你們在此花我們納稅人的錢提供庇護所給你們,不用冒著生命危險飛回去英國被感染新冠病毒,拜託知道要感恩了啦!你們知道英國政府連自己的子民都不會為他們如此付出了,更別說是對台灣人了!所以拜託閉上你的@#看%# !然後 BBC 中文網(繁體) 你們有特派記者在台灣,居然連查證都沒有就可以播出這種垃圾? 真是欺人太甚!原來你們才是製造假新聞帶風向的高手!
You are here using our taxpayer's money to shelter yourself so you don't have to risk your asses to fly back to UK and get infected with Corona virus, please be grateful and you know damn well your frgging government won't even do that for their own citizens and for sure won't do it for any Taiwanese so shut the Fxck up! And to you BBC News you have correspondents here, did you even ask them to go and do some fact check before you reported this rubbish? #BBCNewsFakeNewsProvider #不識相的垃圾台灣不歡迎 #那個渣男你們澳洲的隔離所才是監獄 #BBC亂報一點也不奇怪