InnoVEX展讓我們與許多國內外的新朋友結緣,透過e團隊的積極分享與介紹,開拓ELECLEAN 的國際市場又更進一步了呢😊😊不論在哪,ELECLEAN 都是您守護健康的好夥伴👭
【InnoVEX 2019】5/29-5/31 台北世貿一館
【ELECLEAN 展位】A0624 A5
💬 LINE│https://reurl.cc/AL9zZ
🚚 官網│http://www.eleclean.com.tw/
📞 電洽│(03)621-8577
1) Company Name :ELECLEAN
3) Website:www.eleclean.com.tw
4) Booth number :TTA
5) Product name: ELECLEAN
6)Bacteria and viruses are human’s strongest enemies.For destroying these microorganisms,chemical-based disinfect-rants are commonly applied.
However,most disinfectants are potentially harmful even toxic to humans or animals with some hidden dangers such as carcinogenicity,mutagenicity and bio-accumulation...
In comparison to commercial disinfectants, a perfect disinfectant - ELECLENA Disinfectant Spray offers complete and full microbiological sterilization,without harming humans.