(T:註冊營養師 Tiffany Shek,C:註冊中醫師Cinci EC)
T:目前為止, Superfood「超級食物」一詞並沒有科學定義,但坊間一般用來形容含豐富營養素的天然食材,是讓人更容易達到我們每天所需要各種營養的食物 (想知道我們一天應該吃到的那種營養及份量,可以參考膳食營養素參考攝入量- Dietary Reference Intakes)。常常被視為「超級食物」的食物包括奇亞籽、藜麥、杞子、羽衣甘藍等。
其實食物不應該被輕易標籤為好或不好、「超級」或「普通」。實踐均衡飲食,進食不同種類的食物、不同顏色的蔬果 – 這才是真正的Super Diet!單單食用「超級食物」其實並不能達到一天所需的營養。
C:中醫理論還是認為食材屬性及功效要與體質相配合才能有效養生,否則吃再多也無濟於事,甚至弄巧反拙。 一般而言,會建議適量食用屬性平和、適合任何體質人士食用的食材,例如米飯、紅蘿蔔、粟米、薯仔、豬肉等。
Are all superfoods good?
(T: Tiffany Shek, Registered Dietitian, C: Cinci EC, Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner)
T: The term "superfood" is generally used to label a food item that is rich in certain nutrients (even when small amounts are consumed). However, there is currently no scientific consensus as to what a "superfood" is. Items routinely regarded as a "superfood" include chia seeds, quinoa, goji berries and kale.
The lack of consensus on what “superfood” is allows one to label any food or product with the label of "superfood", especially in stores or restaurants for marketing purposes. Such sales strategy may be misleading to consumers. For example, coconut oil is often labelled as a "superfood" across retail stores, however it is high in saturated fat, which is associated to increase LDL-cholesterol levels subsequently increasing risk in cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Therefore, consumers ought to be cautious about food described as “superfood”. At the end of the day there is no “good” or “bad”food, one should focus on his/her whole diet.
The consumption of “superfoods ”alone may not allow us to achieve our daily nutritional requirements. Embarking on a healthy lifestyle, incorporating a variety of whole foods, focusing on a wide array of fruits and vegetables, however, would result in a "super" diet!
C: Chinese medicine theory believes that the natures and healing effects of food should be complement the body type in order to effectively maintain health. Simply eating more of something may not only achieve nothing, but potentially lead to adverse effects. In general, it is recommended to have an appropriate amount of intake that are mild in nature and suitable for all body types, such as rice, carrots, corn, potatoes, and pork.
When it comes to turmeric, it has been labeled as a "superfood", and it can relieve inflammation and improve body immunity . It is warm in nature in Chinese medicine theory and has the effect of promoting qi and activating blood circulation. Excessive consumption can lead to symptoms such as canker sores, constipation, pimple and sore throat. It is especially not suitable for those with heat-related body types. Just because it is a "superfood" does not mean that it is suitable to consume all the time. Another example is beetroot. Many women mistakenly believe that eating this red ingredient can replenish blood and qi. In reality beetroot has the effect of promoting blood circulation. If those with asthenic qi and blood eat too much, the body ends up exhausting qi and blood causing dizziness symptoms. Many people have heard that the fish maw can nourish body and improve skin quality. But if you eat too much, it may lead to phlegm and indigestion symptoms. It is important not to generalize whether an ingredient is healthy or not, but rather you should be familiar with your own body condition. Choose ingredients according to your body type, understand the natures and effects of what you are consuming to achieve a good diet and strengthen health.
羽衣甘藍屬性 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
(T:註冊營養師 @tsheknutrition Tiffany Shek,C:註冊中醫師Cinci EC)
T:目前為止, Superfood「超級食物」一詞並沒有科學定義,但坊間一般用來形容含豐富營養素的天然食材,是讓人更容易達到我們每天所需要各種營養的食物 (想知道我們一天應該吃到的那種營養及份量,可以參考膳食營養素參考攝入量- Dietary Reference Intakes)。常常被視為「超級食物」的食物包括奇亞籽、藜麥、杞子、羽衣甘藍等。
其實食物不應該被輕易標籤為好或不好、「超級」或「普通」。實踐均衡飲食,進食不同種類的食物、不同顏色的蔬果 – 這才是真正的Super Diet!單單食用「超級食物」其實並不能達到一天所需的營養。
C:中醫理論還是認為食材屬性及功效要與體質相配合才能有效養生,否則吃再多也無濟於事,甚至弄巧反拙。 一般而言,會建議適量食用屬性平和、適合任何體質人士食用的食材,例如米飯、紅蘿蔔、粟米、薯仔、豬肉等。
Are all superfoods good?
(T: Tiffany Shek, Registered Dietitian, C: Cinci EC, Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner)
T: The term "superfood" is generally used to label a food item that is rich in certain nutrients (even when small amounts are consumed). However, there is currently no scientific consensus as to what a "superfood" is. Items routinely regarded as a "superfood" include chia seeds, quinoa, goji berries and kale.
The lack of consensus on what “superfood” is allows one to label any food or product with the label of "superfood", especially in stores or restaurants for marketing purposes. Such sales strategy may be misleading to consumers. For example, coconut oil is often labelled as a "superfood" across retail stores, however it is high in saturated fat, which is associated to increase LDL-cholesterol levels subsequently increasing risk in cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Therefore, consumers ought to be cautious about food described as “superfood”. At the end of the day there is no “good” or “bad”food, one should focus on his/her whole diet. The consumption of “superfoods ”alone may not allow us to achieve our daily nutritional requirements. Embarking on a healthy lifestyle, incorporating a variety of whole foods, focusing on a wide array of fruits and vegetables, however, would result in a "super" diet!
C: Chinese medicine theory believes that the natures and healing effects of food should be complement the body type in order to effectively maintain health. Simply eating more of something may not only achieve nothing, but potentially lead to adverse effects. In general, it is recommended to have an appropriate amount of intake that are mild in nature and suitable for all body types, such as rice, carrots, corn, potatoes, and pork.
When it comes to turmeric, it has been labeled as a "superfood", and it can relieve inflammation and improve body immunity . It is warm in nature in Chinese medicine theory and has the effect of promoting qi and activating blood circulation. Excessive consumption can lead to symptoms such as canker sores, constipation, pimple and sore throat. It is especially not suitable for those with heat-related body types. Just because it is a "superfood" does not mean that it is suitable to consume all the time. Another example is beetroot. Many women mistakenly believe that eating this red ingredient can replenish blood and qi. In reality beetroot has the effect of promoting blood circulation. If those with asthenic qi and blood eat too much, the body ends up exhausting qi and blood causing dizziness symptoms. Many people have heard that the fish maw can nourish body and improve skin quality. But if you eat too much, it may lead to phlegm and indigestion symptoms. It is important not to generalize whether an ingredient is healthy or not, but rather you should be familiar with your own body condition. Choose ingredients according to your body type, understand the natures and effects of what you are consuming to achieve a good diet and strengthen health.