

piano tutorial的相關標籤

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關於piano tutorial的評價, I'M CHAMPION

#分享 #婚姻平權 #重要 這次的影片很非常感謝 與 夫夫之道 共同發想, 也非常感謝參與這次活動, 無私奉獻分享的藝人朋友們以及每一位夥伴, 我們希望讓更多人可以主動了解, 也可以響應 ...

Attended my first online dance class during this CMCO & MCO. I tried my best so here’s the homework that requested by my dance instructor. I don’t wanna waste my time worrying about all the uncertainty, so I do home workout, try to fill up my time like what I did before MCO, I go for online piano class, dance class and also learn some new editing skill through YouTube tutorial as well. So yea, my dance instructor @nanatsukushi never give up on me even I’m really suck on dancing but I will never stop trying & learning new things every time. I have no idea what song to choose so I join 全部小我十歲妹妹班😆 They all are so so talented which I really envy about it, their body gesture, movement everything just perfect but yea everyone still manage to learn this song within 1 hour class. I’m really happy I can improve a little bit, day by day at least I never give up easily on picking up new skill or new things that I’m not familiar with. Thank you for those who never give up on me 🤣 在studio亂拍請忽略背景音🤣🤣 老師很鼓勵我post 不要丟大便給我啊🥺 . Shot by #IphoneSE / Edited with InShot / Video asistant @edwinnnnnnnnnnnn

Attended my first online dance class during this C...