想去加拿大旅遊但又不知道有什麼好玩?留意無綫電視 J2 台逢星期六晚上 8 時半至 9 時播出的「加拿大潮什麼」,一連 10 集 梁芷珮 Christy Leung 會帶我們去到加拿大卑詩省,亞伯達省及西北地區,探索一下當地有什麼新奇玩意!
Need ideas for your upcoming trip to Canada? Check out Christy Leung's “Hipster Tour Canada” as she explores neat things to do in BC, Alberta and the Northwest Territories! The 10-part series runs every Saturday evening 8:30 – 9:00pm on TVB channel J2 (Cantonese only).
Details: http://programme.tvb.com/foodandtravel/hipstertourcanada/
Canada Keep Exploring #ChooseCanada