2020參與的 #釜山雙年展 Busan Biennale, 與哥倫比亞作家 #AndrésFelipeSolano 合作的聲音故事作品《We’ll All End Up Rocks in a Lake》延長展出至7/31. 在美國芝加哥大學的Logan Center南口的位置。感謝Graycenter把這項聲音作品放在花叢間真開心🧚🏻♀️✨ (高人指點是:俄羅斯鼠尾草Perovskia atriplicifolia)
Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry @graycenter : (Sound on) It’s a beautiful morning at the south entrance of Logan Center for the Arts listening to Meuko! Meuko’s track created for the 2020 Busan Biennale inspired by Andrés Felipe Solano’s story “We’ll All End Up Rocks In A Lake” (which was also commissioned for the biennale.)
The Busan Biennale: The Chicago Chapter’s 11 Musicians for 11 Writers Outside has been extended through July 31st. It is free and open to the public everyday !
Co-presented with the Busan Biennale, Kunsthal Aarhus, the University of Chicago’s Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry and the Center for East Asian Studies, and Empty Bottle Presents. @busanbiennale @loganuchicago @uchicagoarts @kunsthalaarhus @emptybottle @porksaladpress @seolhui.dorland @scristello #busanbiennale
2020年參與的 #釜山雙年展 Busan Biennale : Words at an Exhibition 《열 장의 이야기와 다섯 편의 시》,由Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry策劃,5/22 - 6/14 在美國芝加哥大學的戶外Logan Center展出。
The Busan Biennale : The Chicago Chapter presents: 11 Musicians for 11 Writers Outside at the University of Chicago's Logan Center for the Arts, May 22- June 14th, 2021.
~ Eleven musicians create discrete sound works responding to eleven texts~
Free and open daily.
Featuring original musical compositions from the 2020 Busan Biennale by Odæri, Say Sue Me, Kim Ildu, Choi Taehyun, Elias Bender Rønnenfelt, J-Tong and JinHah, Søren Kjærgaard, Astrid Sonne, 食品まつり a.k.a FOODMAN, Meuko! Meuko!, and a video work by Kim Gordon.
After premiering their first stanza on March 5 with a virtual conversation featuring artists Kim Gordon and Kim Heecheon, followed by the second stanza, a live-stream concert by Busan-based rock band Say Sue Me, the Busan Biennale: The Chicago Chapter presents 11 Musicians for 11 Writers Outside at the Logan Center for the Arts, an in-person series of eleven discrete sound works installed at the University of Chicago Logan Center for the Arts.
Displaced from its original site at the Busan Biennale, The Chicago Chapter brings eleven sound works to the Logan Center for the Arts to be enjoyed as one ambulates the grounds. Each musical piece was created in response to the city of Busan and commissioned text by authors also included in the biennale. 11 Musicians for 11 Writers Outside a hymnal of exchange between the two cities.
The Busan Biennale: Words at an Exhibition 《열 장의 이야기와 다섯 편의 시》 an exhibition in ten chapters and five poems was conceptualized and curated by Jacob Fabricius. The Chicago Chapter is organized by Stephanie Cristello, Curatorial Advisor to the 2020 Busan Biennale and the University of Chicago’s Richard and Mary L. Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry’s Zachary Cahill and Mike Schuh.
Presented by the Richard and Mary L. Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry at the University of Chicago, Busan Biennale, Kunsthal Aarhus, the Center for East Asian Studies, and The Empty Bottle. @busanbiennale @emptybottle KUNSTHAL AARHUS , UChicago Arts @ihouse_chicago @uchicagomusic @dova_uchi @porksaladpress @scristello 303 Gallery
Thank you for all the support this year 🙏🤍 感謝與回顧2020,明年依然要保持體力勇往直前。
2020 回顧演出/展覽: 28 Jan, 柏林 Berlin (CTM) - transmediale - festival for art and digital culture berlin 開幕演出 Opening - Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW Museum) - Live A/V
07 Feb, 曼徹斯特 Manchester - Transmute - The WHITE HOTEL presents - Live with Acre
08 Feb, 佛羅倫斯 Florence - Disco_nnect music - Sala Vani - Live A/V
13 Feb, 維也納 Vienna - fluc + fluc wanne - Live
15 Feb, 倫敦 London - The Glove That Fits - Live with AYA
20 Feb, 馬德里 Madrid - N01SE global N1GHTN01SE - Sala el Sol - Live A/V
21 Feb, 巴賽隆那 Barcelona - DAYN01SE - Sala Apolo - Live A/V with Bala Club, SWAN MEAT
22 Feb, 阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam - Sonic Acts - Paradiso Amsterdam - Live A/V
9 May - 11 Aug, 釜山雙年展 Busan Biennale Soundscape - We`ll All End up Rocks in a Lake (Words at an Exhibition - an exhibition in ten chapters and five poems)
24 Sep, 西班牙 L.E.V. Festival , Planet LEV Online Project , Gijón/Madrid
17 Oct, 台灣美術雙年展 Taiwan Biennial Opening 開幕演出 - National Taiwan Museum Of Fine Arts, Live A/V
釜山雙年展 在 2020釜山雙年展9/5-11/8盛大登場... - 當代藝術新聞Cans ... 的推薦與評價
兩年一約的釜山雙年展(Busan Biennale)將於9月重新席捲而來,大會於今(5/28)日公布了雙年展確切的日期,展覽將於9月5日起跑,一路展至11月8日。本屆雙年展由現任 ... ... <看更多>