Sending 💜🌈🤗 out to my fellow Anak Seni who are suffering without working since last year. This is such a crazy time for our industry, but please know this. WE ALL BLEED THE SAME. And we’re all in this together.
Detik hitam ini bakal jadi sejarah yang kita pernah lalui bersama. As Anak Seni, we will always remember the emotions, the tears and struggles. But out of this pain and hardship, creativity, art and MAGIC will happen. And there will be so many stories, shared experiences that our audiences will relate to. Our audiences who have missed the emotional shared experience with a community in a theatre. Who long for that magical moment of connection between the actors on stage and the audience. And we will see a huge creative resurgence.
Pada #AnakSeni yang perlukan bantuan pada waktu ini, sila gunakan post ini untuk minta bantuan. Call for help kat Tak ada istilah malu atau segan okay, ini soal SURVIVAL. Insyaallah, akan ada insan2 baik hati yang sudi bantu.
Stay strong Anak Seni... We’ll see each other on the other side, when things get better. ✊🏼💜
#ApaKhabarAnakSeni #KitaJagaKita
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Assalamualaikum sahabat semua, walaupun kita sedang diuji dengan ujian yang besar, semoga Allah kuatkan iman kita, tabahkan hati kita, elakkan rasa putus asa dalam hidup, di murahkan rezeki dan sentiasa dalam keadaan baik dan sentiasa di lindungi Allah. Aamin
Luaran kita nampak ok, tapi dalaman hanya Allah Maha MengetahuiNya.
Terpaksa nampak ok untuk teruskan perjuangan dalam hidup sementara ini.
Senyum selalu
Selalu bersangka baik
InsyaAllah hati tenang
#adamcorrie #anakseni #artiscinamalaysia
anakseni 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
My beloved fellow Anak Seni, please know this. WE ALL BLEED THE SAME. And we’re all in this together.
Detik hitam ini bakal jadi sejarah yang kita pernah lalui bersama. As Anak Seni, we will always remember the emotions, the tears and struggles. But out of this pain and hardship, creativity, art and MAGIC will happen. And there will be so many stories, shared experiences that our audiences will relate to. Our audiences who have missed the emotional shared experience with a community in a theatre. Who long for that magical moment of connection between the actors on stage and the audience. And we will see a huge creative resurgence.
Pada #AnakSeni yang perlukan bantuan pada waktu ini, sila gunakan post ini untuk minta bantuan. Tak ada istilah malu atau segan, only SURVIVAL. Insyaallah, akan ada insan2 baik hati yang sudi bantu. Stay strong... We’ll see each other on the other side, when things get better. ✊🏼💜