原本這一篇由於是著重於介紹chicken fried steak和日本的炸豬排,所以沒有對「Wiener Schnitzel 」著墨太多,但是因為看到這個書摘下面有網友留言說『Wiener Schnitzel 多半是炸「豬排」!』,所以在這裡說明一下,補充書中沒提到的一些細節。事實上,奧地利與德國食物協會是有明文規定「Wiener Schnitzel 」是只能使用小牛肉的。“Wiener Schnitzel Fun Facts” (https://mobile-cuisine.com/did-…/wiener-schnitzel-fun-facts/)一文中就有指出,這道料理「有種很受歡迎的變種是用豬肉取代小牛肉,因為豬肉比小牛肉便宜(通常只有一半的價格)。
而為了避免兩者混為一談,奧地利與德國食物協會一直以來就判定「Wiener Schnitzel 」必須是小牛肉做的。」(原文: “A popular variation is made with pork instead of veal, because pork is cheaper than veal (usually about half the price). To avoid mixing up different products, the Austrian and German food committees have decided that a “Wiener Schnitzel” must be made of veal.”
而“The Wiener Schnitzel | FIGLMÜLLER” (https://figlmueller.at/en/the-wiener-schnitzel/) 一文則提到,「然而,歷史研究迄今都顯示,維也納人曾有著把所有東西都早早炸好的喜好。如果存貨夠的話,你可以裹上麵包粉用各種方式炸像是雞或是小牛肉這些主餐。所以義大利的朋友們,要讓你們失望了。因為小牛肉的確最早是在維也納來炸的」(原文: “However, historical research has shown that the Viennese had an affection for all things fried much earlier. If your coffers were stocked then you could bread and fry all manner of mainstays like chicken and veal, or everything else from head to toe. So sorry to disappoint you, dear Italians, but veal was indeed first fried in Vienna.” )
“The history of Wiener Schnitzels and why we love a good Schnitzelfest so much” (http://www.schnitzelfestnh.org/history-of-wiener-schnitzel/) 一文則是這麼說的:「schnitzel這個名稱的意思是源自於奧地利的首都維也納。事實上, 「Wiener Schnitzel 」一詞已被奧地利的法律保護並且被登記為註冊商標,並且要求只有用小牛肉做的才能夠被稱之為「Schnitzel 」。(原文: “The name means a schnitzel originating from the capital of Austria – Vienna. In fact, the term “Wiener Schnitzel” is trademarked and protected by Austrian laws which require that a dish can be called “schnitzel” only if it is made of veal.”)
很多台灣客人覺得牛排用炸的感覺怪怪?!如此一說實在對奧地利人相當失禮,因為 Chicken Fried Steak 的原型正是奧地利的國菜「維也納炸牛排」(Wiener Schnitzel)。
而為人熟知的日本洋食炸豬排,日本料理研究家岡田哲寫在《明治洋食事始》 提到:日式炸豬排與世界上其他豬排料理的最大不同,在於使用厚切豬里脊肉。油炸如此厚的肉片讓熱氣透到中心,是項不簡單的技術,對外國廚師而言,即使模仿也無法做得如此巧妙...。
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