紅棗 — 把成熟的鮮棗烘至皮軟後再曬乾而成;有補氣、養血、安神作用,有助面色紅潤、手腳暖和,適合氣虛、血虛體質人士服用。
南棗 — 把成熟的鮮棗以熱水煮過然後曬乾,再以木柴燻過,能滋陰補血,適合陰虛、血虛體質人士食用。
黑棗 — 又名烏棗,把成熟的鮮棗以熱水煮過、烘乾再燻製而成,有滋補肝腎、潤燥生津的功效,比紅棗較為滋補,適合陰虛、血虛體質人士食用。
蜜棗 — 把大青棗周身割一次,使容易吸糖,經白糖煮後曬乾,能生津潤燥,適合各種體質人士服用。
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Getting to know the dates family
In Chinese medicine, there are many different kinds of dates- red dates, south jujube, black dates, and candied dates. According to the Chinese Medicine literature, they are all called dates. Do you know the difference between them?
Dates are fruits from the jujube trees and are oblong in shape. They are yellow and green in color when the fruits are young and dark brownish red when ripe. Dates are edible when they are fresh and can also be turned into dried or candied fruits.
Dates are warm in nature, can nourish the qi, replenish the blood, and strengthen the spleen and stomach. Dates processed in different ways would have different benefits. This is to cater to the needs of individuals with various body constitutions.
Red dates - bake fresh dates until skin is soft and leave to dry. Replenishes qi and blood and calms the mind, helps to maintain healthy complexion and warm limbs. Suitable for those with qi deficiency and blood asthenia body types.
South jujubes - Cook fresh dates in hot water and leave to dry, then smoke with wood. Nourishes yin and replenishes blood. Suitable for those with yang deficiency and blood asthenia body types.
Black dates - dates that have been smoked after being boiled in hot water. They can nourish the liver and kidney, moisten the body, and induce salivation. They have more nourishing properties than the red dates and are suitable for individuals who are yin- and blood-deficient.
Candied dates - cut unripe dates multiple times and cook with white sugar, then leave to dry. Promotes fluid production and relieves dryness. Suitable for all body types.
Red date tea with south jujubes and candied date
Effects: nourishes blood, improves skin and hair quality and prevents brittle nails, improves blood deficiency symptoms such as pale complexion.
Ingredients: 4 red dates, 2 south jujubes, 2 candied date
Preparation: Rinse all ingredients, core and cut into slices. Place into thermos, rinse with hot water once. Then add in hot water again and steep for 10 minutes. You can re-brew until its flavor weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 3-4 days a week as a treatment.
Note: not suitable for those with heat-related symptoms such as bitter mouth, dry mouth, canker sore, pimples.
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#男 #女 #我畏冷 #我疲憊 #我枯燥 #氣虛 #血虛 #陰虛
同時也有18部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過31萬的網紅Day Day Cook,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【栗子紅棗炆雞翼】 栗子炆雞係家家戶戶都曉煮嘅家常菜。今次就換做雞翼!呢一個小朋友最喜歡嘅食材去做,再加埋紅棗落去炆,有補血嘅功效,簡直係大人細路都啱食㗎! 下廚最緊要有廚房三寶:菜刀、砧板、炒鑊。今次用嘅都係有品質信心保證嘅廚具!德國卡爾牌纖維砧板表面密度極高,有防水防霉嘅功效。Blue Dia...
三棗茶功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
Is raw vegetarian healthy?
Some people are starting to eat raw vegetarian diets believing it can preserve nutrients of foods. IS this diet healthy?
CheckCheckCin: Raw vegetarian diets have become popular. The principle is to handle ingredients under 47 degrees Celsius, without additional processing to preserve their natural nutrients and enzymes. The food consumed is not cooked.
The stomach functions to transform and transport liquid relies on yang qi. Cold and raw foods can hurt yang qi. Once yang qi, spleen and stomach are damaged, fluid circulation will reduce leaving dampness in the body. This can lead to dampness and phlegm. If someone is qi deficient or blood asthenic, then eating raw things can worsen the situation leading to more symptoms.
