蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen總統今早在榮獲
#全美議會交流理事會 (ALEC) 🇺🇸
引述了這句英國前首相 #柴契爾夫人 的名言
因為蔡總統是繼 2006 年的柴契爾之後
她將持續捍衛 #台灣 #民主自由 的生活方式
永遠不會停止追求兩岸關係的 #和平 #穩定
也不會對台灣的 #安全 有任何妥協 👊🏻
總統也表示期盼能與最重要的安全盟友 #美國
進一步透過洽簽 #雙邊貿易協定 (BTA) 等措施
深化兩國緊密的經貿夥伴關係 🤝🏻
也特別感謝美國 50 位跨黨派參議員
以及 160 多位眾議員在這方面的全力支持
希望未來台美兩國基於 #共享價值 及 #共同利益
總統府新聞稿 https://reurl.cc/Ez51Vk
#連兩天狂洗國際版的概念 😄
#勇敢自信 #世界同行
⛽️ 資訊補給站
「全美議會交流理事會」(ALEC) 成立於1973年,是全美規模最大的州議會組織,由將近四分之一的州議員及私人企業人士所組成,在美國極具政經社會影響力,近年來多次於年會中通過友我決議,如 2018 年通過支持《台灣旅行法》,以及 2019 年紀念《台灣關係法》40 週年重申美國對台承諾。ALEC並於今年峰會通過「支持美國與台灣簽署雙邊貿易協定 (BTA) 決議」,支持且籲請美國聯邦政府儘速與我國洽簽BTA。
“When people are free to choose, they choose freedom”
Cue music
And the award goes to... 🥁🥁🥁
President 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen was awarded the International Pioneer Award For Leadership by the American Legislative Exchange Council (#ALEC) during its virtual States And Nation Policy Summit on December 3 to honor her leadership during the #COVID19 pandemic. The only other foreign leader to be a recipient is former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in 2006.
In addition to expressing her gratitude for the award, President Tsai said that, as president, her role is to preserve and defend Taiwan's democracy, freedoms, and way of life and that she looks forward to making progress on a bilateral trade agreement with the United States, Taiwan's second largest trading partner and most important security ally, consistent with our #SharedValues and #CommonInterests.
ALEC is the largest nonpartisan and voluntary membership organization of state legislators in the US. Comprised of nearly one-quarter of state legislators and stakeholders from across the policy spectrum, ALEC is one of the most significant grassroots organization in the US.
Watch Tsai’s acceptance speech in full here: https://english.president.gov.tw/News/6075
#RealFriends #RealProgress
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