[udn.com 聯合新聞網 專欄 / UDN Column] #甜點減糖的必要與矛盾 / The necessity and ambivalence of sugar reduction in sweet treats (English below)
台灣人在甜點店裡最常說的兩句話,可能一是「嗯,這個不太甜,很好吃」、二是「請問你們店裡最不甜的甜點是哪一個?」但是情況 #如果換到水果_卻會完全相反。
🔖 延伸閱讀:
Maison Plume: https://tinyurl.com/y2adcgxr
With the rise of health consciousness, sugar is probably, apart from fat and salt, the most condemned ingredient. Sugar and even the sweet taste seem to become something to avoid, while not so long ago, sugar and its various products were seen as medicine that is effective to wound healing and a treatment for many other discomforts such as fever, cough, stomach and pectoral ailments, etc. Since when people start to feel guilty instead of delightful while having pastries, desserts, chocolates and things that are meant to be sweet and bring pleasure to life? Though sugar reduction might be preferred in sweet treats, is it really necessary? Click on the following link to read more (in Chinese).
🔖 Related posts:
Maison Plume: https://tinyurl.com/y2adcgxr
#yingspastryguide #yingc #甜點 #減糖 #健康