When Stanford University opened its doors in 1891, the first student to en- roll was Herbert Hoover, who later became president of the United States.
當史丹佛大學於 1891 年開放招生時,首位登記入學的學生就是 爾後當選美國總統的赫伯特胡佛。
Right from the start, Stanford was a coeducational school—which was rare at the time—with a liberal arts curriculum.
During the 1940s and ’50s, Frederick Terman, Stanford’s dean of engineering,encouraged graduatesto start their own businesses, and the resultingtech companies—like Hewlett-Packard—transformed Santa ClaraValley into Silicon Valley.
在 1940 和 1950 年代之間,史丹佛工程學院院長佛德瑞克特曼大力提倡畢業生自行創業,而惠普等因此誕生的科技公司也將聖塔克拉拉谷打造成矽谷。
And in more recent years, Stanford alumnihave founded companies like Cisco Systems, Yahoo! and Google.