The annual 【Fabulous Taiwan】Photography and Caption Contest is held to encourage the recipients of Taiwan Scholarship and Huayu Enrichment Scholarship to appreciate the depth, warmth, beauty and energy of Taiwan🇹🇼.
The finalists this year successfully captured the vibrant new life of ancient monuments, the romantic wild flowers in spring, and the harmony and tranquility embedded in mountains. Let’s see their fabulous photos😲!
今年的得獎作品分別為由來自越南等國的受獎生拍攝,透過小小的鏡頭,他們捕捉了臺灣古蹟的新生命、春日野花的浪漫氛圍,以及山林景緻的靜謐和諧⛰... 現在就讓我們來看看他們的精彩作品吧!
第3⃣名 https://goo.gl/72B9EA
第2⃣名 https://goo.gl/UBn531
第1⃣名 https://goo.gl/euYsJD