【#Mosaic #Taiwan 不只是馬賽克🎨】
The 2019 國際青年菁英領袖研習班 Mosaic Taiwan program drew to a successful conclusion recently! As well as attending a series of lectures and forums and visiting government departments and company headquarters, the 29 young people from the #US 🇺🇸 and #Canada 🇨🇦 got a real taste of the culture, with a ride on the world's fastest passenger elevator at #Taipei101, some delicious #StreetFood and dumplings, and trying their hand at #ClawMachines. They even had time for a field trip to the historic city of #Tainan, during the 12-day program!
We hope the participants will not forget their time in #Taiwan on their return home!
2019 #國際青年菁英領袖研習班 圓滿落幕啦~
讓我們跟著鏡頭的律動🎥 看看這29位來自美、加各界的青年領袖,從抵臺相見歡、拜會機關企業、參加論壇講座,一路搭上 #地表最速電梯、品味 #18摺 🥢、體驗 #擲筊 #夾娃娃🧸,以及最後探訪 #南臺灣 的點點滴滴吧~ 😎
12天拼湊出來的 #臺灣 #馬賽克,
帶走的,也許是快閃記憶的一抹抹色彩 🌈
分享的,將會是臺灣 #最美風景 的無可取代 ❤️
#皮蛋 #臭豆腐 #豬血糕 ... 🤔❓