『光療儀』: 利用發光二極體發射出醫療用紅光、藍光、黃光。紅光(660nm)可促進傷口癒合,藍光(415nm)可治療青春痘,黃光(590nm)可促進膠原蛋白增生;
『光面膜』: 利用特定頻率光源,深度活化纖維母細胞,促進膠原蛋白增生撫平惱人細紋。加速傷口復原,修護受損肌膚。活化角質,改善臉部暗沉不均。」
「『LED Bio-Light』: The medical use of red light, blue light, yellow light is emitted by the light emitting diode. Red light (660nm) promotes wound healing, blue light (415nm) can treat acne, and yellow light (at 590nm) promotes collagen proliferation;
『LED Mask』: To use the specific frequency light source, to the depth of activation of fibroblasts and to promote collagen hyperplasia smooth annoying fine lines. To be able to accelerate wound recovery and repair damaged skin. To activate the horny and to improve the face of the uneven phenomenon.」
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2021探索館展品介紹 在 竹科大小事 Facebook 的精選貼文
國璽成功整合幹細胞儲存、檢驗以及新藥開發之幹細胞產業鏈,並成功推動三款新藥進入第二及一/二期臨床試驗,包含:治療肝硬化的清肝淨 (GXHPC1)、治療腦中風的思益優 (GXNPC1) 以及治療膝骨關節炎的軟實立 (GXCPC1)。」
「Gwo Xi not only integrated the stem cell industry chain of stem cell storage, testing and new drug development, but also applied three new drugs into phase II and I/II clinical trials successfully, including GXHPC1 for liver cirrhosis, GXNPC1 for stroke and GXCPC1 for osteoarthritis.」
➡本館位置:30078新竹市科技五路1號 (竹科管理局後方黃色馬賽克建築物)
➡導覽相關問題請洽:03-5773311 ext.1720,1721
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2021探索館展品介紹 在 竹科大小事 Facebook 的精選貼文
「羅技電子/G913 LIGHTSPEED無線RGB機械式遊戲鍵盤⌨️:
G913 TKL 具有突破性的設計和工藝,配備LIGHTSPEED 專業等級無線技術、與時並進的 LIGHTSYNC RGB 技術、以及高效能低平機械鍵軸。G913 TKL 採用航空等級鋁合金製成,兼具超薄的美型外觀與堅固耐用的設計。輕、薄、精巧便攜,G913 TKL 帶您玩轉遊戲新時代。」
「G915 TKL is a feat of engineering and design. It’s incredibly refined, impossibly thin, and built with a no-compromises commitment to performance and feature set. Durable, comfortable, and ready for intense gaming sessions, G915 TKL is truly the next generation of gaming mechanical keyboards.」
➡本館位置:30078新竹市科技五路1號 (竹科管理局後方黃色馬賽克建築物)
➡導覽相關問題請洽:03-5773311 ext.1720,1721
➡導覽預約專線請洽:03-5773311 ext.2222~2224
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科學園區 探索館 線上導覽中文版. 202 views Jul 28, 2021 … ...more ...more. Chapters. View all. 新竹科學園區 探索館. 0:05 · 探索館 的歷史. 0:14 ... ... <看更多>