【搶先看📣 帛琉總統訪台行程📝】
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#台灣🇹🇼 好盟友也是外交部好朋友 #帛琉 🇵🇼總統 #惠恕仁 President Surangel Whipps Jr. 伉儷訪問團即將在3月28日至4月1日來台囉❗
這次惠總統出任訪團的 #觀光擔當,訪台後將會出席 #帛琉旅遊管理局 Palau Visitors Authority 駐台辦事處舉辦的帛琉觀光宣傳活動。
#外交部 也為總統安排了豐富的行程,例如會晤 #小英總統 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen,並且接受總統、行政院蘇院長、及外交部吳部長的款宴, 也透過參訪我國 #船舶製造 及 #水產養殖業,為台帛兩國開創更多商務投資,振興帛琉經濟,並且尋求更多 #醫衛合作 機會。
帛琉 #首發團 將會與惠總統搭乘同一班飛機抵帛 ,未來外交部將與帛琉政府共同持續檢討 #台帛旅遊泡泡 的實施情形,適時調整相關規定,為人民帶來最安全、最美好的旅遊回憶。💞
外交部新聞稿 🔎 https://reurl.cc/GdQr03
After MOFA Minister Joseph Wu was shown such great hospitality on his recent trip to #Palau to attend the inauguration of President Surangel Whipps, Jr., we couldn’t wait to return the favor and show President Whipps, Jr. what Taiwanese hospitality is really like!
The president will visit from March 28 to April 1, showing the respect he holds for the Taiwan-Palau relationship and to promote the travel bubble to launch between both countries.
After being greeted off the plane by Minster Wu, he’ll be wined and dined by President Tsai Ing-wen, Executive Yuan President Su Tseng-chang and Minister Wu himself.
The Palauan president is aiming to initiate more cooperation in the business, air travel and medical sectors to reinvigorate the economy. During the trip, as well as attending a promotional event held by the Palau Visitors Authority, he will visit shipbuilding facilities and aquaculture industries in the south of Taiwan.
#YouveGotAFriendInTaiwan #GoodChoice
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過18萬的網紅公視新聞網,也在其Youtube影片中提到,台帛旅遊泡泡首發團,上午參觀號稱小白宮的帛琉總統府。惠恕仁總統親自擔任導覽員,還帶媒體到屋頂,以絕佳位置欣賞帛琉的碧海藍天。他透露,兩週後會有六成的帛琉民眾接受疫苗注射,可望屆時到帛琉觀光會更安全。不過居高不下的費用,恐怕讓人卻步,帛琉旅遊管理局長說,會與各州政府協調。 詳細新聞內容請見【公視新聞...
帛琉旅遊管理局 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文
Taiwan’s embassy in Palau 🇵🇼️has not only supported the Palau Visitors Authority in organizing the ‘Konqer’d’ obstacle course, they also formed the ‘Taiwan Ironman’ 🤖 team, led by Ambassador Wallace Chou, and their ten-man team completed the 16-obstacle course in a speedy 3 hours.
中華民國駐帛琉大使館 Embassy of the ROC Taiwan in Palau不僅贊助「帛琉旅遊管理局」舉辦的Konqer’d障礙賽🧗♂️🧗♀️,還身體力行,由周民淦大使率領10位同仁組成「臺灣鐵人隊」,在3小時內突破重重關卡,揮灑汗水💦的英姿讓主辦單位和民眾都不禁動容啦~
To promote Palau tourism, the Konqer Game staged by Palau Visitors Authority(PVA) and Konqer Sports in Airai and Koror State respectively on October 6th and 7th, 2018. The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the Republic of Palau together with the PVA advertised this event to other countries in hope of reaching out to potential tourists in the year to come.
Taiwan Embassy not only funded the Konqer Game held by PVA and invited Travel Asia Channel to film, but also constituted a team of 10 named “Taiwan Ironman”.
Konqer Game includes swimming, jogging and 16 obstacle courses. These obstacles require not only strength, but also good strategies and teamwork to be able to complete. To promote the positive image of Taiwan, Flags of Republic of China (Taiwan) were hanged on of the obstacle sponsored by the Embassy.
With the unwavering determination and excellent teamwork, Taiwan Ironman Team finally completed all the obstacles in 3 hours and received the cheers and supports from PVA and spectators.
26 teams, 261 participants and almost a thousand spectators attended the Konqer Game this year. After the event, PVA awarded certificates to Taiwan Embassy and other sponsors. It is a very successful event this year, said PVA.
帛琉旅遊管理局 在 公視新聞網 Youtube 的精選貼文
詳細新聞內容請見【公視新聞網】 https://news.pts.org.tw/article/519944
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帛琉旅遊管理局 在 【台語新聞】出國玩有望! 觀光局規劃帛琉旅遊泡泡 - YouTube 的推薦與評價

新冠病毒疫情讓台灣封鎖邊境,愛出國的台灣人悶了大半年,終於有機會了!交通部觀光局,最近展開規劃「 旅遊 泡泡」,就先鎖定零確診的太平洋島國 帛琉 。 ... <看更多>
帛琉旅遊管理局 在 帛琉觀光局Pristine Paradise Palau - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Alii!歡迎來到帛琉觀光局的中文官方頁面,我們誠摯邀請您用永續旅遊的方式,親自體驗帛琉這個擁有豐富的海洋生態和獨特文化的原始天堂。 ... <看更多>