蘋果 — 性平,味甘,有潤肺健胃、生津止渴、消食止瀉功效,尤其適合慢性腹瀉者及食滯型腹瀉者食用。蘋果同時有暢便和止瀉功效,因為其果膠及膳食纖維有通便作用,而含有的鞣酸能使大便内水份減少,從而止瀉。
無花果 — 性平,味甘,有潤肺健脾開胃、潤腸通便、清熱解毒功效,對痔瘡便血、老年、孕婦便秘有明顯療效。
火龍果 — 性涼,味甘,有清熱生津、潤腸通便、生津止渴的功效,適合內熱較重、陰虛火旺、痔瘡便秘者食用。脾胃虛寒、腹瀉便溏者、寒性痛經者勿吃。
香蕉 — 性涼,味甘,有清熱解毒功效,要注意尚青或沒熟透的香蕉有收斂作用,能止瀉更有可能引起便秘;而熟透的香蕉(蕉皮帶梅花點)寒性會減低,帶潤腸通便的效果。
蜜瓜/哈密瓜 — 性寒,味甘,具清暑熱、解煩渴、利小便的功效,且果肉水份充沛,可消暑清熱。如感到身心疲倦、心神焦燥不安,食用蜜瓜和哈密瓜都有清熱解燥之效。惟注意脾胃虛寒勿吃。
Springtime sweet fruits
“People say sweet flavor is better than sour during spring. So fruits that are sour such as orange, apple and kiwi should not be eaten?”
CheckCheckCin: Chinese medicine believes that during spring one should opt for sweet flavour over sour. However, it is not to say that foods with sour taste can not be eaten at all, but it is recommended to choose more sweet foods. Sweet within Chinese medicine refers to sweetness as well as bland taste. Sweet foods have a nourishing effect on the spleen and stomach. Sweet fruits include apples, figs, dragon fruits, bananas, honeydew or cantaloupe. In addition to paying attention to sweetness vs sourness, you should choose fruits according to your body condition. Those with heat-related body condition should choose cool and cold natured fruits, those with a cold-related body condition should choose warm and hot natured fruits, and fruits with mild nature are suitable for all body conditions.
Apple - mild in nature and sweet, moistens the lungs and strengthens stomach, promotes fluid production to relieve thirst, aids digestion and relieves diarrhea. It is especially suitable for chronic diarrhea and indigestion related diarrhea. Apple can relieve constipation and diarrhea because the pectin and dietary fiber of apple can relieve constipation. The tannic acid can reduce the water content in the stool, thereby alleviating diarrhea.
Figs- mild in nature and sweet, moistens the lung, strengthens the spleen and stimulates appetite, helps to moisten bowels to relieve constipation, clears heat and removes toxins. It is especially effective for hemorrhoids and blood in stool and in treating constipation in elderlies, pregnant women and young children.
Dragon fruit - cool in nature and sweet, clears heat and promotes fluid production, moistens bowel to relieve constipation and relieves thirst. It is suitable for those with inner heat, yin deficiency with excess fire, hemorrhoids and constipation. Not suitable for those with asthenic cold spleen and stomach, diarrhea, loose stool and asthenic cold related menstrual pain.
Bananas- cold in nature and sweet, clears heat and removes toxins. Note that green and unripe bananas can also relieve diarrhea or lead to constipation. Ripe bananas (have small brown spots on the skin) are less cold in nature, and can moisten the bowels to relieve constipation.
Honeydew/Cantaloupe - cold in nature and sweet, clears summer heat, relieves thirst, and promotes diuresis. The flesh is juicy and can clear summer heat effectively. If you feel tired and anxious, honeydew and cantaloupe can also remove irritability. Note that those with asthenic cold spleen and stomach should avoid honeydew or cantaloupe.
#男 #女 #濕熱 #腹瀉
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