٧ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٠، الساعة ١١:٤٣ ص ·. #UnwrapTheAsianInYou. Stay cool ❄️ during the Merdeka celebrations and enjoy an icy Asian Delight treat! ... <看更多>
٧ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٠، الساعة ١١:٤٣ ص ·. #UnwrapTheAsianInYou. Stay cool ❄️ during the Merdeka celebrations and enjoy an icy Asian Delight treat! ... <看更多>
Makan aiskrim baru keluaran Wall's Malaysia ni pun dah syok gila. Sea Coconut, Sweet Potato dan Coconut Black Sticky Rice, tiga flavour authentic ni memang bagi ... ... <看更多>