//sneak peek//
Ned and I designed and worked on an 1 min animation for 2018 Taiwanese Golden Melody Ceremony’s best lyrics nominees intro.
Each award’s intros are uniquely created by different teams of illustrators and motion designers.
It will be out this Saturday 6/23. Really excited to see all of the designs✨✨✨
#Repost @2018_gma
. [ #GMA29倒數 5天 ]
「複製貼上 換個字眼」
▉ 最佳作詞人獎
•王昭華/有 無 (片尾曲) To Have, or Not To Have《大佛普拉斯的電影配樂》
•嚴彬; 李宗盛/在家鄉《仍是異鄉人(Still An Outlander)》
[ 第29屆金曲獎頒獎典禮🎁 ]
6.23(Sat.) 台北小巨蛋
🎩16:50 星光大道、👠19:00頒獎典禮
#GMA29 #未來ing #眾聲宣言#goldenmelodyawards #金曲獎 #最佳作詞人 #juliayellow #複製貼上