噔噔噔~ 食物還是自己煮最好吃😁 目前為止來到非洲已經吃過斑馬,澎澎,羚羊,鱷魚等其他野生動物🐮 就只差鴕鳥肉還沒品嚐到!前天在餐廳有看到,但一盤要 220 ZAR (大約台幣$500)我們覺得有點小貴,畢竟在南非主菜牛排通常才台幣$250🍴 沒想到今天在逛超市的時候發現兩人份的鴕鳥肉才台幣不到$130😍 當然買回來煎看看啊!跟其他肉類一樣,三分熟最好吃❤️ 鴕鳥沒有多餘肥肉,吃起來有點像是馬肉但是沒那麼腥的肉味,畢竟是鳥類🐥 在這邊三顆美味的大木瓜居然不到台幣$80😍 真的是愛肉,愛蔬果人士的天堂啊!#型男主廚再現 #鴕鳥肉 #南非
Home-cooked food is still the best😁 So far in Africa we have tried zebra, kudu, oryx, warthog but not ostrich yet🐮 We were super excited to find two pieces of ostrich steak for 60 ZAR when restaurants were selling it for 220 ZAR per main😍 Cooked to medium rare, it tasted similar to kangaroo but without that meaty taste, probably due to lack of fat🐥 Vegetables and fruits are so cheap too, feel like we in food heaven😍 #homecookmeal #ostrich #capetown