外交部吳部長首次接受 #科威特智庫「偵查研究」專訪,說明 #中國威脅、#台美關係、#台灣與中東國家合作的機遇。吳部長特別指出,中東地理位置及能源供給角色對台灣至關重要,台灣也積極推動與中東各國政府合作, #讓台灣的聲音被世界聽見。
在全球氣候變遷之下,台灣近年持續發展 #再生能源 及 #綠能科技 來做因應,而科威特也推出「科威特2035願景」(Kuwait’s 2035 Vision),吳部長表示台科雙方可以針對綠能科技發展合作,期望共同達成 #聯合國永續發展目標。
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In a recently published interview with Arab Times Kuwait Founding President Abdulaziz Mohammed Al-Anjeri, MOFA Minister Joseph Wu talked on a range of issues, including the recent wave of support for #Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, the disinformation and military threats from China and Taiwan’s relations with #Kuwait and the larger #MiddleEast region.
With regard to attempts to silence Taiwan, Minister Wu said, "Taiwan will make its voice heard around the world."
He pointed to new opportunities for cooperation in the #GreenEnergy, #PublicHealth and #SmartHealthcare sectors, building on existing trade ties--Taiwan-Kuwait bilateral trade totalled US$2.64 billion in 2020. He also mentioned the strengthening of people-to-people and civil society exchanges between our countries, from think-tanks to academics and cooperation in joint humanitarian assistance projects targeting Syrian refugees.
You can read the entire interview at the link in the comments section below!
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