寶寶今天滿月了🌕 都不知道新生兒長得那麼快!出生後十三天就長三公分,老人家說「一眠大一吋」果然有理!👶
墨爾本正式成為世界上封城最久的城市,如果 10/26 真的解封了話,將會封了267天...🔐 謝謝整個城市陪我做月子...😂
沒想到產後的四肢水腫真不是蓋的,花了兩個禮拜才消腫😩 明明孕期都沒事!也因此錯過與新生兒拍攝這一系列媽媽與寶寶的比例照片🥲
話說上次健康檢查護士說一般寶寶一個禮拜大 130-200g,我家兩個禮拜就重將近 400g!護士形容她為 muscular💪金剛芭比無誤啊!難怪上次她亂扭頭撞到我的手臂還腫起來,可怕啊~😝
Ps. 照片攝於19天大,滿月的還沒拍,因為爸爸今天工作... 📸
#寶寶滿月 #育兒記錄 #寶寶每秒都會變臉
*️⃣ 意外在家產子記錄 & 順產運動/ 食物分享➡️ https://bit.ly/39aCxWI
*️⃣ 產前憂鬱症記錄 ➡️ https://bit.ly/38uyyUH
*️⃣ 備孕紀錄 ➡️ https://bit.ly/3dEcXgB
*️⃣ 懷孕1-3月紀錄 ➡️ https://bit.ly/2Nh1vN7
*️⃣ 懷孕後期記錄 & 舒緩分享 ➡️ https://bit.ly/38v2ikp
*️⃣ 爸爸產前教育課心得 ➡️ https://bit.ly/38v2ikp
Baby is one month old today🌕 In the first two weeks she was so quiet, we sometimes forget we have a baby 🤣
She grew 3cm in 13 days!!! Was not expecting babies to grew this quick, missed out on newborn photo opportunity 🥺
Took her for a health check up and the nurse said she grew almost 400g in two weeks! Usually babies grow 130g-200g each week, she's definitely on the faster growing side😬 The nurse described her as a "muscular" baby💪
Honestly was not expecting my body to be this out of shape and sore postpartum 🥺 It's almost like I aged ten years!!! The postpartum edema was worse than I thought, especially I was totally fine during pregnancy 😖
After asking several friends, turns out everyone was on the same boat, except no one talks about it🙄 No wonder Asians go on confinement (hideout) for a month after birth 🤣
Anyways, Melbourne has officially become the city with the longest lockdown in the world 🔐 It's like the while city is in confinement with me..😬
寶寶每秒都會變臉 在 【LINE】妻子去世「渣男秒娶外遇對象」→小三的孩子備受寵愛 的推薦與評價
【LINE】妻子去世「渣男秒娶外遇對象」→小三的孩子備受寵愛,甚至跟元配小孩爭奪家業 ... 日本婆婆75歲生日,第一次看到川劇變臉,驚訝的合不攏嘴! ... <看更多>