中國豪車消費力有多驚人,2018年全球賣了4107輛、中國佔20%、美國30%、中東15%,所以當庫里南出了black badge版,當然要到亞洲,而這場記者會也出乎我意料的,來了車主,盛裝打扮之外、手拿各大牌mini包,只能說,不只車好看、現場看點真的超多呀~只可惜礙於隱私,我們被要求儘量不要拍車主..
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars sold 4107 cars worldwide, which delivered 20% to China, 30% to USA, 15% to Middle East, and the performance in China has made itself the most promising market and the RR CEO it as a very pleasing performance. So, when Cullinan launches the Black Badge version, the luxury brand wouldn't miss China. In the PC, except Cullinan, it was also a mini gala, evening gowns, luxury bags, you named it. But due to the privacy issue, most of them were excluded from my story.
#RollsRoyce #Cullinan #BlackBadge