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Nourish the spleen and yin to moisten the lips
The autumn wind causes the skin to remain dry constantly. The lips do not have sweat glands and sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands as protection, and do not have the stratum corneum to prevent water loss. Therefore, our lips tend to be fragile during the dry weather, and they would peel easily, become swollen, and sometimes even bleed.
Many people rely on lip balm but its moisturizing effect is not always long lasting. Why is that? From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, “Lips are the windows to the spleen, and essence are in the lips”. If the spleen does not function well, the lips will not stay hydrated, and the accumulated heat in the spleen and stomach may cause the dry lips to crack.
In order to keep the lips luscious and plump, we need to strengthen the spleen by eating more white rice, Chinese yam, gorgon nut (‘qian shi’), lotus seed, potato and sweet potato. Drink rice water daily, and avoid eating hot, spicy, raw and cold food, ad hot and spicy food will exhaust the body fluid and the qi, whereas raw and cold food can obstruct the spleen’s and stomach’s function in regulating the circulatory system.
Individuals with yin deficiency will easily develop dry lips, thus they should sleep and wake up early; and avoid sleeping late. Consume an appropriate amount of honey, lily, fig fruit, snow fungus, American ginseng and dwarf lilyturf roots (‘mai dong’), as they can help moisten the dryness and nourish the yin. If need be, apply lips mask, as it can help lock in the moisture, relieve dryness on the lips to prevent it from developing cracks.
Easy lips masks to lock in the moisture
Ingredients: An appropriate amount of Vaseline, a small piece of plastic wrap, a warm towel
Method: Apply a thick coat of Vaseline on the lips; cover the lips with a plastic wrap first, followed by a warm towel. 10 minutes later, wipe off the Vaseline from the lips.
American ginseng and radix ophiopogonis tea
Effects: nourishes yin and clears asthenic heat, alleviates thirst. Relieve symptoms caused by frequent late nights, dry mouth and dry lips.
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of American ginseng, 1 tablespoon of radix ophiopogonis, honey
Preparation: Place all ingredients into thermos and rinse with hot water once. Add in hot water and steep for 5 minutes until aroma develops. Add honey to taste when the tea cool down. This tea can be re-browed until flavour weakens.
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#男 #女 #我枯燥 #陰虛
花旗參蓮子百合湯 在 Katie kitchen。katie world。 Facebook 的最佳解答
周二 大家好呢 繼續努力抗疫 不要鬆懈 雖然確診個案有回落 但得來不易 減少社交 保持個人衛生📣📣
上週立秋後 雖然仍是新曆8月 天氣炎熱 但也要好好保重身體 我自己很像婆仔 喜歡中藥調理身體 也喜歡湯水 保持健康活力才是最大財富❣️
夏天多煲時令滾湯 秋冬才多點老火湯水 搬屋前很勤力煲湯 將雪櫃和櫃中的藥材吃完 夏天也很少用海味 所以未添置
上星期一口氣點算家中儲備才跑到海味店入貨 大家也知道我不太喜歡買太多不同醬料 擔心浪費 家中有的醬料必定是常常會煮才入手 正如買海味一樣 圖中的也是出場次數很多 常常用的 加上也會和媽媽奶奶開心share
我煲的湯水也不複雜 以下的材料也是很好的配搭 如果新手二人前煲湯 也可以作參考
基本上蓮子、百合、無花果一組 可養心安神,圓肉、杞子也是一組一起配 養血明目補肝,紅棗、南棗及蜜棗可以做「三棗茶」女士經後可以補氣補血,滋養肝腎
青邊鮑魚也很好配搭呢 具滋蔭清熱之效 煲雞湯 加花膠、蟲草花 一次我加2隻 我和老公 每人一隻
金絲蜜棗也是港式家常例湯必備的 只是簡單青紅蘿蔔湯 粟米佛手瓜等也可以加
無花果在春季和秋季就大派用場呢 潤肺健胃 蘋果雪梨🍐無花果南北杏 加雪耳 夠滋潤又簡單 素湯必備
今次買了黃耳及桃膠 桃膠含有豐富植物膠原蛋白 上星期試了外賣雪燕桃膠牛奶 老公大讚 哈哈 老婆我也自家做桃膠牛奶 比街賣還要便宜呢 咔咔
花菇又是煲湯或秋冬炆煮必備 大家也知道我愛炆冬菇海參/花膠呢
至於有些海味或藥材未必常煲 我也會在海味店買湯包 例如沙參肉竹/花旗參/日月魚/
以下有數款簡單湯水/糖水食譜重温 希望大家喜歡💕齊齊靚靚過秋冬😇👏🏼👏🏼
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花旗參蓮子百合湯 在 楊桃成熟時 Facebook 的最佳貼文
#無味精 #超級足料 #多款時令湯水 #仲有滋潤糖水
卒之俾我搵到個超滿意嘅外賣湯 湯直送 365soup App,今日落單聽日就有新鮮煲好嘅靚湯直送府上‼️ 每盅燉湯都用上3~4小時燉,絕對落足心機同火喉,俾到你煮家飯嘅感覺♥而且仲會以人手撇油,減少油脂,飲得更健康👍佢地仲好貼心咁準備左鹽包俾大家,可以按個人口味調味
即刻介紹下我今次嘅Order,當中最矚目嘅當然係有成隻手掌咁大嘅 #花膠燉雞,宜家仲做緊優惠,只係$128,就食到原隻花膠、乾瑤柱、去皮雞、一字排😍材料超足,湯仲好鮮味😛
另外一樣想介紹嘅係 #胡椒豬肚湯,胡椒味濃,最緊要係豬肚清洗得好乾淨,冇果陣臭豬味,大大碗都只係$58😋
另外仲叫左呢幾款$58嘅湯水 #花旗參淮山燉去皮雞 #粟米栗子燉去皮雞 #椰皇燉去皮雞,我今次專登叫埋屋企人試,個個都話好清甜,雞湯仲唔油膩,最緊要係飲完唔會口渴🥰因為佢地嘅湯水係不加味精、調味及防腐劑
另外我地仲叫左糖水,#桂圓紅棗芋圓燉海底椰 #木瓜雪耳冰糖燉雪梨 #蓮子百合燉桃膠 ,款款都清甜又滋潤,雖然嚟果陣係熱嘅,但我地攤凍左就放入雪櫃,晚上放完狗番嚟食岩岩好,透心涼❤
宜家買滿$200就可全港直送 (訂單需提前預訂),新註冊額外送$30迎新積分!(即係你課多$15就可以食糖水😍)
#365soup #湯直送 #原盅燉湯 #24小時配送服務 #全港直送