早前為 Market Place by Jasons 拍的廣告。
感謝 Madcradle Online 廣域度多媒體 的信任
時至今日,如果仲只係識飲原味真露,咁就真係好out喇!近年韓酒潮流出現咗大變化,低酒精嘅果酒備受追捧,當中要數最hit嘅,當然係由真露 (JINRO)推出嘅有汽果酒啦!而且JINRO仲搵咗人氣鼎盛嘅韓國女星IU做代言人,早前推出嘅桃味有氣燒酒極受歡迎,唔少韓國女生都爭住飲!為咗迎接熱辣辣嘅夏日,Market Place by Jasons特別引入咗JINRO最新推出嘅菠蘿味有氣燒酒,酒精含量5%,味道清甜,最適合喺夏天消暑時飲,你都快啲tag埋好友,率先買返pack一齊飲啦!Cheers!
#搜奇 #為您率先搜羅 #JINRO #菠蘿味真露 #有氣燒酒
[The Most Loved Jinro of Korean Fans]
Jinro is a must-have item for lots of Korean fans with numerous Kdramas featuring Jinro drinking scenes. Originally named Soju, it was introduced to Korea from China during Yuan Dynasty. Soju is traditionally made with grains or sweet potatoes. The alcohol will be distilled for 3 times to become crystal clear just like dew droplets. Hence, Soju is also called Noju, the dew liquor. In the old days, the diluted Soju contains much higher alcohol content as well.
Original Jinro is now totally over!It’s all about fruit wines with low alcohol content now.With the new trend in Korean liquor, the sparkling fruit wines of Jinro even created a craze in Korea by appointing IU as its spokesperson. To get into the summer spirit, Market Place by Jasons is offering the newest fresh and breezy pineapple flavouredJinro. With an alcohol content of 5%, this fresh drink is perfect for the summer days. Let's tag your friends and enjoy the essence of summer together! Cheers!
#AWorldOfSurprisesAwaits #Jinro #PineappleFlavouredJinro #SparklingSoju
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