Generally speaking, vegetarians do take in more cold-natured vegetables and are prone to issues with qi, blood and phlegm. It is important to have more warm or mild natured foods. When appropriate, try fried rice water or the below healing tea to replenish blood, warm the stomach and dispel cold.
Three dates tea
Effects: replenish blood and improve skin, improve pale complexion and hair quality
Ingredients: 4 Chinese red dates, 2 dried jujubes, 1 candied date
Preparation: remove pits from all ingredients and rinse with hot water. Place into thermos, add in hot water and steep for 10 minutes. Rebrew this tea until flavour weakens. For best results, drink this tea for 3-4 times as one course.
Note: those with heat related symptoms such as bitterness in taste, dry mouth, canker sores or pimples should not consume.
#男 #女 #氣虛 #血虛 #我畏寒 #頭暈
三棗茶功效 在 Day Day Cook Youtube 的最讚貼文
下廚最緊要有廚房三寶:菜刀、砧板、炒鑊。今次用嘅都係有品質信心保證嘅廚具!德國卡爾牌纖維砧板表面密度極高,有防水防霉嘅功效。Blue Diamond 嘅中式連蓋炒鑊用途多樣化,煎炒煮炆都得,不粘陶瓷塗層融合鑽石晶體,堅固耐用!而Blanc 納朗矽膠食物夾性能穩定,接觸高溫也不會產生有害物質或溶化!
德國卡爾 37大木纖維砧板 https://bit.ly/3opc6SB
Blanc 納朗12"食物夾 https://bit.ly/2YjLTdl
Blue Diamond™ 中式炒鍋32cm (配玻璃蓋) https://bit.ly/3iRTlpN
雞中翼 10 隻
去皮栗子 10粒
紅棗 6 粒
雞湯 500毫升
薑 20 克
蔥 半棵
紹興酒 1 湯匙
砂糖 1 湯匙
老抽 1 茶匙
生抽 1 湯匙
胡椒粉 1/4茶匙
1. 紅棗浸軟後切半去核,薑切片,蔥切段。
2. 雞翼加入紹興酒、生抽、糖和胡椒粉撈勻醃15分鐘。
3. 中火熱鑊加油,爆香薑蔥後放入雞翼煎至金黃色。
4. 倒入雞湯、老抽、栗子和紅棗,煮滾後冚蓋燜25分鐘至栗子變軟身即可。
Braised Chicken Wings with Chestnuts and Red Dates
10 chicken wings
10 peeled chestnuts
6 red dates
500ml chicken broth
20 g ginger
½ stalk of green onion
1 tbsp Shaoxing wine
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1/4 tsp ground pepper
1. Soften red dates by soaking in water, then red date cut in half and remove pits. Slice ginger, and cut green onions into sections.
2. Add Shaoxing wine, light soy sauce, sugar and ground pepper to chicken wings and marinate for 15 minutes.
3. Heat a wok over medium heat, add oil, sauté ginger slices and green onions, add marinated chicken wings and fry until golden brown.
4. Add chicken broth, dark soy sauce, chestnuts and red dates, bring it to boil, then turn it to medium heat and braise for 25 minutes until the chestnuts are soft.
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三棗茶功效 在 飲食男女 Youtube 的最讚貼文
桃膠 20克
雪耳 1個
鮮百合 1個
杞子 9克
紅棗 2粒
冰糖 少量
桂花 3克
石斛 10克
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三棗茶功效 在 Daddy Frank Youtube 的最讚貼文
#79 #肉骨茶 | 冬天・大雪 |【特別企劃.第三季】 養生食療、養生食譜 77 #新加坡 #馬來西亞 #排骨湯 #藥膳排骨 #美味 #美味い #scrumptious
排骨 1000g
蒜頭 25-30瓣
當歸 2錢
陳皮 1.5錢
黑棗 2粒
玉竹 2錢
甘草 1錢
川芎 2錢
丁香 5分
八角 2粒
北耆 1錢
桂皮 1錢
月桂葉 2片
小茴香 1錢
白胡椒粒 4錢
枸杞 適量
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