🥑 2021美國農產品及食品展示會將於北、中、南盛大舉行 🥛
台灣是美國農產及食品第 8️⃣ 大的出口市場,此次展示會有來自美國愛達荷州、密蘇里州、新墨西哥州、華盛頓州以及懷俄明州共45家優質農產品、食品廠商參加,主要展出產品包括蔬果、乳製品、乳清粉、有機及非基改穀物、咖啡、碳酸飲品、威士忌及葡萄酒、堅果、牛肉、食品原料、加工食品、有機食品、無麩質食品等,歡迎廠商蒞臨參觀!
🚩台北場:2021年4月14日 9:30-16:30,台北市進出口公會(台北市中山區松江路350號1樓演講廳)。
🚩台中場:2021年4月20至21日 9:30-16:30,台中市西屯區府會園道169號1樓。
🚩報名問題請洽美國愛達荷州亞太區辦事處(02)2725-2922 (或teelayeh@idahoasia.org.)
Seeking for business opportunities? Join AIT to visit the American Agricultural and Food Products Showcase!
AIT’s Agricultural Trade Office collaborates with the American State Offices Association (ASOA) and Importers & Exporters Association of Taipei (IEAT) to organize the American Agricultural and Food Products Showcase, a three-city tour launching in Taipei on April 14, followed by Taichung (April 20-21) and Kaohsiung (May 5).
Five member states of ASOA will be participating in Taipei showcase. They are Idaho, Missouri, New Mexico, Washington, and Wyoming. Food and agricultural products from these states will be showcased and one-on-one meetings with local buyers will be arranged accordingly. Visit the showcase with us to find more business opportunities!