roast chicken restaurant 在 前段時間外地跑的比較多,今天就殺回廣州,吃一家粉絲強烈推薦,號稱“從未踩雷”的茶餐廳! 【品城記】 的影片資訊
关注品城记FB账号→ 前段時間外地跑的比較多,今天就殺回廣州,吃一家粉絲強烈推薦,號稱“從未踩雷”的茶餐廳! 外表看起來像是一家網紅店,但實際來...
关注品城记FB账号→ 前段時間外地跑的比較多,今天就殺回廣州,吃一家粉絲強烈推薦,號稱“從未踩雷”的茶餐廳! 外表看起來像是一家網紅店,但實際來...
Hey YouTube Family!! Here's my video on me making a chicken bacon sandwich with roasted potatoes. H...
Nice and warm November weather. My dad (grandpa) decided to throw a birthday party for my kids: my d...
Quán vịt quay Vĩnh Phong là một trong những quán vịt quay lâu đời nhất Sài Gòn. Chủ quán vịt quay Vĩ...
台灣有好多好玩的地方!其中一個是礁溪。礁溪在臺北跟花蓮的中間,所以花一天在這裏很方便。礁溪有很多好玩的,包括免費的泡脚,辣味冰淇淋跟好吃的烤鷄。 Taiwan has lots of beautif...
Is it possible at all to get authentic Chinese food outside of China? I'm not talking about Kung Pao...
Adrian and Kaity treat Adrian's grandma to dinner at Tai Ping Goon. Tai Ping Goon is a great restau...
Hey Everyone!!!! So this week, is the countdown to my Holiday Time from work. But, we are not goin...