I’m finally out! Not too happy to celebrate yet, more like i’m living with more contentment and appreciation for life now. 21 days #hotelquarantine has been a lot of time for silence, self-reflection, and self-care. Mostly learning how to take good care of myself, my mind and my body. Maybe it’s okay to feel upset sometimes, lonely at times, unproductive/productive at other times. It’s okay to take small baby steps to get where you want to be, my mom kept telling me. #thxmom❤️
Especially on the third week of hotel quarantine, the feelings really got to me, I brokedown in tears. Once in the morning, second time during my meditation practice. It didn’t feel good at the time but it was a good release. Onto the last week, feeling bad doesn’t change anything in my situation so all I could do was learn to accept, understand those emotions and just let it go. I know that all of you, every one of you have been coping with these 2 years of covid differently, some have lost their jobs, some lost their loved ones, and others just got to do what they can to survive. I have watched enough youtube videos since Day 1 to know, i want to say I understand, I sympathize with you. We are all just doing what we can.
Your stories inspire me to become more positive and grateful for my own situation. That’s the reason I could pick myself back up mentally and physically. #21dayscompleted
I’m glad to say I overcame my fears of the dark, unknown unseeable things, loneliness, restlessness, germs and covid. I’m eating a lot healthier and clean. I also can’t believe i did 6 pcr exams this time coming back from Taiwan🥲👌🏻 We can only do as much as we can and be conscious of what choices we are making. Take care of your loved ones, your family and friends will always be there for you. We are all in this together. From now on, do what’s truly important to you, and don’t be afraid of change, just follow your heart❤️💕💕 #thankyouforallthesupport #thankyouforalltheloveandmessages #youareallamazing #addoileveryone #ihopethiscovidwillbeoversoon #iambackinhongkong #takingalastglimpseofmyhotelroom #congratstome #timetolivemore #ineedtogetsomefreshair #gettingvaccinatedsoon
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