#Repost @brideandbreakfasthk
我們本期的封面故事名為《香港頌》,她新舊共融,如斯獨特,我們想要歌頌對這個城市的愛。立即預訂新一期 B Magazine 3,將免運費送至府上,按連結了解更多
Our cover story celebrates everything we love about Hong Kong, with a vision “to make every frame a narrative of Hong Kong’s unique blend of historical culture and modernity.” Pre-order #BMagIssue3 now. Link in bio.
Photography @lauhaus.co
Videography @journalbookweddings
Floral Design @prefaceflower
Background Production @wedding.hashtag
Dresses @thewedgenie
Accessories @courbeginning
Model Christy Lai 黎紀君
Hair @sky_wong
Makeup @beckykmakeup
Location @theaisle.work
Creative Direction & Props @brideandbreakfasthk