#Diepholz in #Germany's #LowerSaxony has strong ties to #Taiwan 🇹🇼 despite being over 9,000 km apart. Last year, ‘Infinite Wisdom’ by Taiwanese sculptor #KangMuxiang was displayed there, spurring the citizenry to pool funds 💰 to buy it. Former Lower Saxony construction minister, Richard Wilhelm Bitter, and Diepholz vice-mayor, Hans-Werner Schwarz, also visited Taiwan recently!
相距9,000多公里,德國 #下薩克森 邦Diepholz市,與臺灣的淵源其實很深…
去年9月🍁,臺灣鋼雕藝術家 康木祥工作室 Kang Muxiang Studio的作品在Diepholz市展出,展期結束後,當地民眾還募資買下作品🗿~ 而下薩克森邦前建設廳廳長Richard Wilhelm Bitter和Diepholz市副市長Hans-Werner Schwarz也在幾天前訪臺,「緣」💞來我們這~麼近!
Taipeh Vertretung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 駐德國臺北代表處