💀Anatomy and Integration in Yoga
“In both cases, the prana and fascia provide the link between our inner life of consciousness, emotion, and intention, and our well-being in the body—both physical health and spiritual progress.” Doug Keller
從第一段的Prana body and Fascia出發,建構了筋膜的概念與瑜伽的結合。
第二段的Bandhas and Sacral Stability帶到骨盆,討論微妙的薦椎跟骨盆的相對動作跟瑜伽體位法的關係,以及在刻意或不經意帶有軀幹旋轉的體位法中要如何維持健康的薦髂關節,這個部分跟David Keli或Jason Crandell也是不謀而合。
第三段的Healthy Knees,我覺得是最精彩的。
有興趣上的朋友可以去Yoga International找課程,上過的也是可以跟我討論喔。
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3 bandhas in yoga 在 Ken's Yoga Life 阿肯師的瑜伽隨記 Facebook 的最佳解答
Yoga Mudra/Padmasana/Utpluthi (sped up multiple times). If Sarvangasana and Sirshasana are the Queen 👸🏽 and King 👑respectively, then this is the crown jewel 💎, and many would argue that the whole point of doing such intensive asana practice is to prepare the bodymind for a sitting practice.
Yogamudrasana (if you can get into the full position) is a great pose for feeling the actions of the lower abdomen (as the heels are pressing in here) and the pelvic floor while breathing, as well as stretching the throat.
Then we sit up in Padmasana (or any cross legged position). The good thing about speeding this video up is that it makes the actions of the breath very obvious. What I'm doing here is what I called "Empowered Thoracic Breathing", a term I borrowed from David Coulter's classic book, "Anatomy of Hatha Yoga". Empowered, because in general, shallow Thoracic breathing is associated with the fight or flight response which is not healthy when done continuously. This, however feels amazing and is necessary in order to activate all the bandhas while doing more extensive pranayama practice.
In guided classes we stay for 10 breaths here, but that is more to do with a limited time factor. There's no reason why you cannot stay for 25-50 or more breaths here.
A welcome addition to the practice in recent years has been what Sharath calls, "Anuloma Viloma - though it differs from other traditions". The technique is to inhale 3-5 times through the left nostril and out the right. Then repeat through the right and out the left.
Is this Pranayama? Not according to this tradition. The same is true of the type of breathing used throughout - is it Ujjayi - not by definition in this tradition. It is free Breathing with sound. Is that the same as what all other traditions call Ujjayi? I believe so. Why the difference then? In Ashtanga Ujjayi Pranayama involves kumbhaka (breath retention), something not done during the asana practice as taught by Pattabhi Jois.
As for where this Anuloma Viloma should be done I've seen Sharath do it in different places over the last few years - sometimes after Utpluthi, sometimes before. Tomorrow I'll talk about Utpluthi in more detail.