42eRX9SnogqW8yz
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