開箱史上最讚汽車?特斯拉 Model Y!
🔥Is Tesla’s Model Y Crossover the World’s Best Car?
特斯拉 Model Y 是市面上最好的汽車嗎?
🚘I WAS DEBATING whether to proclaim the new Tesla Model Y the best car in the world. Given that the all-electric medium-size crossover ($57,190 for the Long Range Dual Motor AWD, as tested) is the most technically advanced electric automobile made; and that electric cars are functionally superior to those powered by internal combustion; there is a certain Vulcan logic to it.
正在考慮是否要宣布特斯拉新款Model Y是市面上最好的汽車。鑑於全電動中型跨界休旅車(我所測試的高續航雙馬達全時四驅款售價57190美元(約台幣168萬元))是目前技術最先進的電動汽車,而電動汽車的性能又優於燃油車,這個說法還是具有一定嚴謹的瓦肯星人邏輯。
-proclaim: 宣告;公布;聲明
-crossover: 跨界運動休旅車
-combustion: 燃燒
✍️ Vulcan: 瓦肯人是虛構科幻影集《星艦迷航記》中的一種外星人。他們是發源於瓦肯星(Vulcan)的智慧外星類人類族群,以信仰嚴謹的邏輯和推理、去除情感的干擾聞名
👑Reasonable earthlings may disagree. This high-waisted version of the Model 3 sedan—with roughly 70% of the same parts, says the company—isn’t exactly lovely, a quality every tiara-wearing total package ought to have, don’t you think?
然而理性的地球人可能未必同意。據公司介紹,這個Model 3的高腰版本與Model 3共享約70%零件。它的外形看上去並不起眼,每款頂尖配置都應該具備這種特點,你覺得呢?
-earthling: 世人;俗人
-sedan: 轎車
-tiara: (尤指女王等地位高的女性在非常正式的場合佩戴的)冕狀寶石頭飾
🦎In my showing the car to neighbors, it seemed to take about 30 seconds for people to make whatever gestalt switch required for their impressions to change from “boring” to “restful.” A key part of that seems to be the dawning delight of finding oneself under the Y’s one-piece panoramic glass roof, a terrarium for suburbia’s bearded dragons.
在我向鄰居展示這輛車的過程中,大家似乎需要大約30秒將對它的印象從「無趣」變為「舒適」。轉變的關鍵似乎是能感受到坐在Model Y的全景天窗之下的喜悅,彷彿置身於玻璃容器中的鬆獅蜥。
-gestalt: [德] [心]形態;完形(一種結構或者經歷,其整體不等於各部分簡單相加之和)
-impression: 印象
-restful: 有益休息的; 閒適寧靜的
-panoramic: 全景的
-terrarium: (栽培植物的)玻璃容器
-suburbia: 郊外;近郊
-bearded dragon: 一種半樹棲澳大利亞蜥蜴,具多刺鱗片和一個帶尖刺的大喉袋
In my showing the car to neighbors, it seemed to take about 30 seconds for people to make whatever gestalt switch required for their impressions to change from “boring” to “restful.”
A. ideas / dull
B. feelings / restless
C. impressions / restful
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