‘It’s important to be kind. You can’t know all the times that you’ve hurt people in tiny, significant ways. It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’
极了meaning 在 Leng Yein Facebook 的精選貼文
《ROF》限量送出7枚总值RM2700的《RING OF FAITH》💍💍💍
戒指, 它不只是一种戴在手指上的装饰品
ROF 设计打造的925纯银饰品
ROF 戒指展现的925纯银饰品
- 全都是【手工制成】, 再采用先进技术和设计,经过了人工制版,注腊,倒模, 执模,镶石,抛光这几道工序后
- 每一件成品都凝聚了设计师的心血和汗水, 而且每一枚都有属于它自己的LOGO & CODE 💕
这肯定使产品看上去极其灵性, 绝对是独一无二💍💍💍
- 在照片下【按赞】并且【分享在自己的面子书】 设为公开
- 在照片下【tag好友】并写下自己的经历【我想要得到ring of faith 因为.....】
- ⭐ 姐会从中选出能感动我的7位幸运儿 💕
确认下单 购买联络人 📲
facebook 👉 https://www.facebook.com/ringoffaith/
#新加坡 #台湾 #马来西亚多个地区提供面交
#SIZE不对可更换 *附带条件
#ringoffaith #rof #notjustaring
Limited number of《Ring of Faith》GIVEAWAY!! Worth a total of RM2700 💍💍💍
RING, it is not just a piece of jewelry but each of them represent a different meaning to their wearer💕 ROF are specially custom-designed & they're made of pure silver 925.
Facts of ROF:
❤European Design❤
💚World Leading💚
💜Elegant & Unique💜
🖤Suitable for everyone🖤
- All of these ROF are specially custom-designed with most advance technology to create 4 separate rings that interlocks perfectly into 1 ring.
- Each interlocking ring is produced sincerely by our jeweller. Each individual ROF, differently coded and completed with logo, represent their efforts, hardwork &
diligence in the process of making 💕
With all these reason, it turns ROF into the most unique ring! 💍💍💍
- Press 【LIKE】on this photo and【SHARE】 it on your FB profile (Your Profile must be Public)
- 【TAG】your best friends together to join & write down【Why I want to win Ring of Faith, because...】you can write according on your past stories
- ⭐ SIS going to choose the most 7 MOST TOUCHED stories as lucky winners 💕
⚠ The MORE you【TAG】your friends, the higher chances you【WIN】⚠
For those who are interested to place order, pls contact:
facebook 👉 https://www.facebook.com/ringoffaith/
#Singapore #Taiwan #Malaysia #Freedelivery
#COD #AbletochangeSIZE *with T&C*
#ringoffaith #rof #notjustaring
极了meaning 在 吉隆坡美食大胃王 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【Vegetarian也有好料泰国餐吃!创意满满的Vegetarian料理,连Meat Lovers也爱吃!只在PJ Seksyen 17的Kon Rak Pak! 】寿星在这里Celebrate生日,可获得10% Discount Voucher噢~可在下次到访时再使用!
只要到PJ Seksyen 17的【Kon Rak Pak】,你们就可以吃到超美味又创意十足的泰式素食料理啦!【Kon Rak Pak】在泰文的Meaning就是Veggie Lovers噢!
这家的素食料理可是大受欢迎的噢~很多创意十足的素食料理,让你想不到的素食料理这里都有,就连肉食者都会爱上的唷!这里的料理全部没有放洋葱、蒜以及任何动物产品,真的是完完全全地pure vegan!!!
吃泰国餐哪里可以少的了Tomyum啊?不过小编今天极力推荐的是他们家的【Tomsom Mushroom Tofu】!也就是没有放椰浆的Clear Tomyum噢~不要以为Clear就是清谈,那你就错了~喝起来非常够味,很清甜,很refreshing!
如果一大班人来用餐的话,小编建议你们可以点他们家的【Green Curry Lion Head】、【BBQ Chicken】、【Crispy Kangkung】、【Massaman Mutton】等这几道菜色噢,都很不错的噢,虽然是荤食的名称,但是都是素的噢~!配上这里serve的糙米饭,好吃又健康!
这里还有很多泰国的经典Dessert丫!尤其是【Mango Sticky Rice】,甜甜的芒果配上带点温温的糯米饭~甜进心里去了啊!还有其他的甜品,比如【Banana & Taro Desser】t、【Ma Toom】 、【Red Ruby】等等都很赞!
1. Lime-Grass Quencer Rm7
2. Mangolicious Rm12
3. Thai Iced Tea Rm8
4. Ma Toom Rm4
5. BBQ Chicken Rm21
6. Grilled Eggplant Rm21
7. Massaman Mutton Rm23
8. Green Curry Lion Head Rm20
9. Mango Sticky Rice RM13
10. Banana & Taro Dessert Rm9
11. Red Ruby Rm9
12. Pineapple Fried Rice Rm17
13. Crispy Kangkung Rm23
14. Mixed Herbs Salad Rm25
15. Deep Fresh Fish Rm36
16. Grilled Squid Rm23
17. Tomsom Mushroom Tofu Rm13
18. The Frankenstein Rm34
19. Meang Kam Rm18
店名:Kon Rak Pak
FB Link : https://www.facebook.com/konrakpak/
Tue - Fri : 11.30am - 2.30pm , 6pm - 10pm
Sat & Sun : 11.30am - 3pm , 6pm - 10pm
Closed on every Monday(初一、十五或公共假期照常营业,会在隔天休息)
联络号码:03-7496 7639
17G ,Jalan 17/56 ,
Seksyen 17 ,
Petaling Jaya ,
46400 Selangor .
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